Forums / In game politics / Nirvana 18

Nirvana 18
20:47:10 May 15th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

22:10:26 May 15th 13 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):
Most of the kingdom has been inactive for several days at a time as of late. Waiting for arma.

Yeah, and waiting for us to deal with Binh too. I mean, I can tolerate you guys not doing a thing to take him out.

But feeding him a city so easily? A 90Ker? No defence? Giving him an easy plunder and easy shelter? Fucking hell, you guys need to learn how to play this bloody game properly.

22:44:23 May 15th 13 - Zond (Sir Dust):

Troll time.

They know how to play properly, they used the beo tactics and naped you guys remember? And even said that we offered a nap to them to make u guys do it. :D



i love u tbl :D and chade, dalak, stormy, endless and those others i cba to type. its just.. i have a sick mind that gets joy out of non ordinary things..

also. dafuq, world still going? lol

23:32:26 May 15th 13 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

@TBL I understand where you're coming from and I agree.. However, I don't know what they're thinking (Horus, Al (fundamental)), but it's probably something along the lines of the world will end soon, why bother with this one.. That's why those cities were so easily taken/plundered.

@Zond I didn't say we told Valar that you offered us a NAP in order to get one with them. If anything I said you denied us one, but even then, I don't think I said that.

As for not doing anything about Binh.. I have about 400k more advents to go before I'm even in strength (minus Mil sci) with him.

00:53:45 May 16th 13 - Stormy (Sir Stormcrowe):

yeah its still going on>:( damn bihn....havent seen that many advents in quite some time....

01:17:26 May 16th 13 - Mr. Stooping Your Level:

Its the XP we gave him early in the era that's the problem. We failed to finish him off and now we are paying the price. :(

07:43:17 May 16th 13 - Konspyre (Captain Polarbear):

If it's about Horus and Al, for 8 and 7 days, they've been offline here too. Possibly the same reason because Starta just ended. Can't say for sure though.

01:48:06 May 20th 13 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Late Starter Again):

congratz to valar. I am now dead. Bet they had one of the biggest loot in vu history for taking one town :P

02:28:35 May 20th 13 - Mr. Stooping Your Level:

Thanks Binh. 

As always you are a gentleman and a scholar and royal pain in the arse of anyone that has the misfortune of having to fight you.

BTW, IT was easily the biggest haul I have seen.

11:51:27 May 20th 13 - Mr. Dread:

You played really well binh. ive been secretly countering you aswell doh.

I bought out slave marker weeks before this (over 700k slaves) in anticipation of this.
The bad thing is knowing you, next era you wil have an even greater stratagy :).
GG to Dalak for winning the era doh :). 

16:49:16 May 20th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

07:48:06 May 20th 13 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Late Starter Again):

congratz to valar. I am now dead. Bet they had one of the biggest loot in vu history for taking one town :P

Yeah, Sean Sean thanks you for the 1.3 billion in gold and stone. Flippin overpowered exp advents.....

Hell, with the loot you gave the only war elf on the map, I don't think it would be fair for Valar to go to war with Candlewax now while waiting for Arma to trigger. No one on the map can stop 1 million AMs...... and besides, they (Candlewax) are too inactive anyway, so it would be a walkover.

11:51:09 May 21st 13 - Prince Chade:

yoo, TBL, where do you forget my 1,208 Berserkers, 21,096 Hobs and 17,065 MUs??? I can destroy everyone with this army!!!!

17:07:40 May 21st 13 - Mr. Dread:

with a mage like me you could ;)

14:00:23 May 26th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

Zerg is really strengthening their line-up for next era's Nirvana. Practically a mini Legacy. Impressive.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Zerg
Members: 8
Created: 3/23/2013 1:15:49 AM
Leader: Mr. Binh The Late Starter Again

Compare kingdom


6 Pool incoming.


15:12:23 May 26th 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc The Wise):

I'm in mini Legacy? Really?

18:13:55 May 26th 13 - Mr. Dread:

1 poor guy is not a leader :)

23:33:08 May 26th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Fruit):

what is it with everyone saying im related to LGC? just cause we eat at the same lunch table doesn't mean we aren't enemies. Ive never Napped LGC on a real level. besides, i was part of a disbanded KD on Nirvana, had to go somewhere.

oh, and i'm not the poor guy ;-)

02:13:47 May 27th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

They wouldn't accept me, something about tipping the balance and overkill

19:10:22 May 29th 13 - Princess Blood Rayne:

Good luck next era on Nirvana :) See you all out there :P

19:31:30 May 29th 13 - Electric (Electric Atticus The Pure Evil One):

what the heck... I landed on Fant.. Lmao

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