Forums / In game politics / FATE worst alliance

FATE worst alliance
13:27:12 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:

Most Fearsome Rulers

3-Mr. Fredddy has won 45 battles, captured 62 cities and killed a total of 1558821 men and women.

and i m nb 4 in Most Powerful Rulers.

but suddenly, i received many msgs to stop attacking, why!?

 [4/30/2010 6:46:22 PM] ¤ Carina // Mzzery ¤: it's bad when our own members are our biggest enemies against our era winner to win the era
[4/30/2010 6:47:27 PM] ¤ Carina // Mzzery ¤: I'll be extremely upset if his greediness takes Yarlin off the #1 spot and hands it to Elsin or something

coz of this stupid player.

so i stopped attacking in the middle of the era. 

then they want me to fight 600 k army of HM , sure i accepted :) when i  killed it, while i m prepping on his 200 k city. 

a stupid 5 k army of Anika took the city hehehe , and they say i m the greedy one, i kill 600 k army and 5 k army took the city ( and he is nb 1 Ms. Anika has won 66 battles, captured 66 cities and killed a total of 1474751 men and women.) 

Feanor was a gr8 player and supporting one, Aisha , Agro, Wolfman .. u r great players.

Ademo u r so blind

Cannibal anika GRAY .. you are the greedy ;) 

so thats why i was kicked out of the guild.

i prefer to play the game and die at the end, then to farm and watching u playing ;)

before i forget ,     Mzz Mzzery The Cannibal fuk u ;)

13:49:14 May 7th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

Wow really? They booted you because you were too good for them. Are they attacking you?

13:52:38 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:

hehe yes , they called me greedy all the time and now they want my cities , guess who

Cannibal, Anika and GRAY

13:52:44 May 7th 10 - Lady Quietone:

well well... where is Deno with the speeches about honor and manipulation tatics when you need him??????????

Low blow Fate- Everyone in a kingdom deserves a chance to win the era- you dont keep good players by forcing them to sit back let a chosen one win - true colors shining thru?

13:55:35 May 7th 10 - Sir Raistlin Darkmagi:

gray as in grayfish or greybeard? If so would not suprise me.


Mr. Fredddy i would not worry over it one bit. The simple fact you are doing so well someone is bound to come along and offer you some kd offers. Just wait and im sure youll getin into a guild you like.


Sugg: would be Fear, Hema or HM if you can get into it.

14:02:37 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:

yes Lady , u know that the best times are when you are competing with your kdmates over gains and era wins ;)


i ll accept any good alliance , i just play to attack and for fun, not to Farm all the time lol.

14:05:32 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

nice to see you are taking that backstab with a pinch ov salt fredddy :)!!

14:22:20 May 7th 10 - Sir Raistlin Darkmagi:

Best of luck to you then. if you ever have a need to vent im always on. I personally dont care too much for gray myself. Im makin a kd next era as well you are welcome to use it as a last resort for a fallback should you choose. Though someone with your skill should easily get into the top kds.

Also would like to mention GotF. They have some decent players as well and wraith is a pretty kool guy.

14:27:05 May 7th 10 - Mr. Tossed Smiling Midget:

So a few selectively edited PMs and Skype messages and one mans word is taken as Gospel these days?

Personally, I would wait to see if there was more to the story before jumping to conclusions and making some high and mighty post about honour and such. That way I would avoid looking like a fool if the real story comes to light. But thats just me.. ;)

14:28:00 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

ok then midget what is the real story :)
enlighten us all!!!!

14:32:26 May 7th 10 - Sir Raistlin Darkmagi:

indeed :). Im going off what i know of one of the members. Based on that i can certainly say this is within the capacity of the situation.

 I havent knocked fate down if i recall just a certain member i choose to openly dislike.

Also offered a rebuke of encouragement.

14:34:38 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:



i m ready to send a printed screen , who has a hotmail plz

i m ready to send u a printed screen of the skype conversation

cheers Fate,  i never lie ;)

14:39:05 May 7th 10 - Mr. Path: need to email people, just put it on if thats what you are wanting to do.

And god forbid if you win Elsin.You look dangerous in 8th place :)

14:41:35 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

nova is gunna win mann he has been owning it since OOP :)

14:45:07 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:

14:45:17 May 7th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

The funny thing. Mzzery outspammed yarlin a few eras ago and won an era, now she thinks no one should do anything tricky?

Btw im always for yarlin.

