Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Age 10

Mantrax Age 10
22:21:40 Sep 10th 11 - Zond (The Deus):

let it begins

22:22:51 Sep 10th 11 - Mr. Hiroshimatrollishous:

yes it begins about as fast as I zonders hand...

22:34:12 Sep 10th 11 - Zond (The Deus):

too many penis's in here

22:26:06 Sep 14th 11 - The Wolflord (Mr. Red Hand):

I think we all need a 'coffee break' :) <3 julie!

00:17:10 Sep 15th 11 - Endless (Lady Twelve Deadly Cyns Andthensome):

hmm red hand eh, who you been spanking? <3

01:05:14 Sep 15th 11 - The Wolflord (Mr. Sorcerer):

Oh ya know, people here and there ;)

08:32:11 Sep 15th 11 - Zond (The Elf):

Forgotten Warriors20Lady Jade1195


Evil Plan Inc2The Elf100


Coffee Break9Lady Twelve Deadly Cyns Andthensome677


Evil Plan Inc2The Elf100

Lets do this!!

08:43:19 Sep 15th 11 - Mr. Bugger Mee Sideways:

It must feel good to be loved.. :)

08:57:18 Sep 15th 11 - Endless (Lady Twelve Deadly Cyns Andthensome):

You missed the part where FW dropped War Camp in our tiny core :p

and I feel a need to try and spank something before I am spanked ;)

09:17:25 Sep 15th 11 - Endless (Lady Twelve Deadly Cyns Andthensome):

00:01:20 - She Bop lost a battle against People of Hannibal The Admiral from Mr. Hannibal The Admiral. The army retreated to Time After Time. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

:|  you spanked my scout!!  warrrrrrrrrrrrr :p
Anybody want to gangbang FW this era? message me :)
terms: CF until they are dead ;)

10:27:54 Sep 15th 11 - Mr. Lokken:

Almost every era is gangbang FW era :p

10:28:33 Sep 15th 11 - Zond (The Elf):

ohh i see. well right now FW is asleep so ive taken a fee cities XD

10:37:57 Sep 15th 11 - Mr. Lokken:

Apparently some have been asleep since they landed.

15:18:07 Sep 15th 11 - Fire Lord Fury II:

Half the kingdom im in are sleeping for more then 20 days ,lol

16:39:10 Sep 15th 11 - Zond (Sir Elf Test):

Yeah, yummy halflings. Feed me on up.

If Binh would leave me alone or not be there, you guys might be in trouble right there :p

17:05:56 Sep 15th 11 - Megamasturbs (Mr. Hirotroller):

Meh binh about to be raped....who cares they are doomed :P

18:07:32 Sep 15th 11 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Slave Collector):

You like to daydream or something? :P

20:31:27 Sep 15th 11 - Megamasturbs (Mr. Hirotroller):

Tsh, gaia. wait till my 7 zerkers come, they be squashin them like shrimp...mmmm shrimp....

03:35:11 Sep 16th 11 - Mr. Zombie Sucks Solo:

Oh shit guess whos soloing, endless i dont mind a relationship with you guys, i wana do something to FW. Now watch binh send you army here, hopefully i can have a pleasent surprise up soon :P

04:07:55 Sep 16th 11 - Fire Lord Fury II:

The aKward moment when you lose your main city to a nazgul scout .. Fuark i havnt played this in a while ,lol. I forgot they can fly over walls like that . so i didnt build Gt in that city .

16:59:07 Sep 16th 11 - Mr. Zombie Sucks Solo:

Lol id laugh if that happens :P

17:42:09 Sep 16th 11 - Mr. Hannibal The Admiral:

I don't kill scouts, I just givem a good spankin

01:45:59 Sep 17th 11 - Mr. Plokoon:

I've not played in a long time either. Decided to return and see if anyone I know still played...

02:01:52 Sep 17th 11 - The Wolflord (Mr. Red Hand):

Hows it going Plokoon?

03:57:57 Sep 17th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Sir Iesus Rex):

We are all still around Plokoon, hiding in back alleyways and muttering about the good ol' days.

