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PreOOP Economic Concept
11:50:40 Jan 26th 15 - Mr. Barny:

If you understand land-drops and production curves no one will have a huge knowledge advantage over you when it comes to economy in VU.

I've covered building lots of land at once in the early-mid era (land-drop), but another important part of VU is pre-OOP building.

There are many ways to do pre-oop economy, but in general all the best strategies involve getting some amount of every production building ASAP and abusing how much production buildings produce when you have lower amounts of them.

It is very important to be active around the settle time and spending all of your money on buildings ASAP is also very important.

14:34:54 Jan 26th 15 - Mr. Barny:

Indeed, being online during the settle time is extremely important because the time it takes a building to complete construction and pay itself back is extremely low and you have to spend your starting 300k gold ASAP (and native the other resources like starting food).

Whenever I can't be there for the settle time I usually just try to salvage it by going for a build that involves a fast three cities so I can spend my gold as fast as I can. I often go for two or three 25600's (best sub-90k/200k city size for various reasons I wont get into) because they get immediate full bonus and I can build them up 1/3 of the way for a land-drop easily.

If I miss the settle time completely I just pick Halfling and bank on the idea that no one is going to be able to defend a well executed early-mid era Pony Rider all-in on day 10 even if it comes a little late.

I would never go for OOP-Orc strategies if I had a late start but that's pretty obvious.

I imagine some farming strategies are still valid with a late start but I find farming to be rather underwhelming unless you cannot be active enough to do other things or your kingdom is good enough to carry you, in which case you can get away with almost anything anyways.

21:22:31 Jun 20th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

There is also a growth/yield/production cost factor, which ways heavily into the mix. This is probably slightly more advanced, and would suggest newer players try it on lower worlds to get the best out of their race, but it goes along the lines that a 1/5 build strategy oop is going to give you a fixed growth pattern, both in building growth and population. Each building has a cost, both in cost to build and upkeep. By accelerating pess growth early, and keeping production in your oop city at 100%, you maximize yeild, as a city giving 100% production on say 14 gold 10 stone is more productive than a city with 30% production on 19 gold 11 stone. So keep productivity up by trying to get max growth out of your cities population. Each race is different again, so toy with them and tweak your city strategies so you have a 5 day oop plan, and know exactly what you are building, both in relation to your cities size, and the urgency on income/growth vs military growth.

05:56:41 Sep 18th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):


06:00:21 Sep 18th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Read the thread 

you guys are absolutely dogshit and horrible at the game

Allow me to take you back in time.

It has been 7 years since I wrote this guide.

Read the guide. 
You all fucking suck.

PreOOP Economic Concept
02:50:40 Jan 26th 15 - Mr. Barny:

If you understand land-drops and production curves no one will have a huge knowledge advantage over you when it comes to economy in VU.

I've covered building lots of land at once in the early-mid era (land-drop), but another important part of VU is pre-OOP building.

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