Forums / In game politics / Nirvana 33

Nirvana 33
15:37:22 Feb 9th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

Looks like at least 4 kingdoms landed... based on my count:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
The Collective7Ms. Seven of Nine666
Maleficent9Mr. Bartimaeus488
Dirty Birds1Mr. Polymer100
alcoholics3Mr. Insane Biatch89

Collectve- 6/7
Mal - 5
DB - 1
Alc -1


will VUE make an appearance? will Mal drop more ppl? Who are these alcoholic?

20:07:14 Feb 9th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

Oh look barny is here to 'test' things

(also, DB is no longer recruiting unless Prado shows up)

Kingdoms in Nirvana
The Collective7Ms. Seven of Nine229
Maleficent9Mr. Bartimaeus134
Dirty Birds3Mr. Polymer100
alcoholics3Mr. Insane Biatch54
Kingdom of Test1Mr. Testtttttttttttttt46

14:57:01 Feb 10th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

Kingdoms in Nirvana
The Collective7Ms. Seven of Nine420
Maleficent9Mr. Bartimaeus225
Kingdom of Test1Mr. Testtttttttttttttt141
Ngati Kahungunu1Mr. Apocolypse132
Dirty Birds3Mr. Polymer100
alcoholics3Mr. Insane Biatch47
Knights Radiant2Mr. Mithras4

Collective is out to the early lead but we'll assume this is mostly due to activity and the early land count. Mal is showing up again, good to see they still have their core lineup intact. Barny is building nicely, getting a good early land count going it would appear. Ngati is a new kingdom, a solo player too - we'll see how that pans out. Dirty Birds off to a slower start, but we'll see its early. Alcoholics maybe dropped one city and Knight Radiant just showed up to the scene but has not dropped a colony yet.

Disappointing to see VUE has disbanded.

00:55:34 Feb 11th 15 - Ms. Seven of Nine:

These numbers are all very confusing, considering you just said The Collective is out to an early lead, and there are at least 3 people that have half the power of seven people, so we are far from leading anything this era. Why there are so many people soloing the world,  is a mystery to me, but I guess we will see, maybe some of them will join a kingdom later on, remains to be seen.

Indeed I was hoping there would be more kingdoms that have more members, but I guess we will have to work with what we have.

02:08:55 Feb 11th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

The reason I'm KDless is no kingdoms on Nirvana were actively recruiting. Figured I'd join up with a KD at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.

03:51:12 Feb 11th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

Rankings based off a non halfer currently solo player

Kingdoms in Nirvana
The Collective7Ms. Seven of Nine809
Maleficent9Mr. Bartimaeus481
Scoreboard1Mr. Reallynotrandom369
Dirty Birds3Mr. Polymer304
Ngati Kahungunu1Mr. Apocolypse195
Kingdom of Test1Mr. Testtttttttttttttt166
Measuring Stick1Mr. Valverde100
alcoholics3Mr. Insane Biatch42
Knights Radiant2Mr. Mithras8

00:25:17 Feb 12th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

I'm declaring war on the collective. 7 v 1...should be a fun ass whooping

03:36:20 Feb 12th 15 - Mr. Testtttttttttttttt:

Sorry for making the other thread, didnt see this thread!

Top 3 players are all near the center of the map are solo kingdoms, we will see how this pans out.
Most Powerful Rulers

Mr. Reallynotrandom

Mr. Apocolypse
Ngati Kahungunu

Mr. Testtttttttttttttt
Kingdom of Test

Ms. Seven of Nine
The Collective

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Apocolypse has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 90 men and women.
  2. Mr. Testtttttttttttttt has won 1 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 28 men and women.
Firstblood is drawn!

11:07:14 Feb 9th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

Oh look barny is here to 'test' things

Indeed, but this time it's testing a Human OOP build with rainbow sciences. Seems to work well.

05:57:01 Feb 10th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

Kingdoms in Nirvana
The Collective7Ms. Seven of Nine420
Maleficent9Mr. Bartimaeus225
Kingdom of Test1Mr. Testtttttttttttttt141
Ngati Kahungunu1Mr. Apocolypse132
Dirty Birds3Mr. Polymer100
alcoholics3Mr. Insane Biatch47
Knights Radiant2Mr. Mithras4

Barny is building nicely, getting a good early land count going it would appear.
I built up two 8500's (1/3 of 25600 so it's perfect for a land-drop) and have 25k~ Swordsman with MU OOP which is really strong this early (day 2) especially when you consider how much land I will have if I kill everyone around me!

