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Forums / Questions and Answers / Hide army under scout

Hide army under scout
22:04:11 May 9th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

When you want to hide army under scouts, how do you do that?  First move main army and then scouts?

Is there a trick to make sure main army is under?

22:31:55 May 9th 15 - Bran (Mr. Presumptuous Parrot):

i think its usually the last army you move that winds up on the top.

the enemy will still be able to EITS your army thought if its hiding, unless you use a lot of scouts so that the army doesnt appear on the list of EITS options when casting

04:07:19 May 10th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Unemployed):

Make 2 armies. Hover over the army. Whatever name shows is the one that will be on top for enemies (pure guess but seems logical)

17:52:42 May 10th 15 - Ms. Aishas Deleted:

As the others say you can hover over the scouts and see what appears first. Alternatively you can click your armies drop down tab and the army name closest to the bottom  will be the army that sits on top of all your other armies. I prefer using this technique in the case you have to plan out things that may turn up in a few ticks etc. (I'm not to sure if many people actually know about this, and I dont know if this works with mobile, never checked)

18:01:01 May 10th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

So I need to move my large army first snd then scouts, that way scouts end up on top? 

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