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Forums / Questions and Answers / Changing race

Changing race
15:46:09 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Vanlerberghe:

Hi, it's been a while since I played VU. And when I signed in to play it. I accidently selected the human race to start with. But I want to change this to dwarf. Is there any possibility of changing this?


16:06:32 Jun 15th 12 - Pure (Mr. Ineedanewname):

You would have to restart

20:47:59 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Vanlerberghe:

how can I restart?

01:09:52 Jun 16th 12 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Envy):

destroy all your cities release your troops into a city and wait until it kills you if your in protection other wise go to settings and there should be a restart option you can pick

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