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City Sizes
16:14:50 Nov 7th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

I was unable to see the other one, so I made this one :/

Max lv1 - (first built - also a wall city) Total: 400

Max lv2 - (size after first built) Total: 6,400

Max lv3 - (square) Total: 14,400

Max lv4 - (first circle) Total: 25,600


Max lv5 (2nd circle) Total: 40,000

Max lv6 (3rd circle, first compact outer edge) Total: 57,600


Max lv7  Total: 78,400

Max lvl 8 Total: 90,000

Can also be found at: (Replace # with 1-8) (Replace # with 1-8)

17:26:19 Nov 7th 12 - al (Mr. Flexible):

As an addendum to that, perfect production ratios:

Lvl Max Build Homes Production
1 400 67 333
2 6400 1067 5333
3 14400 2400 12000
4 25600 4267 21333
5 40000 6667 33333
6 57600 9600 48000
7 78400 13067 65333
8 90000 15000 75000
9 (human only) 200000 33333 166667

00:45:31 Jan 3rd 13 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

I understand these tables.. However, that leaves them unprotected. Is there a table somewhere, or has someone figured out, the perfect production ration with say, 2k GTs and up?

00:51:32 Jan 3rd 13 - heroix (Mr. Davy Jones):

Well it's only simple math left to calculate production with other buildings...

homes = total_buildings / 6
mines/farms/lumbermills = homes * 5

01:18:35 Jan 3rd 13 - Dakarta (Duke Dakata):

Okay, for example:

A 25,600 city with 2,000 guard towers
3933 homes 19666 production buildings

And that'll get perfect production?

01:39:16 Jan 3rd 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Does this work for you? (Personally I don't like production towns under 25,600 in size)

Guard/Magic Towers provide work for 5 (2000=400 homes) peasants each, so they are included

Normal Production Cities

City Size:   6,400
 -   1,067 Homes
 -   3,333 Mines/Mills/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 14,400
 -   2,400 Homes
 - 10,000 Mines/Mills/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 25,600
 -   4,267 Homes
 - 19,333 Mines/Mills/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 40,000
 -   6,667 Homes
 - 31,333 Mines/Mills/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 57,600
 -   9,600 Homes
 - 46,000 Mines/Mills/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 78,400
 - 13,067 Homes
 - 63,333 Mines/Mills/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 90,000
 - 15,000 Homes
 - 73,000 Mines/Mills/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

Halflings (Farms)/Dwarves (Mines)

City Size:   6,400
 -   1,175 Homes
 -   3,225 Mines/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 14,400
 -   2,723 Homes
 -   9,677 Mines/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 25,600
 -   4,891 Homes
 - 18,709 Mines/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 40,000
 -   7,678 Homes
 - 30,322 Mines/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 57,600
 - 11,084 Homes
 - 44,516 Mines/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 78,400
 - 15,110 Homes
 - 61,290 Mines/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

City Size: 90,000
 - 17,355 Homes
 - 70,645 Mines/Farms
 -   2,000 Guard Towers

Did this quickly, so I hope these came out all right :|

02:03:35 Jan 3rd 13 - Dakarta (Duke Dakata):

Yeah, that seems to work out. Thanks.

01:56:11 Jan 4th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Thought I may as well add this since it has something to do with city sizes...

Pretty sure about this*
When placing (for example...) a 90k city, the squares from when you do ctrl + a shows if anything is in the way.

In this picture, Brook and Thunderbolt were not built with any mountains/forests/water in the way, so they will be 90k cities. Shusui on the other hand had a small bit of the square going into the water, which caused it to be a 78,400 city :[

I usually use paint to decide where I'm placing my cities at the beginning for 90kers.

22:36:21 Dec 19th 15 - AwkwardNoah (Mr. Noah Mediati II):

can you make a army size one?

20:33:43 Dec 20th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyerclause):

Thx for this btw

21:58:38 Dec 23rd 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

Yukan, the ctrl + a shows the picture size. Since a 90ker is slighly smaller than the box (especially in the corners) it is actually possible to build a 90ker if the box is overlapping terrain. Just not by enough and if you wanna be safe you should stick with the box ;)

02:55:05 Apr 16th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I use this guide far too much for it to fall off the guide pages, soooo;



20:13:12 Jun 8th 16 - Cloutier (Master Cloutier XXX):

do remember some races can get 90k if there in trees or mines

03:30:05 Dec 31st 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Heyzeus):

Max lv1 - (first built - also a wall city) Total: 400

Max lv2 - (size after first built) Total: 6,400

Max lv3 - (square) Total: 14,400

Max lv4 - (first circle) Total: 25,600

Max lv5 (2nd circle) Total: 40,000

Max lv6 (3rd circle, first compact outer edge) Total: 57,600

Max lv7  Total: 78,400

Max lvl 8 Total: 90,000

Can also be found at: (Replace # with 1-8) (Replace # with 1-8)

07:12:03 Dec 31st 16 - Strawberry (Ms. Bittersweet):

Lvl     Max Build     Homes     Production     Size Code
1        400                 67            333                 S1 (small 1) 
2        6400              1067         5333               S2 (small 2)
3       14400             2400 12000              B1 (box 1)
4       25600             4267        21333              R1 (rounded box 1)
5       40000             6667        33333              R2 (rounded box 2)
6       57600             9600        48000              C1 (circle 1)
7 78400 13067 65333 C2 (circle 2)
8 90000 15000 75000 W1 (walled 1)
9 200000 33333 166667 W2 (walled 2)

As long as you know the number of homes you need to build for a city, that is sufficient, you can make any changes or tweaks all you want, for example you want extra homes for training etc.

I came up with sort of a size code so that the sizes can easily be remembered, lets say eventhough a 90k elf city looks like an S2, its should still be called a W1 because its based on size and not appearance.

So its like "Build an R2 blocker near Disneyland", or "JLT build a C1 forward magic city", something like that.

07:14:08 Dec 31st 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Heyzeus):

Yeah, I was trying to put the images back in. Got distracted. Couldn't remember how, quit.

08:06:25 Dec 31st 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Ocro Imperor):


Max lv1 - (first built - also a wall city) Total: 400

Max lv2 - (size after first built) Total: 6,400

Max lv3 - (square) Total: 14,400

Max lv4 - (first circle) Total: 25,600

Max lv5 (2nd circle) Total: 40,000

Max lv6 (3rd circle, first compact outer edge) Total: 57,600


Max lv7  Total: 78,400


Max lvl 8 Total: 90,000


This is an edited version from JLT :) Please let me know if you still can't see these pics.

22:19:03 Sep 25th 19 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

I'm baaaaack.

Anywho.. Can someone figure out what the limit is to max out a city?

Like for a 25.6k city, at X number of buildings, I can put into motion the completion of the city. 

I think I remember for a 90k building: once 30k buildings are built, you can start the construction of 60k? So, that'd be 33%. I just want to be sure that's what it is.

22:29:40 Sep 25th 19 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp):

Yes you are remembering correctly

22:56:14 Sep 25th 19 - Percy (Sir Percy):

You can build into a city double what is currently built plus 100. You can verify this on a new city built, where with 1 GT you can build 102 buildings. So if you build a 25.6k up to 8,500 buildings, you can then land drop the last 17,100 all at once.

03:36:01 Sep 26th 19 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus LXIX):

welcome back dakarta

great to see you!

05:49:08 Sep 26th 19 - Exalted Trickster Salamon:

Dont make it more complicated then it has to be :) if you are into dropping cities, just remember build 1/3 of the max amount drop the other 2/3 later

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