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Forums / Roleplaying / how to

how to
05:18:35 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Gorthon:

hello, I am quite new to this game, but it looks very promising. I just joined and the era is almost done, so i'm guessing its a good time for me to get my basics down before the next era starts up. I  like to role play, and was wondering where do i go about actually doing it? is it on the forums here, or through messages back in forth in game? i was reading and i know it is like a letter you write up to another lord or something, but where i do it is my question. I hope to be a long time player and even though I am very new, I hope to at least look like a competent player when the next era roles around : P

05:39:51 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Dropkick:

roleplaying is done through messages in the game to another player. you can roleplay on the forums but that does not give u an RP points, if u wish to roleplay with someone i suggest Uther Pendragon or anyone with a RP title (Lord, Duke, Etc)

06:09:41 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Gorthon:

awesome, thank you for clearing that up =]

08:23:26 Apr 2nd 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

*Destroys Dropkick's ideas by appearing in all of his RPing glory*


Roleplaying points are only given through messages.  If you have the time, creativity, and imagination, you can RP on the forums.  There are a number of people who would gladly have you test out your abilities and give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism about it so that you can get better.  Ye Olde Taverne is a place where basically anything goes and your grammar can be 'hopefully' criticized by people who are not completely assholes.  In fact, I will guarentee that by threatening their lives :)

Welcome to the Roleplaying Forum.  I am known as Charley basically.  The head RPing moderator.  Most people in this forum are people I would suggest asking for extra help if you want (Demonsul, Erunion Telcontar, Jonny).

17:12:05 Apr 2nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Yeah, forget me! I don't know anything about RPing!




19:08:00 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Nope Septim don't known nothing. Not nothing, y'hear?

Welcome to the game Gorthon. Remember, in-game Roleplaying is in the form of letters/etc and will earn you nice, shiny titles. Roleplaying in this forum is just for fun.
Lots of fun...

21:06:47 Apr 2nd 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus


11:12:05 Apr 2nd 10

Yeah, forget me! I don't know anything about RPing!




Well when I wrote that post, you were busy telling me you weren't going to be on MSN for awhile <<;

23:27:01 Apr 2nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

A likely excuse! >=O

23:48:39 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Didja hear? Charley put me above Septim! *files it away under 'Things To Mock Septim With'

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