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Forums / Questions and Answers / what does fog do

what does fog do
10:15:01 Jun 15th 11 - Mr. Soreno:

seriously i cant find out what it does can someone give me a 411 on it?

12:51:48 Jun 15th 11 - Mr. Fafnir:

As far as I know Fog reduces LOS from the target. though I could be wrong as I have never actually used it

13:52:46 Jun 15th 11 - VU Admin:

The city or army that has fog cast on it will lose line of sight (LOS) for the duration of the spell.

15:01:54 Jun 15th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

thanks for post delete ZeTa ^_^
i actually thought that would be a good suggestion (if it was a suggestion) for the new area spells or something atleast something to combat nazzies :P

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