Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 73

Fantasia 73
13:52:28 Nov 21st 20 - STEELIX (Mr. Mega Steelix):

10:53:53 Nov 22nd 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

Ok so why would you, Mega Stillex (or whoever you are), use another fake account (Alice - no part of KD) to feed this one? 

I have been very active on the market recently and I was surprised to see you placed a large order of stone at 0.97.

I placed my stone at 0.88, my wood at 2.2. Bogdan had some wood at 2.3, Sal at 3.3 someone else at 3.9.

Suddenly surprise. Mr Alice clears all stone and wood market including the stone at 0.97. Mr Alice is not part of any KD obviously. I would be curious if Mr Alice would be a Human as well so he can buy instantly anything from the market.

So Mr. Mega Stillex or PDC - how about you give us an explanation about this strange series of events?

VU admin, would you please inquire into Mr Alice's and Mega Stillex's accounts and if feeding proved, bane all linked accounts? 

10:54:10 Nov 22nd 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

23:15:32 - Alice bought 198000 stone for 171540 gold from you on the market.

22:28:44 - Alice bought 44074 tree for 89802 gold from you on the market.

11:11:06 Nov 22nd 20 - Exalted Tester Salamon:

03:29:00 - Alice bought 50000 tree for 160000 gold from you on the market.

11:25:35 Nov 22nd 20 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Also please look into this dodgy Ark character...

00:53:43 - Ark bought 36000 stone for 34200 gold from you on the market.

11:32:43 Nov 22nd 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

Thanks JLT, you are a honest player (as many others) with a dishonest leader, it appears. This looks like another feeding account.

12:34:28 Nov 22nd 20 - STEELIX (Mr. Mega Steelix):

0.97 is the average market price for stones. And all my stones will be at this rate. Ask Bigfield (who inspires everyone selling everything at average price even in OOP), he'll tell you more in details.

I native my stuffs if they dont get sold after an amount of time. And put new orders at average price again.

13:28:43 Nov 22nd 20 - Mr. Hannibal Barca:

You could also add a lot of food which was sold at 2 and someone bought it. I don't know who ark is but he keeps selling very cheap tree. Not just Alice buys the tree

13:10:33 - Monica bought 66000 tree for 211200 gold from you on the market.

11:14:46 - Alice bought 47000 tree for 150400 gold from you on the market.

10:28:53 - Alice bought 112000 tree for 262504 gold from you on the market.

09:01:48 - Flora of Berzerkerz bought 80000 tree for 187503 gold from you on the market.

13:55:18 Nov 22nd 20 - Mr. Alice:

Hello, i am a new player. I want to be a trader in this world or Server. I will buy all your trades from market then after very long time, I'll resell them to a very high price.

Is there any trading based Kingdom in this world or Server? 

P.S.: i have played many RPG games where you trade instead of war and still control the battlefield (like Eve Online). As you know, if you don't have resources you'll have no choice but to buy our goods at high expenses.

16:23:37 Nov 22nd 20 - Ms. Flora:

I need the tree to build GTs since I lost my tree-city and is being attacked by a nasty Orc :)

16:26:53 Nov 22nd 20 - Mr. Alice:

I cut the food & tree markets supply.

But a small tree supply will arrive in market shortly; only for you. Be ready!

17:29:23 Nov 22nd 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

I am not sure which market is being dealt with here (which server). That said I do like to throw a wrench into the plans of those that rely on feeding via native prices. This favors the bigger kingdoms which can native more.

By forcing them to buy out your goods firsts it evens things out slightly.

18:05:35 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

You're like an idiot with bogdan. Wanting explaination for everthing for ur stupidity. Find proof for something before u start accusing. Go to court and let everyone tell why they are not guilty. U live in a fantasy would or something. Grow up idiot.

 If anyone is feeding or not thats for zeta to deal with.

If anyone is feeding thats u. Being fed idiot. Who gained from  resources being sold that shouldnt be at this stage? 


