Forums / In game politics / Bootem feeding

Bootem feeding
09:59:02 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hamish:

The seams to be lots of bootem feeding going on. DOA is NAPed with Legion are FEOR fighting?

Kingdoms in Fantasia
DOA44Mr. Aligreat1490
Forget Everything and Run33Mr. Roxbury1440
Legion Under Leaving Zondervan36General Zondervan1213
Gladiators19Mr. Glad The Bloody787
Ravage Regime19Sir Levi714
Music20Lord Gilth647
Fate28Sir Feanor541
Mad and Dangerous15Mr. Aloysius386
Black Flag9Sir Horus VIII100
Guild of the Fallen13General Gokken The Evil49
Relentless5Mr. Sprout22
Havok9Mr. Plokoon10
Reservoir Dogs3Mr. Eddano Again8
Mutiny2Mr. Beelzebub0
Dasein3Mr. Tasso The Mediocre0
Skullfcuk2Mr. Heripy0
Bear Machines 4Mr. Bear Banger0
Army of Darkness4Mr. Soki0
i dno wat to rite here lol1Mr. Cain0
Phoenix2Mr. Donovan Daniels0
Undercover2Mr. Serpico0

10:13:11 Jul 7th 10 - Pirate Lewatha:


10:25:27 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hamish:

Cowardly stuff, you know... what big kingdoms do when they are cowardly... that kinda stuff.h

11:33:11 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Mielo:

build some guard towers and get a clue? :)

11:56:29 Jul 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

well if people are focusing on "bottom feeding" they might miss my DeathStar being yeah lets keep talking about this non issue :)))

11:57:41 Jul 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

and what is bootem feeding anyhow...feeding your booty?

your arse is phat sister- you been bootem feeding???

12:07:22 Jul 7th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

bootem feeding is when you have someone in your kingdom farm then boot them and take their cities.

It is a crappy way to grow imho and counter to good moral in a kingdom.

I also dont believe that DOA or LuLz would do it.  And I know RR wouldnt.


12:38:47 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hamish:

Its also when Giant kingdoms NAP each other and spend the era clearing out smaller kingdoms rather than fighting each other. Its a kind of lazy cowardice VU suffers from it a lot, more sometime than other times... Am just opening up this thread to get an idea if this era is one such were the bootem feeders are dominant.

OK bootem feeders flame away... make your selves visible...

12:44:42 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Cry a river you big baby. 

12:51:59 Jul 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

08:38:47 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hamish:

Its also when Giant kingdoms NAP each other and spend the era clearing out smaller kingdoms rather than fighting each other. Its a kind of lazy cowardice VU suffers from it a lot, more sometime than other times... Am just opening up this thread to get an idea if this era is one such were the bootem feeders are dominant.

OK bootem feeders flame away... make your selves visible...

just curious but wouldnt that be called bottom feeding not bootem feeding???

12:54:47 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hamish:

Vuggy is obversely a troll but is he a bootem feeder...

Q. 3 top kingdoms are they fighting (cant see because of LOS)

A. DOA and Zondervan aren't, what about FER?

12:58:35 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hamish:

the "em" sounds more like they like bootem... so its more telling... those who like to feed off the bootem...

Were top feeders sounds better don't you think...

13:03:10 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Damn talk about engrish. LAWL

13:03:40 Jul 7th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Part of LuLz and RR are fighting Glads
Part of LuLz and RR are fighting MAD

we have both been dancing a bit with Music

We have had a few skirmishes with Fear also.  (dont know who else Fear is fighting)
I would not call Glads, MAD or Music the bottom. 

14:04:02 Jul 7th 10 - Lady Cao The Kozachoker:

Hard going Hamish.  what we see is players getting beat in one kingdom then joining another.  i'd call that bottom recruiting.  right LULZ?

14:20:14 Jul 7th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

It is hard going. We've been attacked by all 3 top (DOA, FEAR, LULZ) kingdoms.


Glads, where you at, want a piece of me?

14:28:05 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Nickus of Starta:

Top left corner horus.

14:47:28 Jul 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

everyone run!! my man jack daniels sent 5k knights to take a city from BF and i sent 3k riders and now we are bootem feeders and get blamed for other stuff!! woot, go get them JD!!! Kill them all with only 5k!!!!!!!!!

Gotta love this game, i swear, the people on it really need to grow up or open their eyes. Its a war game.

Lulz is fighting, Glads, MAD, Music. So I highly doubt they are small kds. If you havent noticed they are doing extremely well for their size.

@ Lady Cao, whats your deal? you try and trash talk lulz in every topic. If its because we are fighting you, then so be it. But its not fault. i offered relations with you, you turned them down. Then you come to me about them and i waited 2 days. No reply, so we attacked.

And no i will not attack DOA in the back, They have fear/fate and music (i think) attacking them, that is already gang bang. add up the numbers. IF i attack them, thats cowardly! So i wait for the winner of the war.

