Forums / In game politics / Imperium Corps is recruiting

Imperium Corps is recruiting
04:59:29 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:

We are in need of new members apply anytime and you will be accepted.

Please include the following in your application so we know something about you.

1.past names 2.past kingdoms 3.prefered race 4.eras played 5.anything else 

05:00:17 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Unknown:

Does your kingdom come with free cookies? And good luck on your recruiting and you'll be ready in two days.

05:17:54 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:

yes we acutally do give away free cookies and i doubt anyone will join just us three were stronger than paladins and domination but that dont matter i guess i would like to have more members but it probly wont happen

05:26:36 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Hey now Mr. Chaos have a positive attitude! That is key! First off aim for the lower scored players. those with little to no experience. They are more willing to join and due to have less experience are able to be trained by yourself. In turn you also earn their friendship and loyalty.

05:29:34 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:

the only new players i find either dont join or go inactive before they join

05:37:54 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

It just takes time my friend. Is one gold nugget not worth more than a million pieces of fools gold.

05:46:17 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:

ill find some eventualy

05:52:45 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Aye just keep diggin.

07:16:19 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

Mr. Chaos


15:17:54 Apr 3rd 10
yes we acutally do give away free cookies and i doubt anyone will join just us three were stronger than paladins and domination but that dont matter i guess i would like to have more members but it probly wont happen

I have to say you were not stronger than Domination maybe at end of era cause we were attacked by the kingdom that came first. 3 quarters of the kingdom went inactive after they took all our cities, 10 people left the kingdom and from what i know only 5 members kept playing and they had to restart or rebuild. Domination was an awesome kingdom so dont you say you were stronger then them.

07:21:35 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Skinnyvinny:

ya don't diss Dom.  i have fought them before.  not something you want to do.  they got some dang good players.

07:23:13 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

Yer Lew can get pretty crazy if you piss her off.

07:30:46 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Skinnyvinny:

oh god don't remind me.

16:59:51 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

Coff stole my kingdom coff

17:02:02 Apr 3rd 10 - General Admin Zondy:

better than dom? i believe at era end it was just me and i was a little over 1/3 your power.. and better than poff too? yea right. doubt that. you farmed the whole era and still wasnt better sadly.

and doubt people will join when you talk like that

17:24:00 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:

alright i wasnt stronger than anyone and by the way sir jason of antioch i didnt steal your kingdom ask your previous leader he made me leader when you all left us

17:27:59 Apr 3rd 10 - General Admin Zondy:

lol. you were strong though :) not gonna lie. you have a nice setup. and a nice army.

18:00:53 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:

