Forums / In game politics / Duke Sesughter is a joke

Duke Sesughter is a joke
03:40:43 Jan 21st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

There is 2 types of people: the honored and the disgraced.

Sesughter belongs to the disgraced.

But that in fact reflects our world. Im not even surprised by these types.

Mr. Uwer
@Fantasia - 1st time playing

04:10:37 Jan 21st 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Cloutier):

I so agree, a coward

06:01:16 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

You attacked Sir Ajax , our ally , directly against orders , which Sir ajax can confirm , then begun making relations behind by back without telling me , then leave and expect me to just sit and watch?

13:09:06 Jan 21st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled (1/14/2016 2:42:04 PM)GOODBAD
If you survive a bit longer , i might suggest me , you and deathknight join forces in these mountains

14:06:09 Jan 21st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

In response to:

03:01:16 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

You attacked Sir Ajax , our ally , directly against orders , which Sir ajax can confirm , then begun making relations behind by back without telling me , then leave and expect me to just sit and watch?

14:13:36 Jan 21st 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

I agree, Sesughte iz utter dishonor and has inflamatory eartracts I might add, also he is equal to grumphy old geezer who won't let me eat the apples from his orchard. Now keep flame going to keep us warm coz its cold in Sweden this time of year.

14:28:59 Jan 21st 16 - Cloutier (Ms. Ellsworth):

just saying mad attacked me first, I was going to get mine back. asked for your help and you said no. do I need to post the messages? also you asked me to help you since mad was coming down. silly little boy. I left ajax to help you out. I told him this aswell. but telling you now you have no idea who your dealing with. so good luck to you. I give you 7 days before your a dead boy.

14:45:51 Jan 21st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Lol, Josip. Here is hotter as hell in my country. I will keep the "flames" warm for you to break the ice ;P

Btw, the "experienced" Duke Sesughter will vanish in a few days. Im glad I can watch he dies, the pathetic human being he is. It will be a great vision, indeed.

Still waiting for more lies from the coward for me to disrupt.
I guess he cant handle with myself.

17:02:00 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

Cloutier has no armies and a 200 building city to his name. Uwer has less then 20 000 pony riders , why not reply to my whole message? 

only way i will disappear is if you cast arma somehow my friend

17:04:39 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

also what help did you give me against MAD , you attacked MAD before you joined me , after i specifically said no one attack them until we see there intentions , then left and joined them 

and uwer , why not respond to everything i said instead of one line ? did you or did you not attack ajax after being told not to ? knowing he was our relation? did you not form relations behind the id's back with xeon then invite them onto our land to xp farm? 

17:53:16 Jan 21st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

This crazy Duke.... This Elf has lost his mind long ago...

About Sir Ajax from the Underdogs:

Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled (1/19/2016 11:44:12 AM)GOODBAD
Feel free to either take or ignore the underdog city near you , i sent them a message about relations and have not gotten anything more then vague replies , and now none

About Zeon:

Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled (1/19/2016 1:04:16 PM)GOODBAD
Our relations are as follows,
Zeon, Friendly
MaD, War
CP, War
Ferox, NAP

If Zeon is friendly like you said, why cant I farm XP with them?

I believe that answers all the questions, Go seek treatment, demented elf. 

Mr. Uwer
@Fantasia - 1st time playing

18:04:37 Jan 21st 16 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Ancient):

I'm glad to see there is some life in the forums

18:19:02 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

You (1/19/2016 2:44:12 PM)
Hopefully we shall lose neither our cities or our dignity :p MAD seems to of underestimated Zeon , with most of the smaller kingdoms joining together to ally against them.

Feel free to either take or ignore the underdog city near you , i sent them a message about relations and have not gotten anything more then vague replies , and now none.

why send a message that is clearly from BEFORE we had relations 

I then said 

Mr. Uwer (1/19/2016 3:12:05 PM)
What Sir Ajax is doing here?
You (1/19/2016 3:13:48 PM)
spoke to under dogs about them settling in the south , as they are also enemies of Mad , in return for an ERA long NAP with them we may allow them to drop a few income cities behind our defensive lines , stay prepping the city , with a smaller force if you need them men , incase they do not agree.

