Forums / In game politics / Nirvana 18

Nirvana 18
12:39:17 Mar 22nd 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

Time for another round..

Sucks for me though, i got placed in bottom half of where map where there is n mountains at all lol

And to think.. i almost went dwarf.

13:03:04 Mar 22nd 13 - Konspyre (Mr. Konspyre):

I was planning on winning all on my own, but Valar got scared and sabotaged my landing.

16:46:52 Mar 23rd 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc The Brave):

I'm hiding for now, seem to be in a pretty ok spot :)

20:41:47 Apr 2nd 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgorc):

Comon people, give us a fight! :D

22:31:32 Apr 2nd 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

hard give a fight when there armies cant even make it out of their own cities alive and to another city..

General of Hate has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 46443 men and women.

22:33:34 Apr 2nd 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgorc):

Maybe they like it hot? :)

06:49:46 Apr 3rd 13 - Mr. Maoriisinmyblood:

Geez Zond can you ever post something without talking about yourself :p .

And Tyr we probably like the heat as much as your mate Sparta ...

07:05:31 Apr 3rd 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgorc):

Meh he just forgot his sunlotion :P

07:10:56 Apr 3rd 13 - Prince Kahungunu:

:-) well i'm lucky i'm already brown , however i forgot to pay my eq insurance ... lol

16:32:39 Apr 3rd 13 - Zond (General of Hate):


insurance is in these times!

03:51:18 Apr 4th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

Lay down like a naked dead body! 

Burning down armies like lody dody!
Rose to the top!
Cleaning up the map with a mop!
Getting more kills than Tyr!
Gonna hang him with a wire! 

Protecting the farmers!
Supplying with warmers!
The land is dropped!
And no rivers can be hopped! 

This world is more boring than last era, but i am rof a lot more so far. Less people playing mage, means less people using mus.. means more fun for me! :D

22:42:13 Apr 8th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

things are picking up on Nirvana, not so relaxed any more..

Valar10Sir Stormcrowe111
Vie Zenith8General of Hate100
Zerg4Mr. Muta57
Candlewax10Prince Dakarta56
Sleepless9Mr. Roq26

12:30:56 Apr 9th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

Respect to you Ery for never giving up :) 

And if your dwarf had make less mu, and more hammers. could of helped as well lol. Dont need 50k mu and 40k mu in  mines to stop EQ. Just a few k towers and mu lol
Seems you just had the wrong kd mates to back up this go around :P

If the elf had put all 30k AM in that blocker.. doubt we would have ever CW or broke it. I had 42 or so for CW and got it. 

13:28:03 Apr 9th 13 - Mr. Roq:

We are still around and will be back :)

If at first you don't succeed.  Try, try, try again...

13:28:57 Apr 9th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

Haha you always trying, ill give you. No matter how much you get beat, you always come back. Just wish some your players didnt give up so easy :(

13:34:20 Apr 9th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgorc):

Yeah :/ to many just fall over and switch to a different character nowadays.

15:06:08 Apr 9th 13 - Mr. Roq:

Ya me too.  I miss the old days when everyone fought hard to the end.  Oh well.  One of these eras will be my era ;)

15:47:29 Apr 9th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgorc):

Yep, better luck next time :)

ooor join us and kick butt? ;)

16:22:19 Apr 9th 13 - Mr. Roq:

Haha, no thanks.   i'm part of kingdoms in Fant, and Mant.  Nirvana is where I wish to run my own kingdom that someday I shall move to Mant of Fant if all goes well...

19:14:51 Apr 9th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgorc):

Ok, good luck with your own kd then :)

21:09:50 Apr 9th 13 - Mr. Roq:

We will be here.  Win lose or draw

10:25:11 Apr 10th 13 - Electric (Electric Cowabunga):

draw in VU!!! Nevar!

20:11:04 Apr 10th 13 - Mr. Maoriisinmyblood:

23:30:56 Apr 9th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

Respect to you Ery for never giving up :) 

And if your dwarf had make less mu, and more hammers. could of helped as well lol. Dont need 50k mu and 40k mu in  mines to stop EQ. Just a few k towers and mu lol
Seems you just had the wrong kd mates to back up this go around :P

If the elf had put all 30k AM in that blocker.. doubt we would have ever CW or broke it. I had 42 or so for CW and got it. 

:-) thanks Zond , respect back to you and your empire 

12:16:20 Apr 12th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

sigh.. i go away and come check in to what use to be a fun all warring world.

14:34:23 Apr 12th 13 - Stormy (Sir Stormcrowe):

lol dont be trolling zond when we both know otherwise eh?;)

15:51:44 Apr 12th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

only relation i got is a CF with Zerg :P

And they farm! Not to mention its no terms, no era long. They can break at any time lol

I didnt think you guys would ally Candlewax, i was hoping for a free for all. Else we would of gave them the CF until Valor dies they wanted. 

