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What is This
04:56:07 Aug 9th 13 - Mr. Paperthickk:

15:19:13 - Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Sitting Bull at Doggy Pound all across our land.

Also. In the training menu i have the option to "release troops" I have clicked it under numerous circumstances and I can not seem to find out what it does.

05:02:43 Aug 9th 13 - Zond (The Gravitation):

your army gained moral i believe is what that is. 

and u must type a number to release troops. aka make them into pez again :P

07:38:22 Aug 9th 13 - Mr. Sharpe Theme:

@zond, Actually all your cities gain a morale boost, you generally lose it the next tick though as morale cant exceed 100%.(Provided they dont have low morale in the first place)

08:01:23 Aug 9th 13 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Blight):

  • 05:56:07 Aug 9th 13 - Mr. Paperthickk:
    15:19:13 - Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Sitting Bull at Doggy Pound all across our land.

This means you took a city from the enemy, or liberated a city

So that all your troops celebrate the victory. Indeed all your cities get morale up.

16:20:52 Aug 10th 13 - Sheriff Timmur:

Release troops mages your existing non-injured troops into peasants, if you type the number you want released into the appropriate troops lot.  It is useful for getting rid of low level troops that you no longer want to maintain (like gaia spam).

Gaia return to dirt (ie: you can not create orc peasants by producing gaia).

17:20:57 Aug 10th 13 - Zond (The Gravitation):

yeah i knew it was moral boost, just didnt remember if army or city or what

18:12:23 Aug 10th 13 - Mr. Paperthickk:

Thanks all

19:48:41 Aug 10th 13 - Jondy (Beast Lord Jangsta Suu):

The "release troops" button makes your injured troops peasants.

Uh, nope

Release troops from a city. Retire Injureds from an army.


23:02:43 Aug 8th 13 - Zond (The Gravitation):

your army gained moral i believe is what that is. 


Lol, I thought you were a guide?  This can happen when you defeat an opponent who has more land than you. Typically, double the land. Although, it seems to happen when liberating cities more often from my experience. This is a morale boost to all your cities.

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