14:49:19 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:

thx for the site Path

14:52:23 May 7th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Fate works as a team. I dare say one of the reasons we work so well together is that we (for the most part) actually give a shit about each other.

So when select members decide that they don't give a shit about the "team" and their KD mates and only care about their individual score, to the detriment of other members.. Then Fate really isn't the place they should be.

I'm not going to go into all the specifics of what he did or did not do, but will just leave it at the fact that he didn't mesh well with our longer term members and made no effort to change his detrimental behaviour.

His score or placing had nothing to do with it. We really don't care about score as a whole, but for the record, Nova is SO far ahead of Freddy already that another 20 cities would not have made a difference.

14:55:33 May 7th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

Hes just taking what he deserves for killing those armies ? thats how game goes?

14:56:50 May 7th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

He's talking about something that happened in the last 24-48hours (btw, he killed no one - the person suicided on him deliberately).. His shitty behaviour goes back to something that started weeks ago.

14:56:56 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

you have said nothing there that make fate look like they are in the right!!
if fredddy is bein selfish then why has evry 1 above him on HoH had more cities O_o??
that means they are doing the same as he is being accused!!

14:58:06 May 7th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Doesn't look like the 'Carnage' mentality.

Kinda dissapointed to see stuff like this happening.

14:58:45 May 7th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Erm look at battle vs cities. If you can't work out the difference between taking free, easy cities and taking blockers/armouries, then there's really no hope to reason with you.

Why do we have to "look right"? At the end of the day, we don't give a shit what anyone else thinks, we'll do what's best for OUR KD without worrying about what all the whiners and little bitches on the forum think.

15:00:28 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:

@ Ademo

i have nothing against Nova , let him be the first

and Mr team player, when you all attacked MAD and AOA and HEMA ,,, where was the team player???????

why you all didnt wait us ??????

i just attacked History matters this era and u stopped me.

15:00:48 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:

what about Anika , why he doesnt play a team work , he has a lot , what he want now from VUNN ;)

15:01:15 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

Mr. Fredddy has won 46 battles, captured 62 cities and killed a total of 1559359 men and women.
looks fine to me cant expect every city to have a sh!t loads ov troops init!!

15:01:21 May 7th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

The question is that you didnt allow freddy to take towns cause he wouldnt catch up on yarlin, but you let anika take the town? The army suicided on him so what, its still his kill not anikas. 

15:02:59 May 7th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

I'm not spelling out every detail of what happened. I don't owe you people anything and frankly, it's really none of your business. Take everything Freddy says as gospel, i'd expect nothing more from you lemmings.

15:03:31 May 7th 10 - Mr. Fredddy:

thank uuuuuuu Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp 

thats exactly what was happening

15:04:13 May 7th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Well any disappointed Fate players can feel free to Join Ownerfied Pzornification next era. (Looking at you Freddy... :P)

15:05:21 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

lmao lemmings cumin from a FATE member who has to sit back well a set few people get to fight and you call every1 else a lemming!!!

15:06:16 May 7th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

That didn't even make sense.

15:07:23 May 7th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

I dont expect nothing more, just a pile of bullshit from the faggot you are Ademo.

15:08:37 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

lmao ademo coz i am just 2 awsome so you cant read my sh!t :P
iva that or im dislexic O_o :P

15:15:35 May 7th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Lmao, I actually thought FATE might have a decent explanation for this. The fact that you actually got annoyed that he might catch up with Nova and made him stop is proof enough of what right pieces of work you are... 

There was nothing detrimental to the "team" about what he did, except try give Nova a run for his money... I never knew you needed teamwork of that sort to actually win an era. Way to go FATE :)

I guess not everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt :)

15:29:22 May 7th 10 - Dr. Willie Hardigan:

Interesting turn of events

15:31:11 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

wraith you should be a profetional speaker ;)

15:32:55 May 7th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIX:

Dang. I dont know all of the details, of course, but from what is currently known, reputations look like they may be tainted.

15:35:56 May 7th 10 - Duke Random:

I wouldn't take what this freddy guy says as gospel...... thats about all I've got to say on the matter ;)

15:39:06 May 7th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

What makes you think I'm not, Dude? ;)

And Random, I just call it as I see it... If FATE can't even attempt to make a defence to what Freddy says apart from that half-arsed thought up excuse, then I guess that sort of speaks for itself....