Its a kingdom full of active and experienced players , would be a great help in a fight against MAD. 

18:19:34 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

and you replied 

Mr. Uwer (1/19/2016 3:17:59 PM) GOODBAD
Ok, it would be great if you let me know what alliances you are making. Almost sieged it.
You (1/19/2016 3:20:29 PM)
I messaged them a while ago and got no response :P So i assumed it was a no from them , thats why i never let anyone know 
You (1/19/2016 3:21:09 PM)
Thats why I'm suggesting we keep it prepped , I sent a possible offer but at that point they was on the other side of the map so did not seem urgent and ended up slipping my mind , sorry about that though

18:19:51 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

then after replying clarifying you knew we were allied , you took the city and wrecked it 

18:26:37 Jan 21st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Just die in disgrace, Elf.

You gave to order to "feel free to take" before that. You saw that I took it, and then you come here with all this non-sense?

Entertain us more. We are laughing a lot.

Wanna make a bet who dies first?

19:02:13 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

And yet your army runs from mine in the field. 

20:41:26 Jan 21st 16 - Woody (Mr. Wooooddeehhh):

If Zeon is friendly like you said, why cant I farm XP with them?

Xp farming in itself is frowned upon, it's an abuse of a game mechanic, Mr 1st era in Fantasia! I wouldn't be shouting about your exp farming activities in the forums sweetheart. 

20:44:05 Jan 21st 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Zeon exp farming? never! 

20:48:26 Jan 21st 16 - Woody (Mr. Wooooddeehhh):

I bet uwer has been exp farming as a troll, tryin to find magical zerk Sci.

21:04:36 Jan 21st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

What a great reception for a new player. I am trully honored.

Never farmed anything. I dont have XP at all.

At least I am the one bringing life to the forum. And I rather die than disgracing my name. My word and integrity are the only things I care to preserve.

Say goodbye, Duke. Your time @Fantasia just came to an end. ;)

23:12:41 Jan 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

To be fair to uwer he is new to the game and does not know xp farming is frowned on but he knows he should not be making relations without telling anyone and attacking allies 

23:50:08 Jan 21st 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Uninhibited):

If he's that new, how does he know what xp farming is? lol

00:14:13 Jan 22nd 16 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXX):

^ my same question.

00:18:30 Jan 22nd 16 - shyers (Mr. Shyerclause):

We all know I like to cheat :-)

00:21:17 Jan 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Sub Zero):

not the shyers, anyone but the shyers.

and we all know mr uwer's brother taught him how to play they play together. not a multi he promises. :P

04:01:21 Jan 22nd 16 - Mr. Pestilence:

Any player who has played some MMO or RPG in his life knows what is the concept of XP farming...

The fact that I know the concept does not mean that I know how to farm in this specific game, nor how the mechanics work and that it is forbidden.

Was that question for real? I think that more people here suffer from dementia.

Incredible story, Arkantos. You are probably correct...

04:01:21 Jan 22nd 16 - Mr. Pestilence:

Any player who has played some MMO or RPG in his life knows what is the concept of XP farming...

The fact that I know the concept does not mean that I know how to farm in this specific game, nor how the mechanics work and that it is forbidden.

Was that question for real? I think that more people here suffer from dementia.

Incredible story, Arkantos. You are probably correct...

05:17:34 Jan 22nd 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Cloutier):

this is all too funny. keep it going. o btw. I don't have only a 200 building city silly fool. haha. but you can think that. ;)

10:31:14 Jan 22nd 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

Clouty don't reveal the 90ker you have in construction in our core coz we don't wan't a war with Sesughte on our hands....

07:25:38 Jan 23rd 16 - Cloutier (Master Cloutier XI):

my bad, I'll let him think I got one city. lol also got no military  ;)

13:42:11 Jan 23rd 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

that weak 8000 swordsmen army the one your on about when you talk about military? You realise i can just EiTs your land and armies right ? 

13:42:33 Jan 23rd 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

good to see you got your one wrecked city back :P shame all your mines are behind this blocker isn't it ? 

16:49:39 Jan 23rd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Duke used to be a quiet guy. 

