Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Age 5

Fantasia Age 5
23:34:29 Dec 23rd 10 - Mr. Barny:

01:11:19 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Santas Large Sack:

exactly what i was thinking

04:38:57 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Eirian Draconis II:

I have no idea what barny said but... It sucks that new cities can't be made for 35-36 more game days(as of right now). I think my peasants are all gonna be dead...

05:17:10 Dec 24th 10 - Fire Lord Crazy II:

U serious =/ These new rules suck ....

05:28:15 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Dexter The Serial Killer:

That is not a new rule. been that way since he split the worlds.

And you will end up with about a third of your peasants still alive........ and yeah that sucks.

06:54:42 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Pure The Inactive:

@dexter he meant as in you cant build straight away :P

09:12:12 Dec 24th 10 - Fire Lord Crazy II:

thank you translator :P

10:52:46 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Knigh:

gives people time to position, i like it

12:18:53 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Eirian Draconis II:

I have no problem with allowing people to move to an ideal location before the start... but I wish our gold and people weren't being wasted before the era even starts...

16:51:35 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Knigh:

well dont spawn til closer to era start?

17:11:39 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Barny:

You start with 1000 peasants. Your starting city contains 51 non-home buildings, thus the ability for 255 peasants to pay taxes. If all 1000 peasants pay taxes, it's about 3400 gold per tick.

17:13:18 Dec 25th 10 - General Who:

Yup, its important. also, everyone log out an back in to update scores. i want to see how far behind i am

18:09:49 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Barny:

I had a typo above, I meant "If all 255 peasants pay taxes...". In the context it's easy to see what I meant anyways.

I have seen posts for a quite some time now where people complain about the death of the 1000 starter peasants before the ability to settle, and everyone seems to think it is significant. It isn't.

(1000 x (e^(-.01 x 48)))) = 619

Even if you spawn on the very first possible tick, you will end up with about 619 peasants by time you can settle a city (this number will vary a bit from what I posted due to how VU rounds numbers). When you settle a city, only 255 peasants can pay taxes on the first tick anyways, thus you will ALWAYS be able to have the maximum income on the first tick. Even then, the maximum income is about 3400 gold from taxes.

At that earliest stage of the era (when the loss of less than 400 peasants would actually matter), less than 50 mines will produce 3400 gold. You can easily have that after 1 tick.

In summary, the pre-settling peasant loss is almost completely insignificant.

23:06:58 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Well, by the looks of these landing positions I think this will be a pretty fun era!

23:45:17 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Hanky Spanky:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Hex5Mr. Hanky Panky100
Nom Nom Nominion15Mr. Santas Large Sack58
Relentless22Mr. Hocus Fec Pocus45
Mad and Dangerous21Mr. Aloysius38
Every Visual Utopian Loser26Mr. Binh The Pokemon Master33
Abydos20Mr. Finwe32
Encrypted Fate1Mr. Encrypted14
Kingdom Hearts21Sir Sorra7
The Troll Alliance3King Burninglegion The Bloodlust5
Death Eaters3Mr. Sleeping Rabbit4
Bloodletters2Mr. Orc Warrior3
Anarchy2Toaster Struddle0
Akatsuchi2Mr. Estucheon0
Mr God of War1Mr. Csclittleshatta0
Drain The Beans1Mr. Teticle VII0
Kingdom of Darkness Light and Fire1Mr. Moregoth0
THC5Mr. Jmullet0

Fail alert... Can't you out run freeking 5 man kd... With a 20+ man kd first 10 hours of the game... You should be ashamed..

23:46:51 Dec 25th 10 - General Who:

plus we have the top three spots :D and power is double lol off to a great start

23:50:39 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


All hail farther Christmas!

00:21:17 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Encrypted:

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Hex7Mr. Hanky Panky585
Nom Nom Nominion15Mr. Santas Large Sack288
Mad and Dangerous21Mr. Aloysius239
Every Visual Utopian Loser26Mr. Binh The Pokemon Master130
Abydos20Mr. Finwe125
Encrypted Fate1Mr. Encrypted100
Relentless22Mr. Hocus Fec Pocus59
Kingdom Hearts21Sir Sorra28
The Troll Alliance3King Burninglegion The Bloodlust18
Death Eaters3Mr. Sleeping Rabbit17
Bloodletters2Mr. Orc Warrior12
Anarchy2Toaster Struddle0
Akatsuchi2Mr. Estucheon0
Mr God of War1Mr. Csclittleshatta0
Drain The Beans1Mr. Teticle VII0
Kingdom of Darkness Light and Fire1Mr. Moregoth0
THC5Mr. Jmullet0
wow im above two KDs with 20 people in them "Fail"

00:35:37 Dec 26th 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

your all fail for bragging about irrelevant stuff, congratz losers!

00:41:11 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Hanky Spanky:

Jealous Stirlin that you left us? So you cant brag about it?

00:41:54 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Encrypted:

Lol i wasnt bragging sir :)

00:43:18 Dec 26th 10 - General Who:

lol flame on!

btw hows everyone landing going

01:45:40 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Encrypted:

Pretty good how about yourself? (:

02:07:48 Dec 26th 10 - General Who:

good, but cant find anyone :(

05:51:58 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Ninja:

era starts on christmas haha

zeta wtf... i hate starting late

07:39:18 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Sir:

i'd like to stay online all christmas day and be all over the hoh. how to do this?

10:02:31 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Barny:

14:45:17 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Hanky Spanky:

Fail alert... Can't you out run freeking 5 man kd... With a 20+ man kd first 10 hours of the game... You should be ashamed..


The era began on Christmas, naturally there will be late starters. Comparing score in the first day of an era has never been a good comparison, let alone in the first few hours. Your had nearly as many players spawned as some of the 20 man kingdoms, and your kingdom was 100% Halfling at that time (which means a huge score bonus early era when most land was created with the initial 300k gold).

