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Science Strategies 10
11:09:11 Jun 10th 22 - Prophet Hanky:


Basic Fighting Sciences.

Phase one

Mining 5-6

Phase two

Military 7-8

Phase three

Magic 3-5

Phase four

Mining 6-7

Phase five

Farming 5-6

Phase six

Lumber 5-6

Phase seven



Elite Fighting Sciences.

Phase one

Magic 6

Phase two

Military 6

Phase three

Military 5-6

Phase four

Farming 5-6

Phase five

Lumber 5-6

Phase six



Elf attack sciences

Phase one

Mining 3

Phase two

Magic 8

Phase three

Military 5-6

Phase four

Mining 5-6

Phase five

Farming 5-6

Phase six

Lumber 5-6

Phase 7



Elf Mage Sciences.

Phase one

Magic 9

Phase two

Military 5-6

Phase three

Mining 5-6

Phase four

Farming 5-6

Phase five

Lumber 5-6

Phase six


16:29:29 Jun 10th 22 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Raven):

Military strategy mining to 6 then military to 8?

How much time do you need to get that super expensive military? 

And medicine last even after lumber lol?
For a moment I thought all these threads were serious
But I guess a joke?

01:20:26 Jun 11th 22 - Prophet Hanky:


We’re not all pros like you

I’m a farmer alright

01:41:16 Jun 11th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Jassper):

edit: wrong thread...

04:44:09 Sep 6th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

bump I wish I read this before going 6/6/4 on Orc

20:07:06 Sep 13th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Don’t go Magic 6 first for “elite strategy”

I thought I was wrong not going mining first then magic

I tried going magic first as halter & got stuck at 200k income

01:35:35 Sep 14th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

Agreed, everyone has tried magic6 first and it hurts you more than it helps you in the long run even if your aim is for magic6

01:44:50 Sep 14th 22 - Mr. Nifengle:

the cost is good though.. especially for an orc.. tbh i always got mil mag then min.. only in the last few years when i came back to vu, did i change it around abit.. but i think 6 mag is ok for an orc cost wise... still dont like the min first strat.. though ive never really tried it.. maybe next era or a low world..

11:13:42 Sep 14th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

I think you are missing the point.

The strength of your entire KINGDOM that you RULE OVER is entirely based on EMPLOYED PEASANT COUNT

maxing you mining science lets you max your land which allows you to maximize employed peasants

Mil first then Mining isnt even good for OOP fighting

You guys need to respect Hanky more.
He is rarely ever wrong.

11:18:57 Sep 14th 22 - Mr. Nifengle:

different strategies for different players.. i understand exactly what hanky is saying i just cant seem to do it though...

00:16:29 Sep 15th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Read Hanky's guides.

People clown on Hanky but his guides in this thread are worth their weight in gold (0lbs but perhaps worth like 20 british pounds)

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