Kingdoms in Talents
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 32 Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Just 15
Submission 1 Ms. Isabella Rosselini 8
The A Team 1 Mr. Ants 0
Phi Factor 7 Mr. Mavich 0
Dark 4 Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm 0
TriForce 1 Mr. Zaxou The Wise 0
StormKnights of Old 1 Mr. Rudvike of Mandor 0
Kingdom Of Artemis 3 Mr. Tak 0
Merchants Of Death 2 Mr. Shadowz 0
Brethren Forever 10 King Dragon of Wrath 0
Death Everlasting 3 Necromancer Meh 0
Hemorrhagic Pneumonia 1 Mr. Hexister 0
Death Emissary 2 Mr. Sett 0
Fallen Warlords 1 Mr. Ballsax 0
Headless Horsemen 7 Mr. Bloody Dwarf 0
Immortals 2 Mr. Abysmalchasm 0
Netherworld 2 Mr. Slaughter 0
The Noobs 1 Mr. Kal 0
Show No Mercy 1 Mr. Morgawr 0
the hezi alliance 1 Mr. Henderson 0
Caliphate 3 Mr. Rafiq al Rashid 0
Rapture 2 Mr. Newell 0
The Last Stand 3 Mr. Dope 0
Brethren Hero 1 Mr. Teddybear 0
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Fate 31 Sir Feanor The Bloodthirsty 238
Hematolagnia 22 Mr. Rocknrolla 106
Gladiators 12 Mr. Wounded Glad 102
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Mad Against Drugs 24 Mr. Aloysius 866
Army of Anubis 16 Prince Anonymous 580
Havok 11 Mr. Plokoon 542
XClan 6 Mr. Accoustic 228
Predators 8 Sir Darkmarsbar 18
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Forget Everything and Run 30 Sir Binh The Adventurer 2712
Fellowship of the Feather 2 Mr. Ducky 2
Kingdoms in Starta
Relentless 9 Mr. Annunaki 82
Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate 4 Mr. Die Kill Die 14
Fallen Legions 3 Ice Prince Isis 10
Kingdom of Heaven 4 Mr. Joebob 2
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Flame Lords Legion 17 Flame Lord Phoenix 721
AntiFederation 10 Sir Burninglegion The Vengeful 127
Kingdom Berserk 9 Mr. Arch Shade 0
Unjust 3 Mr. Xodotuisco II 0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Guild of the Fallen 28 Guildmaster Chade 772
The Federation 19 Lord Uther Pendragon 422
Music 17 Lord Gilth 278
Brotherhood of the Wolf 10 Wolflord Karac 155
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Royal order of Claidmore 18 Duke Kevdwayne 810
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 16 Duke Insane XIV 324
The Unbreakables 3 Mr. Tyrgalon 85
NEBC 2 Sir Arkantos 21
Bear Machines 8 Mr. Bear Banger 8
Black Flag 9 Mr. Hamish 2
Untold Legends 1 Mr. Halt 0
Zoo 5 Mr. Michael Buble 0
Kingdoms in Midgard
Imperium Corps 3 Mr. Chaos 100
IFYA 7 Mr. Warrior 3
Kingdoms in Latha
Looney Toons 9 Prince Wiley Coyote 220
SWAT 7 Mr. Brad Pitt 57
Grudgebringers 2 Commander Antharic Grudgebringer 12
Kingdoms in Fensteria
cool ass kingdom 2 Mr. Omgcoconuts 69
Kingdoms in Mogrox
Stupendously Excited Xenophobes 4 Mr. Breed 107
Ownerfied Pzornification 2 Sir Jesus Left Toe 32
Two Jelly Beans 5 Mr. Elfbean 10
Galactic Republic 2 Mr. Han Solo 0
Kingdom Of Jarri 7 Sir Jason of Antioch 0
Leauge 2 Mr. Uzari 0
dark riders solo 2 Mr. Liano 0

18:13:07 Apr 3rd 10 - General Admin Zondy:

point? everyone has switched kds and such, and only reason u were alive is that u naped everyone and farmed.. we all had wars

18:18:16 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:

i only had 2 naps and i was warring with hema this isnt about me being better than anyone im just trying to get new members

18:23:51 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

Previous leader? chaos i am the previous leader looool and you only became leader because my account got deleted , then when i spoke to zeta he told me to make a new one , then YOU refused to accept my application to join MY kingdom...

18:28:08 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:

I didnt refuse WE decuded to stay and the previous leader was makaroner

18:28:27 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Chaos:


18:31:11 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

well i re applied , accept me

20:03:18 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

Bump :D Join up

21:56:09 Apr 3rd 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

Mr. Unknown


23:00:17 Apr 2nd 10
Does your kingdom come with free cookies? And good luck on your recruiting and you'll be ready in two days.


my kd do gives free cookies and tacos

21:57:58 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

my kingdom give free ice princes for lunch lol

21:58:35 Apr 3rd 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

o.O oh dang...

You not gona get meh!

23:17:46 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Han Solo:

Well Ice Prince Isis it seems that I will be joining them as well. It seems that my time to be leader will have to be put on hold. RL issues came up to where I cannot be leader because being leader requires a lot of time to do things so I will leave that for the summertime.

00:54:51 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Chaos:


01:27:14 Apr 5th 10 - Lord Reddragon Mummy:

Well good luck Chaos and Jason, this kingdom keeps a good place in my hearth. ^^

17:19:17 Apr 5th 10 - Duke Kathandarion:

Bump , im a duke now bitchesss

19:46:54 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Luke Skywalker:

I cant spend any more money for titles :( I need to be a sir soon.

02:40:40 Apr 6th 10 - Duke Kathandarion:

bumpety bump , still recruiting on zetamania

21:34:09 Apr 8th 10 - Duke Kathandarion:

We are currently on zetamania , recruiting any players , new or old , who are also on zetamania and willing to learn/help us and mutually benefit from our aid.

So if thats you please send in an application.

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