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Forums / Questions and Answers / movement speed with peasants or injured

movement speed with peasants or injured
08:50:41 May 1st 16 - Sir Jon Snow II:

Does army that has peasants (but no injured soldiers) move at the same speed like army that has injured soldiers (but no peasants)? Basically asking is is better to wait for injured to heal or turn them to peasants if you are in a hurry?

17:48:13 May 1st 16 - Sir Jon Snow II:

So nobody knows?

18:39:59 May 1st 16 - Woody (Mr. Lovechild):

For quick moving troops like naz or knights,  pez and injured troops move at normal speed. annoying thing with aotd is you can retire injured, but can't move them to a city, so just gotta wait for them to die.

21:31:29 Jun 27th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

I believe pez move slightly faster then injured troops, not entirely sure though.

15:50:27 Jul 13th 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Teacher):

I think peasants and injured troops nerf the army speed at the same ratio

Source: experience only

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