Perhaps you can perpetrate some sort of exp farming ring to maintain your position late era.

10:09:29 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Here is an updated score, now that we have cleared out the inactives. Obviously score means little so early, but this gives a good picture of the member counts of each kingdom and some idea of how many have spawned:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Hex10Mr. Hanky Panky154
Nom Nom Nominion15Mr. Santas Large Sack130
Every Visual Utopian Loser21Mr. Binh The Pokemon Master100
Mad and Dangerous21Mr. Aloysius81
Abydos20Mr. Finwe76
Relentless22Mr. Hocus Fec Pocus39
Encrypted Fate1Mr. Encrypted20
The Troll Alliance3King Burninglegion The Bloodlust7
Kingdom Hearts21Sir Sorra4
Bloodletters2Mr. Orc Warrior2
Anarchy2Toaster Struddle0
Akatsuchi2Mr. Estucheon0
Mr God of War1Mr. Csclittleshatta0
Drain The Beans1Mr. Teticle VII0
Kingdom of Darkness Light and Fire1Mr. Moregoth0
THC5Mr. Jmullet0

This looks like it will be a decent era. There are four small kingdoms with 1-4 players spawning, two medium sized kingdoms with 10-15 members in which most of the players are highly active (thus able to compete with larger kingdoms), and four 20-22 member kingdoms.

From the looks of things, it will be quite well balanced all around. A lot of this era will probably come down to spawning positions, which kingdoms whore NAPs, and a few other factors; as opposed to there being one kingdom that is guaranteed a win based on sheer numbers or spawning location.

11:38:04 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

tut barny...

and no we wasn't 100% halfers when he posted that lol

12:01:53 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Barny:

You do have a lot of Halfling though.

It's a pretty good racial composition. We cut out most the shitty races from EVUL as well.

12:35:50 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Finwe:

wait people started before midday boxing day? curse you xmas drink!

12:40:25 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Few players landed on time. I was like HoH #4 as Orc for the entire starting period, which shows how few Halfling had landed.

But it doesn't really matter for you I suppose, it just means you will have smaller cities when we take them =)

15:43:40 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Eye Love Black Puddin:

Thank God some of the kingdoms have cut back on their numbers...

16:56:52 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Finwe:

you can try to take my cities. it will be very hard for you.. when i build my first ill let you know tho

20:05:31 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Magic Warrior:

Damagecontrol in progress (both here and on Mantrax).

Not because of late start, but family-business demanded my full attention.


I hope I find a way to compensate for the loss of "some" production as it happend in my protectiontime - I had no choice :little-grin:, so hard work waits for me on Fantasia.

As for Mantrax I lost 'bout a total of 25K berserks in two battles during this afternoon.... but that was the price I had to pay I guess.



23:23:49 Dec 27th 10 - Mr. Binh The Pokemon Master:

I was trying to build a city named pikachu earlier today. Guess what happen? Someone already built a city with that name!

Which of you evil guys have my pikachu!?

I gotta catch em all!

13:27:27 Dec 28th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

Binh,.. I always use Pokemons to name my city. But Pikachu is already taken too. :D

16:04:14 Dec 28th 10 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

Any kd in fantasia looking for players?

17:24:03 Dec 28th 10 - Mr. Barny:

If you are looking for a kingdom, you might want to also post in this thread, you may have better results. I know that you have AT LEAST an era of experience on other worlds, so I am willing to bet MAD/Relentless would accept you.

21:37:22 Dec 28th 10 - Mr. Eirian Draconis II:

I guess I should look for a KD but then that would mean my attempt to set up my own little core would be useless since KD mates could just come storming in to build new cities... I'm conflicted on that...

I guess this is irrelevant to the discussion so... How do the KDs look right now?

18:58:36 Dec 29th 10 - Mr. Brick:

Seems Hamish banner has been stolen

20:32:47 Dec 29th 10 - Mr. Luispocho:

wich kd is in the center north? i dont see anyone close to me, i am so alone D: this is boring not havin a kd -.-

21:01:33 Dec 29th 10 - Mr. Barny:

09:58:36 Dec 29th 10 - Mr. Brick:

Seems Hamish banner has been stolen

Lol come on now Kobuskan, you cannot "claim" a solid black banner. Hell, I have seen it used on other worlds these days. We both know that the solid black banner is functionally superior to all other banners due to the fact that the game uses solid black on the rims on the army animation, as well as above it to denote army size.

For anyone wondering, EVUL reformed under "Dark Side" because someone left the kingdom on accident, thus we had to reform to be able to re-accept them.

21:02:21 Dec 29th 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

id prefer blue

21:03:15 Dec 29th 10 - Mr. Barny:

What shade of blue?

21:16:39 Dec 29th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Does this work, Stirlin? It's "Robbin's Egg Blue".

According to Wikipedia, it has a calming affect.

16:26:32 Dec 30th 10 - General Who:

MAD + Dark Side vs. Hex.

14:20:12 Dec 31st 10 - Lady Barkbender of The Leaves:

should be an easy era then if it is just MAD and DARKSIDE vs HEX.

Mad and Dangerous27Mr. Aloysius100
Hex12Mr. Hanky Panky81
Dark Side17Mr. Binh The Pokemon Master77

17:08:54 Dec 31st 10 - General Who:

oh and i just killed some troll alliance guy. :p

04:16:49 Jan 1st 11 - Mr. Barny:

07:26:32 Dec 30th 10 - General Who:

MAD + Dark Side vs. Hex. 

Wording it in such a way isn't anywhere near accurate. It's more like almost every Hex member vs Dark Side, and like 3 Hex vs a few MAD guys.

It's a pretty evenly balanced fight.

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