Forums / In game politics / Good vs Evil 13

Good vs Evil 13
22:18:42 Jan 20th 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Cloutier):

We need more players here guys. Last era there was only like 6 players.

00:07:25 Jan 21st 16 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces):

theres a bunch, and it's being played as a free for all, no kingdoms.

02:06:50 Jan 21st 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Cloutier):

well I'm not leaving my kingdom. lol but its just me.  so does this mean no nap?

02:08:06 Jan 21st 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Sub Zero):

you tired?

04:12:04 Jan 21st 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Cloutier):

yes, but not what um talking about. lol

19:23:13 Jan 23rd 16 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Ancient):

Why the hell cant I select that world to spawn in, it just says an open world.....

19:29:15 Jan 23rd 16 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion The Lumberjack):

Disregard my rookie comment, still getting the hang out things since returning from my hiatus

17:18:50 Feb 20th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Sub Zero):

11:05:01 - Sub Zero won a battle against Scorpion from Mr. Burninglegion The Lumberjack. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

18:20:23 Feb 20th 16 - shyers (Mr. Shy):

This world really needs to go

22:52:03 Feb 20th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Sub Zero):

it's a FFA world!

04:21:29 Feb 21st 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Yoda):

It's not a ffa. you picked it has that. it's suppose to be good vs evil.

04:28:28 Feb 21st 16 - shyers (Mr. Shy):

Please terminate this world. Make a Fifa world were you can't join a kd. 

Make a quick world and close the rest to open after your death, like old skool

06:17:38 Feb 21st 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Sub Zero):

It's not a ffa. you picked it has that. it's suppose to be good vs evil.\

Where is good and evil?

10:37:57 Feb 21st 16 - Mr. Elelijahsesugh The Flamebringe:

but there are kingdoms on the map , ergo not a FFA 

14:28:44 Feb 21st 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Deathknight):

No one joined them. so people found loop holes to create a kingdom there. as long as there are no kingdoms with 5 or more players it's like a ffa

15:52:13 Feb 21st 16 - Duke Sesughter Kumasson of The Hunt:

FFA means everyone vs everyone , 5 man kingdoms are not FFA....

19:42:22 Feb 21st 16 - shyers (Mr. Shy):

A 3KD world might be cool again too. But not fant this time.

In fact having multiple worlds with different laws to each might now only increase our vet turn out but also our noobs. I can say from my personal experience that I have often tried multiple game plays before giving up on a game. And have at times stayed with the game and learned to play the main world 

23:55:40 Mar 22nd 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic The Recruiter):

I'll do teams for next era if there is enough interest (please indicate if you are willing to be a leader)

1. Horus (willing to lead)

04:14:24 Mar 23rd 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Deathknight):

I am a leader. lol

04:15:16 Mar 23rd 16 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Blood Mage):

I would consider it

14:14:15 Mar 23rd 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus Late Arma):

1. Horus (possible leader)

2. Cloutier (possible leader)
3. Burninglegion

15:10:36 Mar 23rd 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

I'm interested. Fantasia got too dramatic.

what makes it different, how does it work?

16:20:30 Mar 23rd 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus Late Arma):

1. Horus (possible leader)
2. Cloutier (possible leader)
3. Burninglegion
4. Theophilus

Teams are assigned and there are only 2 kingdoms, good and Evil. Thats basically it.

16:25:24 Mar 23rd 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

People aren't restricted by races?

17:16:20 Mar 23rd 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic The Recruiter):

No, what do you mean?

18:18:14 Mar 23rd 16 - Prince Erythnul:

I'm in 

18:36:19 Mar 23rd 16 - Mr. Bigfield:

For whatever reason, I thought Good Vs Evil meant 'good races' went against 'evil races'.

20:31:26 Mar 23rd 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus Late Arma):

1. Horus (possible leader)
2. Cloutier (possible leader)
3. Burninglegion
4. Theophilus
5. Ery

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