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Forums / Questions and Answers / City morale

City morale
11:48:07 Oct 21st 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

How does the morale of a city effect the armies inside that city?

13:01:45 Oct 21st 18 - Captain Velenus:

Armies should be unaffected I think.

Otherwise there would be no point to having their morale increase from taverns while the city's decreases.

14:54:17 Oct 21st 18 - Queen Zephyros:

If you make a new army in a city, it takes the city's morale. 

Also, taverns increase city morale. 

19:32:56 Oct 21st 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Every 5% down from 100%, your army will get penalties. 

Armies living in the city (inside houses), will have the morale of the city.

The morale from an army that is camping the city (you are paying upkeep) will increase if there are taverns in the city.

19:44:12 Oct 21st 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

Thanks guys :)

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