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Forums / Questions and Answers / Tutorial gho do i get out

Tutorial gho do i get out
03:07:55 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Tibbullueye:


03:18:01 Aug 7th 09 - Sir Big And Tasty:

Finish it. There's a city to your north and a city to the southwest by a lake that you have to take.

04:46:12 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

Build houses and mines (1 house for ever 5 mines) use lots of BT's and train lots of your lvl 1 unit (Swordsmen, Ghosts, Gaia or Hobgoblins, [if your a halfling train Slingers]) they wont attack you, so you just need to find him and take his citys (they should be where Big and Tasty said) =D

18:52:29 Aug 7th 09 - Sir Santa:

So you out yet? :D

23:32:41 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Ninja Aburame:

nop he ISNT

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