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Forums / Questions and Answers / If you prep for a long time

If you prep for a long time
09:34:53 Oct 26th 12 - Ms. Layla:

Lets say you are preparing attack on some city, takes a rl day to prep

At full prep you have 50%... 
If you are not Orc, will further prep make any difference if you are not adding troops? Will your percentage change if you prep for lets say one more rl day?
If you prep for 1 rl day more then needed, would that change the number of soldiers that will die, will they be more prepared and less of them dies?

Also, if you prep and lets say you have 95% with 2 ticks more
So at full prep you would have 100%
If you attack when not full prep, would you loose more troops then at 100% at full prep... I mean if enemy is really really week but has a huge town so prep is long, and take over will mean you loose nothing.
Would you still loose some soldiers if you attack at 95%?

09:37:10 Oct 26th 12 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

you lose more soldiers if you attack at a lower % yes.

as for your first questioin, you cant prep more than 100%. although prepping longr as an orc can help cos it lowers morale

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