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Forums / Questions and Answers / every 100th day question

every 100th day question
22:09:53 Jan 20th 10 - Mr. Vvooiidd:

This is the first time I met with this condition.  " every 100th day".
Could this be a bug or error?

Each mine produces around 3 gold per day and 79 stone every 100th day.

22:11:03 Jan 20th 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

basically, its telling you that each mine produces 0.79 stone/day

This city must be pretty far from a mountain, no?

22:16:22 Jan 20th 10 - Mr. Vvooiidd:

I think that you may be right.   Thanks

22:21:11 Jan 20th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Yep, it's producing .79 stone a day; either low production % or far from a mtn or you have a LOT of mines :)

If you just took it from someone it might be the prod %, or they mighta built the city in a bad spot

12:23:21 Jan 21st 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

wreck 1 building and rebuild.. that's will do the trick. :)

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