And you cant even complain, because i have what, 3 people attacking you atm?

14:56:09 Jul 7th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

I'm complaining sure, but I'm not really that upset. I think my kingdom did not play up to our expectations and we are just frustrated as heck.


Its not a matter of maturity zond, I don't blame the game and I especially don't blame the kingdoms that attack us. We just need to vent sometimes and the forums are an appropriate place to do this. I really like this game and I'm hoping you are just kidding about this being your last era.


On the other hand, I apparently missed the memo where we don't have to formally declare on another kingdom before attacking.

14:59:49 Jul 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

Its my last era :) I may come back in time, but for a while. This is my last.

All understood, making sure everyone knows and doesnt get the wrong idea about us.

Yeah neither did, everyone stopped long ago :/ So seems we have to do it as well.

15:01:22 Jul 7th 10 - Sir Butters:

And no i will not attack DOA in the back, They have fear/fate and music (i think) attacking them, that is already gang bang. add up the numbers. IF i attack them, thats cowardly! So i wait for the winner of the war.

Music is no where near DoA geographically.  They are not fighting DoA... (no fault of theirs, literally opposite ends of the map)

15:07:30 Jul 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

I know, but you know how rumors are spread. Thats why i said i think. I wasnt sure or not.

15:23:46 Jul 7th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

War announcement:

DOA 44 Mr. Aligreat 1549


Havok 9 Mr. Plokoon 10




15:29:27 Jul 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

Actually, havok is in a war.

Arthur Dent vs Havok lol

16:05:12 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

Yeah... Sorry Havoc :/  btw I don't like GT spam ><

16:21:11 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

You can tell who all the new players are when they don't understand Hamish's posts and complain about his spelling.

Hamish: one of the best trolls on the VU forums in the past 5 years.

p.s he's right. FEAR are cowards. DoA are white knights.

16:26:06 Jul 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

Hope your not directing that at me.

16:43:26 Jul 7th 10 - Clown Wankin Between Ticks:

rofl Hamish best troll rofl thats a good one .. swifty?? second guess would be cockbra 

16:49:47 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

being sincere btw. I used to fall for Hamish's trolls too

i.e when he said how he killed Rambo and LGC
i.e persistent spelling mistakes
i.e "controversial" topics

18:14:40 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Tired And Vengeful:

I can understand him! :)

i think the real bootem feeders are those players who just moan constantly.

18:25:36 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Mielo:

13:03:10 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Damn talk about engrish. LAWL

> lol, vuggy you got funny!

19:21:56 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Danygraig:

whiners stop whining this is fant the world that has the best of the worlds from last era in it, this is a war zone KD's do build up relations gang bangs happen bottom feeding also happens, move on and prove you can fight in this world and not whine about it fight with honour and pride win or lose if you fight with honour its noted and your KD is respected whine and you do no  favours ( damn i just whined about whiners :( i lose my argument )

love the flames but hate the whines :) see you out there all 

19:52:02 Jul 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

great to be on the same world as you danygraig :))

19:59:32 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hard Knocks:

bootem feeders seeders multi to me just reset when you have a chance or call the bootem feeders hotline. the emotional trama hurts you for the rest of your era. there is help someone where.

20:01:40 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hard Knocks:

are there any bootem feeder volenteer councilers?

20:08:02 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Vencrow:

Someone feed me :(

20:24:28 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hard Knocks:

it would be funny if a starter city of yours had a face for everyone you ate off of like the black and white little shop of horrors.

20:30:26 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hamish:

humm me hears the wails  of bootem feeders... wining about being called out...
bootem feeders...

20:58:39 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Jack Daniels:

damn hamish you knew it from the start how could i try and slip something like that past you oh well me and my 5k knights are gonna rock your core silly

21:06:52 Jul 7th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

No it won't... i'll just TP you all over the place... get get some MU's in that army or you stand no chance!

21:16:40 Jul 7th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

Ohh Noes! You discovered my evul plan of feeding my pet in VU!!

What am I gonna do?!

21:43:53 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Danygraig:

18:52:02 Jul 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

great to be on the same world as you danygraig :))

nice to share the same world with you too its been a while since we did so last, good luck m8 see you in the battle field.

00:01:39 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Jango Fett:

Is Uther Pendragon in your kingdom Hamish?

00:05:23 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

> lol, vuggy you got funny!

Thanks. I bought it off ebay. ^^

03:38:08 Jul 8th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

No Uther left, he was in it last era for just one era

03:48:02 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Jango Fett:

Oh okay just wondering.

03:53:05 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

Uther quit.

03:53:48 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

Uther was with me, he cant play anymore for a while.

03:55:36 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Jango Fett:

College well same thing will have for me. I have one year till college. Cant be on VU for one whole year. I will miss everyones constant flaming lol ^_^

12:11:52 Jul 8th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

You can still talk to Uther on skype if you want or Facebook.

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