Ok so why would you, Mega Stillex (or whoever you are), use another fake account (Alice - no part of KD) to feed this one? 

I have been very active on the market recently and I was surprised to see you placed a large order of stone at 0.97.

I placed my stone at 0.88, my wood at 2.2. Bogdan had some wood at 2.3, Sal at 3.3 someone else at 3.9.

Suddenly surprise. Mr Alice clears all stone and wood market including the stone at 0.97. Mr Alice is not part of any KD obviously. I would be curious if Mr Alice would be a Human as well so he can buy instantly anything from the market.

So Mr. Mega Stillex or PDC - how about you give us an explanation about this strange series of events?

VU admin, would you please inquire into Mr Alice's and Mega Stillex's accounts and if feeding proved, bane all linked accounts? 

18:25:44 Nov 22nd 20 - Mr. Hannibal Barca:

Ofc pdc and his kd supporting feeding, nothing unexpected. Ofc nobody gained anything by having his stone bought at 0.97 in protection and his food at 2 and the tree over 3.3. As long as the person who is fed is inside the berserker kd, nothing is wrong from pdc's point of view, not even suspicious

19:32:24 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Lol if i knew somebody buying at this rate. We would gladly sell at that price. Lol. But the only ones who gained from it are you idiots. Brainless idiots

Cry babies. Who cry and cry when they lose or cant undestand whats going on..whine all day.

19:44:58 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

And also the idiot above complains cf being cancelled attacks before its over.. just to get high era end scores? Lolz. Lile i said hypocrites. Cry babies

8:01:00 - Scout VII lost a battle against Lll from General Glad. The army retreated to Warsaw. We lost 2 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 87328 Knights, 97602 Magicians, 7947 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 164303 of our soldiers got injured.

19:47:45 Nov 22nd 20 - STEELIX (Mr. Mega Steelix):

Mr. Hannibal Barca:

Ofc nobody gained anything by having his stone bought at 0.97 in protection...

As much as i remember, most resources at that time was selling by all your KD members. Then someone bought all resources & cleared whole market. Now tell me, who gained the most? Do you know simple math, or we need to teach you with Gifs like Bling?

And all this because my stones were sold at 0.97? Hold on a minute... let me enlighten you a bit. 

This is call FEEDING, where ARE you when this happens!! Sorry, cant see you anywhere below.

DO YOU HAVE A PROOF like this? NO! then stop crying here! But you know what, I had proof, still know one looked.

01:39:25 Feb 16th 20 - Mr. Venomoth:

STOP FEEDing whether by allies or Multi's, or VU ADMIN will be informed. He can see your whole character history.


Fantasia Market

Sable Foxx [Brotherhood of the Wolf] is not selling more than 31000 stone


* Only showing the 10% cheapest.
1.5 gold/stone
Total cost:

01:47:48 Feb 16th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Nitrogen):

Can't tell if you're trolling or if you're serious

02:15:39 Feb 16th 20 - Emperor Berkelium:

since when is selling to natives cheating. 

02:24:46 Feb 16th 20 - Mr. Jinn:

looking to join a kingdom 

02:28:06 Feb 16th 20 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

If you are fine with an intense OOP, you can join my single player kingdom (Order of the Dragon).

Garunteed to be attacked. You game?

03:09:17 Feb 16th 20 - Mr. Venomoth:

Apologies, seems her motive wasnt feeding. Please understant others can use to feed this way, so i had to warn/remind.

03:15:39 Feb 16th 20 - Emperor Berkelium:

since when is selling to natives cheating. 

you cant native over .57, right? then how you can native at 1.5?

03:25:22 Feb 16th 20 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces):

I'm actually buying the stone to build with 'cause I can't keep up with my gold.

19:56:41 Nov 22nd 20 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):

Berzerkerz and cheating!? I'm shocked.

20:48:17 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Im bogdan/glad. I THINK im the best player in this game. I know everything. 

