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Forums / Questions and Answers / bombard question

bombard question
05:41:22 Feb 17th 12 - Mr. Deztroyez:

As the title states, I'm wondering what it actually does now, the other threads seem to differ from one information to the other. Does it really restart the timer when it has been launched? How effective is it? Only lvl2 units can counter this? Is it even really worth using at all? o__O Give me as much info as possible about it X__X

09:14:15 Feb 17th 12 - Penguin (Clown Osama Binh Laden):

never use it. for your own good.

15:08:16 Feb 17th 12 - Mr. What What:

restart timer: yes

lvl2 in defendign city will kill some of your units is you try this attack

it is effective at destroying buildings more than killing troops

worth using? i see some use if you have a reason to destroy buildings. also you don't need  a lot of catas to perform the attack, just 1... i'm not sure if teh #cata relate to the #buildings destroyed

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