15:59:14 Apr 12th 13 - Stormy (Sir Stormcrowe):

relax zond:p was just trolling back...

and for the record we have just a cf with candle as well (before then we had no relations), we both want to kill you guys:) besides peace is peace so it was never a "free for all" And zerg farms? Ok good, i'll let the others know those armies were just farmers looking for good, arable land.

16:02:30 Apr 12th 13 - Zond (Mr. Weird Too Funky):

haha i know u were :P

But i really didnt think u were CF them, was kinda hoping we smash them from 2 sides them go at it ourselves :D

And only one of them was fighting. Just recently they started :P

Ford still have no army at all! 

16:10:13 Apr 12th 13 - Fordius (Mr. Quasimodo Fordius):

Haha why you telling all my secretive plannings you spy :P

I might have no armies maybe :) 
But you know that I've shitloads of cash stashed :P 
It's just relaxing world :P 

I've got Venomz and Binh :P

16:14:57 Apr 12th 13 - Zond (Mr. Weird Too Funky):

lol secrets? :P

I thought all was all knowing remember!

Plus cash is good.. maybe i could end the CF and take it all. Pump lots AM and just destroy the world solo >:D 

16:16:24 Apr 12th 13 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

venomz is in zerg instead of with meh? jurgen, you slut....that's it, our wedding's off!

16:26:51 Apr 12th 13 - Zond (Mr. Weird Too Funky):


Venomz, you whore! i thought we were getting married :(

Thats why im protecting you on here!

18:39:51 Apr 14th 13 - Mr. Muta:

I am only true to Kerrigan.

19:02:19 Apr 14th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgorc):

lol :P

18:01:47 Apr 18th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgorc):

Time to cast arma or for valar to start fighting everyone. No other kd has enough active vet players to win.

00:23:42 Apr 19th 13 - Endless (Mr. Adelard Gamwich):

is that flamebait? has to be :p

03:53:43 Apr 19th 13 - Electric (Ms. Blank Page):

endless is Flamebait kinda of like Jailbait? ive never seen it before please explain

05:38:20 Apr 20th 13 - Zond (Mr. Weird Too Funky):

Spread my precious, spread

10:42:32 Apr 20th 13 - Mr. Dread:

itl hit you soon

16:19:11 Apr 20th 13 - Kobuskan (Mr. Stagger):

Zond is making friends by casting Plaque multiple times

17:47:35 Apr 20th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

The plague is a symbol of my friendship, they are one and an equal both acting the same.

Once one person is infected, it spreads to people they know.. and people those people know. To the point that everyone is infected by it.

17:50:34 Apr 20th 13 - Stormy (Sir Stormcrowe):

awww....if thats the case then you're such a sweetheart<3

17:53:12 Apr 20th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

my friendships are just so strong :D

18:36:11 Apr 20th 13 - Kobuskan (Mr. Stagger):

I would be ashamed being in Vie Zenith with a leader that using plaque tactics, make people want to leave KD or even VU

19:02:51 Apr 20th 13 - Zond (General of Hate):

I would be ashamed to be a in KD that CF/NAPs the largest kd on the map, despite having the best player base in their KD and the most vets on the map...

19:26:41 Apr 20th 13 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

lol now dont go trolling again guys:P

And we were the largest on the map, so technically we cf'd down. Besides, we had zero relations until sleepless fell and candlewax was telling us zenith was asking for relations since they wanted us dead.(and they were already at peace with zerg).

We used to be friends, didnt those long walks on the beach mean anything?

now play nice.....

19:34:50 Apr 20th 13 - Zond (Mr. Weird Too Funky):

Seems you got played,

Candle asked us for relations to kill you guys, i declined several times. Said a 1v1v1 would be fun. Then we find out you guys cf them.. only deserves a plague considering the amount of farm time + vets.

19:39:20 Apr 20th 13 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

i said play nice, zond. Dont want things here to ruin my fun with you on other maps:(

No farming on our end, save for several. We were fighting sleepless an candle oop....
so candlewax are liars? or you guys 1v1v1? where does zerg fit in since they were starting an attack on us as well

19:48:21 Apr 20th 13 - Fordius (Mr. Corruptor):

Zerg is here not to seriously play :)

We're here just to shit and work out different strategies we weren't really involved in anything :P Doubt anyone checked the game more than once or twice entire day as nothing happend by nobody really :P

We've no interest in those world and what we had was just 4 members with barely any armies / troops :P

You all enjoy eachother :D nobody cares about the Plague in our kd I guess :P

19:50:29 Apr 20th 13 - Zond (Mr. Weird Too Funky):

nah, zerg wasnt going to attack at all. they were just farming. and the one player attacking was sending armies to be killed. 

and ive got all the mails of them asking and me saying no ^^

you should know i wouldnt nap, or just ask chade :D

we were winning the fight, no reason to offer them a cf/nap.

and us in VZ are few members, so even if u add zerg in. we are equal numbers wise

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