Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era 42

Mantrax Era 42
06:59:19 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


07:01:29 Sep 7th 09 - Lady Soraya:

Welcome one welcome all :D

07:01:59 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
No Pulse 20 Mr. Hanky Panky 100
Mad Against Drugs 30 Mr. Aloysius 31
Shadows 7 Lady Astoria 0

Lets make love. <3

07:07:07 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

good luck no pulse

07:07:14 Sep 7th 09 - Duke Nukem:

lol No pulse.. sounds so Ghey :P

Pulse would of been better
*glares at hankers*

09:55:17 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

*make love not war*


11:16:11 Sep 7th 09 - Duke Nukem:

hehe Hankers <3

11:40:02 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

stfu Josh..ur just jelous....

Sk Sucks!

11:57:28 Sep 7th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Hanky Panky is taking on MAD?

That will be an interesting war to watch

12:00:13 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Random:

Hanky Panky and Random (sun)

12:14:01 Sep 7th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

I see Stewie Griffin is with you also.

Gets even more interesting with you two also in Pulse

12:15:03 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Thats CRAZY!

12:32:54 Sep 7th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Indeed it is when we do it. Maybe it wont be when you do it. :P

15:40:22 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

Lord Pesterd
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Dislocated
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Pantheon II
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Hanky Panky
Member of: No Pulse.

Warlord Harkaa
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Famous
Member of: Dendarii Mercenary Corps.

Mr. Pingvinai Daug
Member of: No Pulse.

Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Some Fcked Dude
Member of: No Pulse.

Duke Random
Member of: No Pulse.

hehe Pulse wins the era!! WOOOHOOOO

16:03:29 Sep 7th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

yes we do

16:55:33 Sep 7th 09 - Sir Spoon:

no we dont

17:00:18 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

spoon, just because your not on the HOH list it doesnt give you the right to moan about it..

come on..

if MAD would like to tell us where their located ill give them a cyber hug

17:43:19 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

how come i dont get a huggy? i told u where my cities are :'(

17:48:40 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

haha you didnt tell me.. i saw them on the MAP!!!

17:52:03 Sep 7th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

either way u still get to see them you have to give hugs to everyone whos cities u can see...that shud pester you good :p

17:55:20 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

lol the word Pestered is commonly misused. my name doesnt say Pestered it says Pesterd. meaning it was a made up word and does not mean annoyed

20:40:41 Sep 7th 09 - Lady Soraya:

I know ware MAD is ;) But Im-not-telling!

20:44:14 Sep 7th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

now that fact is just pestering me :p (prepare for more mis-use) and what tells you we dont know where mad is :p

21:06:12 Sep 7th 09 - Lady Soraya:

Im telapathetic, didnt you know? :P that and Mr. Pestered said so!

*EDIT* Forgive me, *bowes graciously* LORD Pestered :P

00:58:51 Sep 8th 09 - Ms. Aiushtha The Blue Enchantress:

we're here. ;-)

00:58:52 Sep 8th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

LORD... and must you never get tired of the title.. (unless i become a duke)

and lol maybe it was a cross diversion.. because if we didnt know theni wouldnt ask. becaus ei was making a joke about it so hence you dont know if we know :P

uve been lawyered...

02:21:58 Sep 8th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

we guys are just simple minded leave us alone we dont even know if there is a kingdom called mad... :/

02:52:56 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


City Info
Owner:Mr. DarkzthevengefulspiritKingdom Banner
Size:138 building(s).
Kingdom:Mad Against Drugs
Gates:no gates

BOO! =)

05:18:01 Sep 8th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

we are tracks you downnnn :P

and btw not to mention Pulse.. just so happens to be owning everything..

aight seriously guys.. im calling ourselves pulse.. the NO is killing me..

05:20:30 Sep 8th 09 - Sir Onslaught:

no pulse = dead

why call a kingdom dead before its even started? :p

05:21:06 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

Its the way we like our pulse.

05:23:04 Sep 8th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

rofl that just brought tears to my eyes :P

aight so now for some serious discussionnnn hmmmm where to begin???

06:46:38 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Its the way we like our pulse.
hehe..nice one ;)

06:50:59 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:


08:23:19 Sep 8th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

tut tut hes suffering from withdrawl systems dont worry i got some medicine for you :)

08:29:41 Sep 8th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

no no you didnt steal our meds did you Sir Fontaninius

08:41:31 Sep 8th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

i plan to this raving lunatic thinks he has a chance :/ now lets see the hoh


Most Powerful Rulers

No Pulse
With Mr. Hanky Panky as leader.

Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

With Lady Astoria as leader.

Dendarii Mercenary Corps
With Sir Jondrus Blackfist as leader.

Jelly Bean Empire
With Mr. Red Bean as leader.

The ROC Elders
With Mr. Ghengis Khan as leader.

With Commander Aligreat as leader.

With Mr. Gibson as leader.

With Mr. Roxbury as leader.

Order of Braimul
With Mr. Shavari as leader.

Lord Pesterd
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Dislocated
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Hanky Panky
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Pantheon II
Member of: No Pulse.

Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII
Member of: No Pulse.

Lord Stewie Griffin
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Some Fcked Dude
Member of: No Pulse.

Mr. Pingvinai Daug
Member of: No Pulse.

Sir Lazydragoon
Member of: No Pulse.

Sir Spoon
Member of: No Pulse.

08:48:51 Sep 8th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Hmmm so why do you need our meds then seems you have power on your side LOL

Oh Oh I get it they are MAD so your going to make them take meds and then they will be HAPPY

10:28:20 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

you know what i dont get!!
why are they so mad at drugs???
may-b they are x druggy's :P

11:51:20 Sep 8th 09 - Duke Nukem:

Pfffft No Pulse... i will tae you all on and kill you alll... Starting with with the easiest to kill to the hardest... Stewie your turn is up.... sorry Spoon you are going to have wait awhile :P

12:04:43 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

sry slade... there mine you gotta wait till im done with them first

12:42:18 Sep 8th 09 - Warlord Harkaa:

If you want Stewie or Spoon you gotta come through me

Dont cry when i kill you. I hate seeing girls like you cry


13:08:47 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Mr. Tourmented talking to me?

13:53:56 Sep 8th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

No Pulse 23 Mr. Hanky Panky 100
Mad Against Drugs 30 Mr. Aloysius 4

nice one :P

22:56:26 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:


23:39:05 Sep 8th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

DPS, when two people are talking, dont interrupt. Thanx

Slade ur still a nub no matter wat DPS said :P

00:39:42 Sep 9th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

lol agreed slade is a nub :)

09:36:52 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Mr. Tourmented Soul...k then.My bad

09:39:04 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:


09:57:09 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Famous:

aaa i see Mr. Tourmented Soul.My bad then.Thought you were talking to me ;)

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