Forums / In game politics / Carnage Embassy 2.2.0

Carnage Embassy 2.2.0
20:35:06 Nov 1st 07 - Lord Carnage:

The carnage embassy has been moved now.. to the hangaround O_O

This forces us to divide our talks...

Use *THIS* thread for: Recruitment, SERIUS Announcements, declarations of war

For everything else, use Hangaround thread!

Oh boi, I feel like this embassy will be pretty empty....

21:01:13 Nov 1st 07 - Mr. Might:

Predators declares war with Carnage!

21:13:09 Nov 1st 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Uhmmmm....talking about showing up late to the party^^

Havent you noticed we have been fighting already? Or do those skirmishes count?

07:22:25 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Architect:

ok, this coming form me should mean something, what that something is is up for discussion.  However, we (Carnage) now have 3 active embassy's.  2 of these are for sp@m and the like, however this one is for "real politics".  Please, please, please, if you want to sp@m, go to the Hangaround via the link up top.  Lets not have 3 locked Embassy's in 1 era...

08:54:15 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Wolf Spider:

LOL. I guess we really don't want to go for the record. =*(

O well. Someone should try to define what "real politics" constitutes. Something like a list of topics that should be mentioned in a post would be.... useful (?)

In addition, we should make a list of REASONABLE complaints that non-Carnage members may post. How we define "reason" is up to us. >=]

08:59:07 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Wolf Spider:

>>>>>  here is a start


SERIOUS Announcements

Declarations of War


None are within reason; how does one complain about a game and not flame?

18:50:19 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Architect:

Complaints as far as NAP breaks maybe?  Are we really doing recruitment this late in the era though?

19:12:07 Nov 2nd 07 - Lord Ladybug:

Mr. Might


11/2/2007 4:01:13 AM

Predators declares war with Carnage!

Never knew we are in an alliance. But anyway, Carnage declares war upon Predators. (I miss Spooky.....)
I declare war on Stormcrow, who is nowhere to be seen.
I declare war on Aden, Prubor, Heriot, Danny Boy and LLP because they are not playing the game but I want them to.
I declare war on Zeon, because I just don't like their theme.

15:06:49 Nov 6th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

*puts a sign at the entrance*

This Embassy is purely for boring and serious issues that are related to the Politics of Carnage. Anything that even slightly hints as being 'not-boring', 'not-serious' or not related will be removed as quickly as possible. Do NOT bring serious issues as 'not-boring' and boring issues as 'not-serious'. Do NOT discuss anything that is not related to the Politics of Carnage. Else it will be removed as quickly as possible.

We thank you for your understanding,

16:16:01 Dec 10th 07 - Duke Clone:

The Carnage Embassy is taken over by the Clones. As Clones, we will refuse any NAP or MAP or anything that ends with a proposal.

* Actually, all our certified diplomats are all, erm, upset (for lack of a better choice of words) and had hung up their golden pens, lips and pigeons. *

As you can guess, the non-clones within our midsts are our masters, but do not attempt to talk to them, for we will fiercely protect them.

* All Hail Effie! *

As always, this thread is meant for serious announcements for the kingdom. Our playroom is in the hangaround section of the realm.

* You have been assimilated.... *

21:26:07 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Architect:

"clone!  The eastern defense is down, get to it!  Stop slacking!"

our "playroom" is now at this thread

21:35:32 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

lol i just realised this does sound like a star wars theme.
damn it i should have been darth vader :D

08:30:49 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Clone VII:

I'm tired of not seeing anything from Carnage in the public "In Game Politics"

So, I'm going to revive this very dead thread, despite of what the prior posts say. In respect to our great leaders, I will keep things serious.

Now, for starters, we've been fighting Zeon and Phi this era. Next.... well, thats about it and it sucks. We have been going at it all era with little headway from either side.

The only real victory was against Phi; we managed to burn through some of their armories. However, they moved around and came back at us with the troops that fled those armories. Good move on their part, but it was trade off, not a "real" victory. If you haven't figured it out yet, I despise stalemates.

08:44:36 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

If you loose against Zeon you can always restart on Nirvana or Valhalla, there is still time enough to own that world.