Now, all that is left for him is talking. Good bye, Duke. I promise to piss on your grave.

16:59:36 Jan 23rd 16 - Mr. Elisraelelijah of Lundenne:

Says the guy trying to build a new small little core to survive? 

You are a joke , when you guys take more then YOUR OWN CITIES that YOU WRECKED before i took them back say something.

Uwer you have won 0 battles against me and Deathknight you have one one battle , against an empty wreckage i took from you. 

why don't you two stop hiding behind MAD ? because I still have more forces then the two of you combined in the area. 

17:10:05 Jan 23rd 16 - Mr. Elisraelelijah of Lundenne:

this is my other character , its sesugh incase you did not know 

17:13:18 Jan 23rd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

The fun can't stop. 

17:45:27 Jan 23rd 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

what fun? You have not done anything yet but talk on the forums. 

18:51:09 Jan 23rd 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Cloutier XXII):

U still think that I have no cities. wow.

19:35:09 Jan 23rd 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

Schhhhhhhhhh! But you have no cities bro *wink wink*. No cities at all........

20:13:15 Jan 23rd 16 - Mr. Elisraelelijah of Lundenne:

i actually was not even talking about you anymore death knight , you could have 1,000,000 soldiers but as you have not sent nothing but swordsmen , and all of those are dead , your not even in the discussion no more. 

me and uwer was talking , you know the people who still at least HAVE cities in the mountains we are fighting in. 

21:28:57 Jan 23rd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

This is a forum, Duke. Not your private chatroom ;)

21:41:50 Jan 23rd 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

as the lord of the mountains , The 'forum' is what i say it is farmer slave 

23:46:00 Jan 23rd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

18:53:57 Jan 23rd 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

fleeing to the east? Im raiding in actives cities with a 100 man army , I stand or die in the mountain range , Unlike your craven self , who without losing a single man has fled , without standing to defend a single one of your cities and opening your gates to MAD even while they attack your cities. 

---- You posted it on RP forum, just putting it in the correct one. ----

Forgot to comment that. Oh, should I serve as your shield now? Buying time for you. the traitor? That logic only works in your world of dementia, elf.

You only took Raiders, Brave Heart and Oakland. Cities with no defenses (they were at the blockers that now you are crying that are open) because you kicked me and cowardly attacked.

Uwer declared a three day festival to celebrate Duke Sesughter death. People at North Uphold and East Uphold (still my cities, you tried to siege them but got no results) rejoice!

00:12:25 Jan 24th 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

never marched on north uphold , would of taken east uphold if Mad had not arrived , also took Flag city , your armies fled , so cut the talk about the cities being undefended. thats because you ran mate.

Also i have not lost a single army or a single city yet so am very confused mate 

00:37:34 Jan 24th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

I'm not your mate, dude, please... Continue with your schizophrenia, elf.

You thought I would fight MAD while you were taking my cities. You ran to get Flag City to squish me between you and MAD and give me no place to run. Well, I managed to escape. That is just how bad your "tactics" are, lol.

It is fun how a noob like me made you lose the game, diverging your focus.

You kicked Deathknight and me. Deal alone with your faith. We are not guilty of your incompetence. That was your choice, traitor.

Well, your words worth nothing. You will always be a "one man kingdom". I will stop arguing. I will only enjoy your final moments.

Farewell, Duke! See you at your funeral!

00:44:45 Jan 24th 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

yet Im still living and breathing with over 3 times your land and an army your fleeing ? you are deluded you know that right ?

00:50:28 Jan 24th 16 - Duke Sesughter The Gracefilled:

Despatching my orders to Mr Deathknight , my master mine builder. I would like to thank him for the mines he graciously built me at peace base and to apologise that i tore down his beautiful work in so many other cities.

I need more work done , and as usual i just need walk over there to get it.
You (1/24/2016 12:30:52 AM)
Build loads of mines in here for me man 
Mr. Deathknight (1/24/2016 12:46:46 AM) GOODBAD
come get it

03:27:01 Jan 24th 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Deathknight):

well I'm still waiting for you to come take it.

19:02:17 Jan 28th 16 - Mr. Juicy Loops:

Boys, just get down and suck each other off and get it over with... 

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