15:43:36 May 7th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

You dont need help if you are a real #1

15:58:00 May 7th 10 - Duke Random:

the ;) is supposed to mean i'm all knowing and to take my word wraith :)

16:04:30 May 7th 10 - Mr. Tossed Smiling Midget:

Vemonz, to suggest that Yarlin needs help to get to No. 1 is just ridiculous. Anyone that has either played with him or against him knows he is the real deal and one of the best players to ever play VU. Seriously mate you should know better.

16:26:06 May 7th 10 - Duke Random:

BAHAHAHA look at freddys screeny...

chat: "sexy search" at the top of the page.... ay ay ay

16:44:53 May 7th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

@ everyone - I just find it funny how a skype convo from 1 week ago is pasted for what Fredddy thinks is the only reason he was removed. In fact it was was mostly the past few days and a few other things that lead to this.
BTW, at the time of that Skype convo THIS was Fredddy's info so don't be mislead by what he has now after having MANY armies suicide on him. (aggressive or defensive)
Mr. Fredddy has won 28 battles, captured 43 cities and killed a total of 454170 men and women.
Most of his kills at that time came from only a few select cities. One of them being a MC with mostly MU.

nova is gunna win mann he has been owning it since OOP :)

Yup OOP, literally. lol
Blocker with 800+ troops and TONS of GT. (silly AoA hehe)
01:10:54 Apr 7th 10 (this was earliest OOP tick my time)

Fire Lord.

We now have Hahaiwin under siege, cutting off all supplies.

We killed or injured total of 111 troops.

The funny thing. Mzzery outspammed yarlin a few eras ago and won an era, now she thinks no one should do anything tricky?

Btw im always for yarlin.

Yeah i was stupid and went AM's till the last 2 days. It was stupid and cost me the win but not by much. =)

Just FYI, the city that he took was a revolted city that Anika had taken and was very able to take it back but Fredddy scooped it up first knowing it would not have a "return" option. THAT is what sparked his early removal. Greed over 1 city was the MAIN cause for being removed "BEFORE" the era ended. Everything else just ADDED to it.


Vunn X

City Info
Owner: Mr. FredddyKingdom 
Size: 183347 building(s).
Kingdom: Fate
Gates: no gates

Now i have no harsh feelings towards Fredddy even if i didn't agree with his running ahead while others were stuck on the cities with all the troops tactic.
When it comes down to loosing some well respected people in the KD or the guy thats not being a team player, it's not a hard choice to make.

KD's make NaP's and if 1 person breaks the NaP without the KD as a whole wanting to they get removed.
Well the internal rules of KD's are the same way. If one player is breaking all the rules and not playing like they are part of it, they get removed.
Just like someone breaking a NaP, EVERYONE in VU finds out about it. Unfortunately the same goes for issues like Fredddy's. =/

16:54:18 May 7th 10 - Lord Deno:

Nice VU Hattrick there Freddy. That is the third time you got kicked out of a guild mid era. Maybe it actually isnt everyone elses fault. 

Could be you ?

17:13:25 May 7th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Lady Quietone


19:52:44 May 7th 10

well well... where is Deno with the speeches about honor and manipulation tatics when you need him??????????

Low blow Fate- Everyone in a kingdom deserves a chance to win the era- you dont keep good players by forcing them to sit back let a chosen one win - true colors shining thru?

I promised a very close friend I wouldn't flame you, but you should do everyone and yourself a favour and STFU and not comment on a situation: i) that is none of your business, and ii) you do not know the damn full story to, unless you are prepared to get yourself and your kingdom flamed in return.

Especially since your talk about "chosen ones" might open up many a can of worms eh.

17:18:48 May 7th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

@Tossed Smiling Midget,  I didn't say he isn't the best at the moment :).
 You are so easily offended :)

'he is the real deal and one of the best players to ever play VU'
I didn't know you had a relation with him, i am sorry if i offended your lover.

17:19:51 May 7th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

@The Born Loser,

Quietone is always like that :)

17:24:14 May 7th 10 - Lord Deno:

Lady Quietone


19:52:44 May 7th 10

well well... where is Deno with the speeches about honor and manipulation tatics when you need him??????????

I am sorry there Quietone. Freddy is so greedy that he is a danger risk for any kingdom he is in. We told him to piss off from Fear last era so i can very well see how this could have escalated. 

You should recruit him and work with him next era. Im sure he will fit right into your kd. 


You should try ask your KD leader Ali how he requested to be transfered away from the same front as Freddy the first era we were in HIV. He simply couldnt work with anyone that greedy. 

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