Forums / In game politics / Duke Sesughter is a joke

Duke Sesughter is a joke
06:55:34 Jan 31st 16 - Mr. Torien:

Sounds like Uwer made a mistake by attacking Ajax/underdogs while seiging him. Accidently, or carelessly due to prior regulations that were posted in regards to being at war with whom.

If relations do go awry like that, and both sides are still talking, uwer could have just let underdogs take their city back. Little harm done, but exp farming perhaps, though that wouldn't be the case at all.

As of right now. I'll note the Duke has restarted and is in protection.

Uwer meanwhile has his hand in the frontlines.

07:09:24 Jan 31st 16 - Mr. The One And Only:

lol Frontlines...Which one of you RoFd my 750 ponies?
Was it you or Uwer?

If you had to Rof this army just to kill it....

20:17:25 Bleek lost a battle against Bridge Defenders from Mr. Torien. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 602 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
19:11:40 Fire rains from the sky on our Bleek army! 151 troops burned to death.

14:48:24 Jan 31st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Hunter:

The frontlines ? He joined his enemy and hide , his kingdom mates hold all his cities and he did not siege he took then city and burnt it down and killed the scout that Ajax had sent down here to rebuild.

14:49:26 Jan 31st 16 - Duke Sesughter The Hunter:

Good fight from water bender and a few others in mad , uwer did not even fight he just ran instantly and I killed every army deathknight sent

05:59:46 Feb 19th 16 - Mr. Torroth:

ah, my apologies The one and only, I am still a nub, and was experimenting my magic on your army. A feeble spell it turned out to be with only a few thousand MUs.

06:01:12 Feb 19th 16 - Mr. Torroth:

As for the people of the forest this era, I hope that your kingdom will continue to be a stepping stool for MAD to use to become the upperhand in Fantasia, as you were last era.

21:16:11 Feb 19th 16 - Duke Sesughter Kumasson of The Hunt:

lol i dont even know who you are 

21:18:17 Feb 19th 16 - Duke Sesughter Kumasson of The Hunt:

but as it took 4/5 members of mad , TWO of whom started off in my core to defeat me , while i was unaided , and i managed to kill over 100,000 MAD troops, it was a pointless war that got you nothing. I haven't bashed MAD in general except friendly banter, Lord water bender played well and i enjoyed the fight , 

I just find Uwer , who lost all his cities to either me or MAD , who he then joined and had to rebuild elsewhere is the MAD member talking the most shit , followed by deathknight , who died in a day and came back with a level 1 9000 spam army and got slaughtered then hid behind water bender and Co. 

14:32:37 Feb 21st 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Deathknight):

I never hid, I was in the war the whole time. maybe if u didn't betray me I'd have killed you in a fair fight. just like I did on gve

15:51:47 Feb 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter Kumasson of The Hunt:

gve fair fight? lol i landed , build 112 building then went inactive , someone ELSE attacked me , and you took the city from them....i killed a scout of yours one time when i logged in , is that the war you referred to on gve? you really are pathetic 

23:19:14 Jan 23rd 18 - Mr. Uwer:


01:07:58 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Jeremybeadlehand:

dukes are always dicks

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