Whaaat? He beat me? No it cant be. He must be cheating.

"The world of idiots"

Stay tuned for the next episode...

21:45:51 Nov 22nd 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

@Mega Steelex

01:34:28 Nov 22nd 20 - STEELIX (Mr. Mega Steelix):

0.97 is the average market price for stones. And all my stones will be at this rate. Ask Bigfield (who inspires everyone selling everything at average price even in OOP), he'll tell you more in details.

I native my stuffs if they dont get sold after an amount of time. And put new orders at average price again.

You don't look like a player that doesn't know why people buy stone and that nobody would buy your stone at 0.97 at this time of the era unless that person was helping some other person.

I let you know my logic for accusing you of being fed.

1) First of all, you were so confident your stone will be sold at this price and place it on the market. Your stone has highest price so you benefited the most. My stone was placed at 0.88, but I did not expect to sell it that soon, to be honest.

2) Then someone else (Alice) clears both stone and trees markets. This is clear intention of feeding someone. And who has the highest stone in the market? If Alice was feeding me, he/she would have purchased my stone and stopped there.

With trees market can make it a huge difference. My my wood was priced at 2.2. Highest wood, everyone could see (except humans) was 3.9. So someone could have sold his wood to a Human (is Alice human - anyone can see) at 4-4.5

Can you see the difference PDC. I sell it at 2.2 and your people sell it at 4-4.5.

07:05:35 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

You're like an idiot with bogdan. Wanting explaination for everthing for ur stupidity. Find proof for something before u start accusing. Go to court and let everyone tell why they are not guilty. U live in a fantasy would or something. Grow up idiot.

 If anyone is feeding or not thats for zeta to deal with.

If anyone is feeding thats u. Being fed idiot. Who gained from  resources being sold that shouldnt be at this stage? 

PDC, I have to be honest, I did not believe Bogdan when he kept calling you a cheater. And this is the reason, Bogdan left us.

And you know why? I couldn't think that someone would invest so much time, energy and go so low, just to win an era in an online game.

I have seen for myself though. And I am sure, I haven't seen it all. You have some honest players in your KD, that think, you are a naturally strong and honest player. Well, now I am not sure how strong would you be if you didn't cheat (and I retract all good words I said about you in the past).

Last era, I have been watching you KD strategy. I note there are some players in your KD that are willing to transfer wealth to you by using various strategies.

Once strategy, was to keep food and tree market super high so you can set a high price on your food and trees, then someone else to but from you. This indeed comes with some risks to that person who's trying to keep the market high. And don't say again, that everyone benefited equally from this practice. If you alone knew this will happen, you could have built only farms and lumber from the start.

Another strategy: just buying of you and selling to natives. Last era end, I noted when you placed 20 million wood on the market at 2.5. Let's be honest who needs wood at this price and just a day before era ends. I knew someone from your KD will sacrifice and buy it from you and I placed the wood I has left at 2.3. You see I didn't have much, though, because I was nativing it constantly at 1.3. Soon after Exponents cleared trees market. So he bought your tree for 2.5 and perhaps sold it to natives at 1.3.

No, I am not accusing you and your KD for what you did last era. I let others decide if this practice can be called feeding or not. All I want to highlight, is that you are getting unfair aid the whole era from OOP to the end. And this could be just the tip o the aisberg.


08:44:58 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

And also the idiot above complains cf being cancelled attacks before its over.. just to get high era end scores? Lolz. Lile i said hypocrites. Cry babies

8:01:00 - Scout VII lost a battle against Lll from General Glad. The army retreated to Warsaw. We lost 2 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 87328 Knights, 97602 Magicians, 7947 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 164303 of our soldiers got injured.

With regards to our Cease Fire, I have never met a KD leader as dishonest as you are.

I set terms of this CF with Kobu and he can confirm them. One of the terms was that none of the parties move armies in each-others cores before the 48 ticks.

