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Forums / Questions and Answers / Freeze a city

Freeze a city
00:57:10 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

If you cast freeze on a city, what happens?

02:00:18 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Yuan Shu:

stops production of building and troops being trained, but only for those numbers. Once building or training more troops, that set is not frozen.

19:13:46 Jun 16th 16 - Cao Cao (Lord Cao Cao):

Unrelated, but also magic question: if you cast Magic Weapons on a city, do the armies in that city get the benefit as well?

19:18:15 Jun 16th 16 - Princess Aisha:

I doubt it, I would say only guard towers would get the magic weapons for defense...

19:29:05 Jun 16th 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

Not sure. If you happiness a city, if the caster has units on the city, they gain morale but other kd mates do not. So MW may work the same way.

Other than that, I agree with Aisha that its doubtful (though Im pretty sure the pez dp would also get the gain)

15:53:18 Jul 13th 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Teacher):

13:13:46 Jun 16th 16 - Cao Cao (Lord Cao Cao):

Unrelated, but also magic question: if you cast Magic Weapons on a city, do the armies in that city get the benefit as well?

^ city's owner's troops in houses get MW for defensive purposes. troops in armies within city (city owner or not) are not affected

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