08:53:51 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Clone VII:

The only thing worst than an era-long-stalemate is dying and moving to a lesser world. Sorry, a "different" world to be politically correct.

No, I think we'll simply keep at it. >.<

10:29:13 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Nobiggie:

hows your wall going along.. with this at your door

Bunnies II & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Mr. McikanKingdom Banner
Size:Horde (Millions)

and now most of phi's armourys near you guys are gone by the way

11:19:19 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Clone V:

we dont negotiate with wall and scout hoppers merges wich move faster then scouts.
I mean he even named his army bunny come on.

14:34:01 Jan 3rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

said the man who couldn't even hold his kingdom together and had to merge into zeo*beep*r>

16:44:49 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mielo, who and what are you talking about?

11:02:39 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Merchant:

this is a really exciting war! for those who don't know, they managed to pull enough troops together to push back our merge  :)

keep it up, Carnage!

11:08:12 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Mavich The Hypocrite:

Yuph, nice job Carnage! You manage to destroy our southern forces.. You definitely have won the battle but the war is not over yet.

We will be back..=)

12:27:46 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Clone V:

thank you.
but i lost at least 9k nazzy in battles i mostly won :(

12:39:15 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Architect:

Wow, maybe I'll be able to not dislike Mavich so much, if he keeps stuff like his last post up, I might have to be, eww...... "friendly" towards him again... =P

I believe Mielo was talking to kobuskan or whatever his name is, too lazy to scroll up to see if I spelled it right.  I think kobuskan was in music.  Speaking of music, *special bulletin*, Spoon hates me now =P

12:45:54 Jan 4th 08 - Prince Mielo:

lol ^^ you got me archeeeh ... Spoon luvs me ... I can say what I want about his kingdom, sugar?

13:02:09 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Architect:

Yeah, I told Spoon VERY plainly how I felt about them merging with zeon.  Because of that Spoon won't talk to me, won't even respond to my messages.

21:58:46 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Merchant:

i have that message somewhere...tryin to find it.

22:00:40 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Merchant:

damn, deleted. that was a hard blow, what u said  :(

22:35:18 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Clone XXX:

We realize that some clones them. We regret any malfunctions during the operation of any of our clones. We are currently researching the possibility of....mood altering drugs....for clones such as Archi....

If you so wish to return any of our clones, please be sure to include the warranty number and your account number, as well as the original container the clone was shipped in.

Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow.

03:12:49 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Architect:

I'm not ashamed of what I said.  I liked Music alot.  You guys were fun to play with, and put up a great fight.  You threw it all away and joined zeon.  I was and still am pissed at you guys because of this.  You so easily laid down everything you had to join up with zeon, of all groups. 

This was my message:

You (12/27/2007 4:31:47 AM)
Thats why I said I once held you in high regard. Yes, Carnage fought Music, but Music fought well, very well in fact. You guys fought with intensity, and ferociousness that is unmatched by many in this game. You fought together, as a single unit. Even in the face of all odds you guys held out to the bitter end against our hordes. Eventually you fell, but even in the end you were still kicking, using every last troop you had to take out my massive Nazgul army. Music was a great kingdom and I had once considered speaking with Carnage about proposing a NAP to Music and working alongside with Music in the coming eras.

Then Music went and joined Zeon. Music Abandoned it's colors, disbanded it's group, and left it's name to be trampled upon. There is no honor in abandoning your kingdom to save yourselves. I am mad at Music because you proved wrong what I had thought, and what I so dearly believed. The determination that I saw before. The fire in your eyes from a few eras back, it all went away when you dropped the Music banner. You joined Zeon. They are scum. And once Music merged into zeon, you became no better than them.

I am personally pissed at Music, very much so, because of your actions, and how easily you abandoned everything you once had.


That was my message.  Yes, it is harsh, but seriously, it was like having my whole world turned upside down.  I considered All of Music good friends in this game, and then you went and joined forces with my most hated enemy.  Can you understand why I'm pissed at least? 

03:55:24 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Clone XXX:

*obligatory carnage disclaimer

Archi's views are not representative of Carnage as whole. They are his own personal opinion.