02:02:12 Sep 18th 11 - Mr. Plokoon:

It's going well - except I'm an idiot and re-started in my last year of university instead of doing my dissertation. 

I hopefully, this time, will do less to piss people off all the time! Lol I remember having a habit of doing that. 

Infact, I think I may have matured...

Anyway, I reason us three should start a super kingdom...we could name it something like.... THE FALCONS! ?? :P

02:11:57 Sep 18th 11 - The Wolflord (Mr. Red Hand):

Ill save one of my characters just for that :)

03:58:12 Sep 18th 11 - Fire Lord Fury II:

there is like only 6 members in my kingdom exully playing xD outta 32

06:10:35 Sep 18th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Iesus Rex):

I'll save one of my characters for it as well, as long as you find a good kd pic. :P

15:51:11 Sep 18th 11 - Duke Drakos:

Plokoon!!  How in the hell is it going? You restarting Falcons or going back futher and restarting AoC. (Agents of Chaos)

18:55:25 Sep 18th 11 - Mr. Plokoon:

Flip me Drakos - long time.

I'm thinking about re-starting Falcons (and what's this about openly having multi's guys? Have I missed something!?)

If I restart it - lets say...tomorrow or end of week and use this era to recruit? Would you three like Vice positions?

19:52:38 Sep 18th 11 - Lady Jade:

They aren't multis. They are multiple characters on the same account. A non donator can have 3 characters.

00:18:25 Sep 19th 11 - Mr. Spud The Illusionist:

Whaaaaaaaaaaat? I didnt know that. Is that new?

02:50:34 Sep 19th 11 - Mr. Plokoon:

Well that is definately a new feature since I left.

Anyway - time to start a thread...

05:40:24 Sep 19th 11 - Lady Jade:

Yeah for a few eras now

14:25:52 Oct 4th 11 - Mr. Marauder Die Kill Die:

Sooooo..... how are we all going?

16:14:13 Oct 4th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):


16:12:41 Oct 6th 11 - Sir Moonshine:

looks like FW isnt doing too too badly

12:47:35 Oct 7th 11 - Soth (Ms. Daenerys Targaryen):

Don't you guys get bored of winning all the time? How about spreading the wealth =p

18:02:19 Oct 7th 11 - Mr. Experimenting:

I am just here to experiment. And it seems my experiments aren't going too well :(

BTW, I can now cast Armageddon. Anyone want it to be cast? We can have an impromptu vote here on whether you want to end the era now or not :P

19:28:58 Oct 7th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilber The Derp):

Don't cast arma. The fighting has barely begun! Just Me, Will, Rox, Helstrom and a few others on a missing persons search. Anyone seen him? He's called Binh....last we heard he was down south somewhere, we haven't received an update in a while. Should we call off our search? 

18:22:33 Oct 19th 11 - Mr. Via Dolorosa:

There are so many cute dragons out here.

23:42:47 Oct 19th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Incognito Pillager):

Who were the evil guys who slayed 2 of them? Shame on them!

16:35:14 Oct 20th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):

Those dragons could've told us where Binh is!!!

23:56:45 Oct 20th 11 - Mr. Noname:

Stop the killing! Protect the dragons!

21:02:20 Oct 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilber The Derp):

Day 17 of the search:

No sign of Binh yet. We have searched BoW and AoA areas for any sign of him. We found alot of dead AoA and FW nazguls in the AoA core. Could it be, he died? Surely not. We must continue searching, he is the key to stopping our world blowing up. 
We are currently also working through the Music area, he's not there either. Could it be he is alive, trapped within the Infinity borders? We shall hopefully find out. 

21:13:09 Oct 24th 11 - Endless (Ms. Memento Mori):

He is slave collecting, you need a boat to go find him :p

22:22:34 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Clone:

the dragon ate him. Is it still alive btw?

22:52:57 Oct 24th 11 - Rottich (Mr. Ratman):

Which one of them? I've had 3 of them paying me a visit...

23:35:51 Oct 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilber The Derp):

I shall harass ZeTa for boats then Endless!

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