When I saw Aussie's intention to move his army in my core, I wrote him, you and to Kobu, reminding our terms. Boys from C2E witnessed Aussie
s army going through my cities, before the 48 hours CF expired. 

1. You claimed that Bogdan broke the CF earlier because he took Penguin's cities. Giving you right to move HoH armies in our core. I found this a silly excuse. 

2. I did not receive any answer from Aussie 

3. And Kobu just answered 'the era will end anyway'

So who broke the CF again? Me or you?

By the way, after the hit my injured didn't count in HoH as well.

22:20:02 Nov 22nd 20 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):

I am quite disappointed to learn that reputed and veteran players like Aussie, JLT, Jenna etc. would support playing alongside cheaters. Shameful.

23:17:50 Nov 22nd 20 - Captain Nakuyki:

The fuck is this chain?

0.97 is weird?

When I did play, I just stacked stone at 0.98 early until someone bought it later.

Nativing wood I can understand.

Anything else seems dumb when they're below 1:1 ratio already.

23:25:00 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

You guys are funny. :) we didnt even know resources can be sold at that price point at this point in the game until you guys brought it up. Wasnt even selling. Lol.

So who benefitted from it but you? 

Glad u and ur idiot logic. It never ceases to amaze me. I have to dumb my self down 10 levels to try to understand   it.

Lol for someone who grabed all ce cities before we could and tried so hard to train alot of lvl2s just to win the era and try to grab it from me. You werent even close. You're so funny.  Lolz.. you n bogdan got 90% of ce cities. Wont u even wonder why i have double your land? How much income i have all era from all the fight i had?

Death God Please Dont Cry of Berzerkerz (Orc)
Had 2,339,581 land, 1,686,006 troops and 31 science points. Killed 5,481,333 soldiers, won 161 of 199 battles and captured 106 
  1. General Glad of Gladiators Reborn (Orc)
    Had 1,184,593 land, 3,201,814 troops and 26 science points. Killed 1,452,910 soldiers, won 56 of 82 battles and captured 46 cities.

And @stewie i never though u be in the same idiot mindset as these guys.

23:43:21 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

I wonder.. did i get any benefit?? You tell me?

Saturday - 1 days ago
We received a message from Sir Aloysius XCIV of Mad and Dangerous.
We received a message from Sir Aloysius XCIV of Mad and Dangerous.
We received a message from Sir Aloysius XCIV of Mad and Dangerous.
We received a message from Mr. Mega Steelix.
Mr. Mega Steelix has been accepted into your kingdom!
We received a message from Mr. Mega Steelix.
We have received a kingdom application from Mr. Mega Steelix.

23:49:30 Nov 22nd 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

So PDC what is that you don't understand from what I said? 

And why do you post end era figures? To show again how strong you ended? I knew you are far away from both Bogdan and I, therefore I found your decision to cancel our CF, silly. Era belonged to you and your KD and there wasn't much you could have changed.

I knew you'd plan to EQ our cities, so 1.5 million armies you see there were MUs distributed all over my cities, ready to EQ yours, too. And what, is it not allowed to train low level troops? 

23:52:45 Nov 22nd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

-1000 int


Why bother eqing your cities when i can easily take them?

Ur armys not even half mine. Lol

how can the ce core be your core when we have cities there too? idiots are idiots..

anybody have a cure for idiots?

00:00:59 Nov 23rd 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

I see you can't behave yourself and I am not going to continue this dialog with you. I've said what I had to say.

00:04:44 Nov 23rd 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

06:55:31 Nov 23rd 20 - STEELIX (Mr. Mega Steelix):

I Quit.

I wont play a game where vets do these FEEDING, and when we returners come, they holds us on FORUM & try to show us guilty in front of the Community. 

10:17:20 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Snow Whites Zer:

Is someone Feeding Somwone?! 0.95 gold per stone now? if it gets sold he's feeding up...