(now come on, you know that was coming;)

04:51:47 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Architect:


Yeah, I figured it was coming...

07:28:13 Jan 5th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

A lot of people said the same about mirror :)

11:31:58 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Architect:

It almost seemed like we had revived this thread...  I guess I was wrong...

11:47:38 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr Architect wrote: "There is no honor in abandoning your kingdom to save yourselves."

*cough* Mirror *cough*

11:52:59 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Architect:

Ok, thats great.  I'm not from Mirror, so I don't care.  I know some Mirror people came to Carnage, but that makes us the receiver.  It does not make what I said any less true about Music.

Also, that was many eras ago, get over it.

12:12:12 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

I must admit Architect has a point about abandoning Music, but i don,t regret the desicion to join Zeon, they are good and honourable guys.

And sure i enjoyed the fight egainst Carnage 2 era's back and especially the moment I killed your 25k nazgul army named Unholy Siege 100% with the remains of the Music merge when you least expected it. Would have liked to see you face that moment. 


12:30:29 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Architect:

Twas not 25k, was almost 40K....  I would have been alot more stressed had it not happened with like 12 hours left in the era.  But yeah, it was crazy.  I was wondering what happened to my army when I got on, it sucked big time.  I thought of it as the titanic, it could not be destroyed.....  Kinda ironic I guess..

13:06:36 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

At that moment we had about 80k berzerkers, 12k nazzies, and i think 250k axeman/warlord/hammers/ogres inside.

I was ng that merge because it was recuperating from a victory against Carange horde. We had a victory but only 20% troops alive, 50% injured and 30% dead, best think to do atm was to retreat and wait for the injured troops to come back.

13:19:24 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Clone V:

arma was crazy i jues merged everything and hoped for the best.
during arma no rule in the Vu game counts exept.
Run from big fish kill small fish :p

15:11:56 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

kobu wrong :D it was mines 270k axemens and 200k hamers in that army ;)

15:15:17 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Thanks for correcting me Penguin, i did not remember how many axe and hammers where inside.

15:33:20 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

because of my army we won :D

15:42:46 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Clone XXI:

Dark Lord Finwe


1/5/2008 12:28:13 AMA lot of people said the same about mirror :)

B.S., that was totally different.First, after "The Condinho Betrayal" most if not all of our vices and our leader quite or went inactive.That left us with only 7-9 members left so we join Carnage.Like I said totally different

16:38:10 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Offcourse it is allways somebody else who betrayed, hopped or backstabed, you can allways find an excuse for your own onhounorable play.

Like at the start of this era i was about to kill you Finwe and almost took your last city, but you quickly retired and restarted, call that honouable ?

Offcourse you can think of a good excuse or reason, like inactivity, computer mallfunction, etc, but spare me the details.

17:25:27 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Hawk:

18:28:37 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I don't think ZEON is that bad nor that Music has destroyed their name! I jsut think Archi needs to take a chill pill.

18:29:20 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I don't think ZEON is that bad nor that Music has destroyed their name! I jsut think Archi needs to take a chill pill.

18:30:02 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I don't think ZEON is that bad nor that Music has destroyed their name! I jsut think Archi needs to take a chill pill.

I don't think ZEON is that bad nor that Music has destroyed their name! I jsut think Archi needs to take a chill pill.

I don't think ZEON is that bad nor that Music has destroyed their name! I jsut think Archi needs to take a chill pill.

I don't think ZEON is that bad nor that Music has destroyed their name! I jsut think Archi needs to take a chill pill.

I don't think ZEON is that bad nor that Music has destroyed their name! I jsut think Archi needs to take a chill pill.

18:30:25 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

What the hell?!

20:19:47 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Gilth:

*obligatory Music disclaimer

Kobuskans views are not representative of Music as whole. They are his own personal opinion.

(Loved that statement.)

Now, for my personal opinion.
I think Architect is indeed overreacting a bit. We only joined Zeon to do you guys a favour. There would be no fun in defeating a 24 member KD. Now you can atleast say you had a stalemate from about the end of week 1. Isn't that way more fun? I just know you are having tons of fun.

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