Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Wars I

Mantrax Wars I
23:40:04 Mar 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:


23:49:08 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

hey you stoled the world topics from Evans :P

23:58:25 Mar 23rd 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:


00:14:33 Mar 24th 08 - Sir Revenge:



04:21:55 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Vexsloth:

going to be some good wars on that tiny map :) have fun lol

08:16:46 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Alva:

DA IS GONA RULE ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

when i join it :P

08:20:15 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Paladinofblood:

who.. is da anyways...

08:35:28 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

:O you dont know DA?

08:38:36 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Alva:


09:51:56 Mar 24th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


this era should be fun, but no burning down citys :(  thats a pain


09:53:13 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Random:

who actually does it anyway.
it just lowers moral.

Does this mean that its ok to burn cities from the inside now?

09:53:42 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

the idea is , the space for building cities is limited thus it will be kinda wars all the time for exchanging the cities ... but im not sure i like the smaller map :( ,

10:02:02 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

new burning regime: capture city then manually destroy all buildings, the city will disappear in one tick. then sell the slaves for an extortionate amount of cash

10:05:15 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XII:

lol an era without sloht isnt it :p

12:34:56 Mar 24th 08 - Master Yoda III:

Mantrax has all the kingdoms it feels like. 23 kingdoms so far. Im ranked 20 but we will rise. lol

Mantrax will be a huge war soon

12:37:03 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Thomas The Apprentice:

Fant got all the big kgs then, mant got most kgs but they are not so big in numbers each

16:46:17 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade:

It should be an interesting era.  I resigned as leader of Gauls towards the end of the era cause I needed a break from leading.  I want to be able to play the game rather than live it.  I have been leading the Gauls since the first 45 minutes I started playing this game.

The new updates should be interesting.

16:50:45 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

HC will own!

17:58:24 Mar 24th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

own what ??

18:06:15 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. William The Evil One:

all the cows....

20:57:17 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

i have a little question , is destroying buildings instant now ??? .

22:31:26 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. William The Evil One:

no wreckages so yes.

04:47:14 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Rocketace:

do you still get bonus turns for voting?  ive tried multiple times and it didnt give me anything

04:52:00 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Justin:

yes u do u just have to wait 24 hours

05:05:27 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

So....hows everyone doing?

P.S. I need picks of Cores, people!

05:47:51 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Dalakticon:

08:17:08 Mar 25th 08 - Prince Heavensfrontdoor:


10:51:26 Mar 25th 08 - Sir Evans:

Oooo im still on mantrax :)

and revenge, why'd you remake my thread, i was going strong on 760 posts :P

15:23:14 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

Evans, why don't you join HC? Santa is here :D

16:09:16 Mar 25th 08 - Sir Evans:

cus im with FF :P i know santas there he told me :P


16:46:45 Mar 25th 08 - Sir Santa:

Moooooooo :)

17:03:19 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. William The Evil One:


17:51:01 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Thomas The Apprentice:

hello old FA guys

18:03:43 Mar 25th 08 - Sir Santa:

Hello Thomas :)
Why are you an apprentice?

18:12:56 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Thomas The Apprentice:

wy not :P

18:26:25 Mar 25th 08 - Sir Santa:

Well, you could be a cow :)

18:35:53 Mar 25th 08 - Lord Seloc:

It's probably better to be an apprentice.

18:36:31 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Thomas The Apprentice:

offcourse next era il call myself for Thomas The Milker or something :P

18:37:02 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Thomas The Apprentice:

hope your right seloc

18:37:47 Mar 25th 08 - Lord Seloc:

I have always been so far ^_^

05:43:39 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Zek:

This is Going to be insane .....there are just to many people on this small map ...waring kingdom falling to those who were left alone to farm .

06:53:10 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Zek:

 Ok i want to know if this rumor is true that Might the God of Cows is messaging all the Kingdoms to get them to fight us and that " FF , CE  , IPF ,  Elements and Holy Cows " are on Board to assault us ?  If this is True i find this Most Cowardice and without Honor . 

06:59:42 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Fire:

We did not recieve any message as far as I know.
You've got 24 members, it better be good ones else you're making yourself a target for nothing.

08:23:38 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Madeyes:

I think you will find that the are 5 kingdoms with over 20 members and 1 with 19 so1 or 2 members aren't going to make much of a differnce and.... we dont hold top spot

09:27:43 Mar 26th 08 - Sir Evans:

if i knew which kingdom you were in then i might answer zek :P
who cares anyway , anyone coming would have to walk through everyone else....yeh thts gonna go down well

09:29:59 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Creater:

invisibility wont help you -_-

09:42:25 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Archbridge:

we are gauls

11:53:29 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Fire:

You came in second after TRIO last era. The others didn't. See this as a 'anti-LGC alliance'. ;)

12:05:56 Mar 26th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Can I say something?


Its at


Out of 100k stone you are getting like 28k gold

12:17:40 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

From what I see here in Music there is no current attempt to put together an anti-Gauls alliance, though there are some defensive alliances being formed, of course. Right now we have enough to do with a jampacked map and us dwarves wailing and moaning like there won't be a tomorrow....

Please don't be offended, but we are not especially terrified of Gauls right now with Skimanner gone. We respect you--heck, I personally actually like you--but we're not exactly living in a state of fear. You'll likely find the top kd's much more evenly matched this era.

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