Valhalla market

Bigfield The Chairman [Hammer and Shield] is not selling more than 100000 stone

* Only showing the 10% cheapest.
Buy amount:
0.95 gold/stone
Total cost:

19:31:44 Jul 25th 18 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Seriously? I have a Role Playing Kingdom with the sole purpose expressly stated to bring cheap goods to market.

.95 is the general market rate that I would sell at if no one else was on the market. 

You point out the stone, but ignore the people selling tree for 3 gold per unit.

19:33:42 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Oh no! Collusion! Hacking!

Look at this *uncoordinated*...... FEEEDINGG!!! MWAHAHAHHA
07:32:20 - Gaiados Ignazis of Off White Flag bought 100000 food for 140650 gold from you on the market.

19:49:59 Jul 25th 18 -  Mr. Snow Whites Zer:

hmm ok Bigfield.

Lol 😆😃😅

19:59:47 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:


Literally this entire game is built around feeding. If you don't want somone else to feed, then simply sell goods for cheaper. Then you get fed first.

Thats capitalism, baby!

20:15:58 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Snow Whites Zer:

Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:


Literally this entire game is built around feeding. If you don't want somone else to feed, then simply sell goods for cheaper. Then you get fed first.

Thats capitalism, baby!

There're other ways as well Bigfield you can use, available only at the start of the age, but at the end you're right ☺😊 It's all 'bout feeding, but Not only for VU; for all other games as well 😆😂😃

20:46:25 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

I mean you *CAN* native your goods, but that's a waste IMO.

And it can spoil some people's decade old strategy if cheap goods are on market :P

21:03:35 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Gaiados Ignazis:

You all have been feeding me:p

Qanic of Off White Flag bought 102325 tree for 306975 gold from you on the market.
Mattis of Off White Flag bought 73000 tree for 219000 gold from you on the market.
Old Sam of Death Angels bought 40000 tree for 120000 gold from you on the market.
There are no buildings left in Nezferatus. The city now lies in ruins!
Mattis of Off White Flag bought 68000 tree for 204000 gold from you on the market.
Mattis of Off White Flag bought 12115 tree for 36345 gold from you on the market.
Old Sam of Death Angels bought 40000 tree for 120000 gold from you on the market

When they Sell stones at high price (and get sold on Protection) nothing happens. When we sell Stones and somehow it sells, they FLAGS us on community, make a whole thread on our Namne.

11:24:07 Nov 23rd 20 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):

Looks like cheater got banned, and then Bercheaterz fell from 100% to 76% power.

Well done to Glad for catching the cheater and posting proof in forums. And Thank you to Zeta for taking action.

Kingdoms in Fantasia
The War Gods Inn14Dragonlord Ares God of War100
Bercheaterz13Death God Please Dont Cry76
Gladiators Reborn4General Glad35
Mad and Dangerous3Sir Aloysius XCIV23
Holy11Exalted Tester Salamon23
Order of the Dragon2Dragon Prophet Theophilus7
ahoy P I R A T E S ahead1Mr. Seaweed Capn Salajar0

12:16:06 Nov 23rd 20 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Is Zeta helping in feeding TWGI ? 

How much did you pay for this? 

12:18:51 Nov 23rd 20 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

Ask Alice and Monica. They'll tell you how much they paid.

13:42:29 Nov 23rd 20 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Who the fuck is Alice

16:48:09 Nov 23rd 20 - Penguin (Lord Penguin The Strange):

Oh hi kobu

16:54:39 Nov 23rd 20 - The Spartan Leonidas:

wtf are you guys going on about.  and who is Alice?

18:49:44 Nov 23rd 20 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

19:13:42 Nov 23rd 20 - Mr. Mavech:

Looking at the Kd list from above (pirates), looks like the God of Multi is back. It was probably him, all be careful who to accept inside your KD.

00:23:22 Nov 26th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

So PDC, regarding Bogdan / Penguin takeover. 

A guy who was part of a friendly KD attack us. Then he offers Bogdan to take his cities. He knows Bogdan had the army to take those, anyway. Bogdan takes some, although he is doubting if this is the right ting to do.

You make a lot of buzz about the 'cheating event' you've just witnessed. Because our 2 KDs had had good relations, I ask Bogdan to B&D what was not taken and ask Pengiun B&D what was taken. He B&Ds one miner. 

I don't see how are we cheating here.

If some guy attacks you, you have much stronger armies around and then he moves armies out inviting you to take his cities, what would you do? 

11:19:45 Nov 26th 20 - Lord Caedus:

To be fair, I've been accused of exploiting the game before when all I was trying to do was increase the market price so I got more gold for the stone I was selling. 

15:31:51 Dec 2nd 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salajar:

The Hell is that. You guys got Blind or something!!

Fantasia Market

Rundkin [The War Gods Inn] is not selling more than 1000000 stone


* Only showing the 10% cheapest.
1.2 gold/stone
Total cost:

15:33:46 Dec 2nd 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salajar:

Enough of these old retards, breaking the game & talking sh't on Forum. I'm PMing ZeTa with screenshot.

A messenger has been sent out and will soon arrive with your letter to VU Admin.

Back to message list
- close -

16:22:40 Dec 2nd 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Valerius Konstantinus):

^You PM'd Zeta with a screenshot?

Talk about breaking the game...

17:14:55 Dec 2nd 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salajar:


^You PM'd Zeta with a screenshot?

Talk about breaking the game...

I did. And will do again if you bring me into "breaking..." without prior proofs.

Personal Attacking is punishable with a permanent "Forum Ban". Try that someday.

17:55:09 Dec 2nd 20 - Konstant (Mr. Raekwon):

Hmmm, personal attacking? Out of curiosity, who was doing that?

Also, you do know that you can't send screenshots through in-game PM?

18:00:34 Dec 2nd 20 - Mr. Stardust Collector:

You did make me laugh :)

Shug got a Forum Ban. There had been a petition to unban him which ZeTa refused at the end. But there won't be any for you :P

You don't send ZeTa pic caz Admin is afraid you might send him your sleeping pics. Instead, you send him image url after uploading it.

Now pls don't ask me where to upload XD.

08:03:27 Dec 3rd 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad The Cruel):

I think Rundkin is a new player, Stardust. Someone into feeding would try to sell much more than 1 mil at this time of the era.

Believe it or not, I saw a new player in Valhalla doing the same. Perhaps, they haven't learned yet that stone is in abundance in this game and max price you can get for it is 1. 

13:39:13 Dec 3rd 20 - Teirdel (Saint Creighton Abra):

Rundkin is a new player. Sits in our discord and has 10 questions a day. Good guy. Already better than I though thats not saying much!

17:52:00 Dec 9th 20 - Princess Joan of Arc:

So I have been selling lots of food on the market these past few days.

You put at 2.5 and it sells within 30 minutes. Simple and quick, good money.
Was trying to increase the price, given the demand is so high

The only other player noticing this is PDC, I noticed he sells at 2.5 as well.
He probably noticed it goes so quickly...
And now I take a look at the market. Theo sells at price of 2 each...

I mean what the hell are you doing?
After so many years of playing, you still don't understand the basics...

You always say you want to "control" the market.
Could you please explain how are you controlling the market by decreasing price and losing money? I mean if you sell at 2.5 or even at 3 each, it will sell within half an hour.

So please explain how is it worth it to you to sell at 2 each?

18:01:10 Dec 9th 20 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Crixus Prime):

How much does he sell? Maybe not so much to make others sell lower so he can buy? Then sell again at higher price.. dunno :)

18:20:54 Dec 9th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Glenfiddich):

Normally Theo has more food, so he can actually be a pain to buy out, but this era he's lacking, so he's struggling to tank the market like he usually does.

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