15:55:34 Feb 10th 15 - Ms. Seven of Nine:

These numbers are all very confusing, considering you just said The Collective is out to an early lead, and there are at least 3 people that have half the power of seven people, so we are far from leading anything this era. Why there are so many people soloing the world,  is a mystery to me, but I guess we will see, maybe some of them will join a kingdom later on, remains to be seen.

I was hoping to play with a friend but they didn't end up playing. I was considering joining a kingdom but I may just end up soloing it as a 1 man KD.

04:06:42 Feb 12th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

I think everyone is pretty close. In my LoS, I have views of all KDs besides Maleficient.

00:45:59 Feb 13th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

Catchy if I must say so myself.

Lady Leila (2/12/2015 6:39:13 PM)GOODBAD
We are the Collective
You will be collected
Your era as it has been, is over
Your cities and peasants will be added to our own
Resistance is futile
From this time forward, you will service The Collective

01:12:05 Feb 13th 15 - Princess Aisha:

You declared war upon us, I guess that is a war declaration from us :D

01:53:49 Feb 13th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

You guys got a nice little set up going on over here. Figured I'd do my best to tie up as much of your KDs resources as long as possible to give the other KDs a fighting chance. :p

09:49:28 Feb 13th 15 - Mr. Testtttttttttttttt:

That is a pretty neat message, I seem to be the only one who has 'collected' any cities!

What do you call it when I hold a dead enemy under siege to land-drop before I take his cites? Is that him 'servicing' me?

11:00:26 Feb 13th 15 - Mr. Hirogen Hunter:

That message was sent as a sort of declaration of war, only after the message were we allowed to send armies to attack. He did declare first on us, so don't know why we had to declare as well, probably cause Leila wanted to make a funny message or something.

13:01:27 Feb 13th 15 - Mr. Testtttttttttttttt:

I hereby declare war on everyone.

This excludes 'the homies'.

The Collective and Maleficent are not the 'the homes', the guy who started next to me OOP wasn't either, and the guys in the bottom left corner (TheBoysAreBack) are in 'the wrong neighborhood'.

13:41:13 Feb 13th 15 - Random (Mr. Reallynotrandom):

when ever someone says DB I keep thinking of dark blood... lol

14:53:20 Feb 13th 15 - Mr. Testtttttttttttttt:

Same, but 'Dirty Birds' with their somewhat phallic banner makes me laugh every time.

14:59:08 Feb 13th 15 - HorusPanic (Ms. Kid Friendly):

its actually a clever logo i stole...

its a D and B

its a bird

and its dirty (cock and hairy balls)

15:38:43 Feb 13th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

Barny it is early here and I'm still drinking my morning coffee. Am I reading this right. You declared on the Collective, Maleficient, and DB. Anyone I'm missing?

21:28:12 Feb 13th 15 - Mr. Sherlock Holmes:

Love it....   

Clever indeed

its actually a clever logo i stole...

its a D and B

its a bird

and its dirty (cock and hairy balls)

12:00:45 Feb 14th 15 - Mr. Scimitar Warbird:

Looks like DB is kighting KR, and Testtt is moving through DB core with no hostile intentions, so we can confirm they have at least a CF. 

Due to RL unfortunatelly 3-4 members of Collective will need to go inactive, so we might disban and those that are left will either fight it out or focus on their other characters. 

12:39:51 Feb 14th 15 - Random (Mr. Reallynotrandom):

So what you're telling me is your members knew they were going to go inactive, built up some cities.. are going to afk and get kicked to feed the rest of you guys up ^_-

12:45:45 Feb 14th 15 - Princess Aisha:

I have been around for somd time, and I do not think I have such reputation, obviously I will not let that happen, if people are going to go afk they have been ordered to wreck their cities. We will not disban and its not ok to leave kingdom and attack afk people, who ever leaves the kd will be considered as enemy and will be killed (and cities destroyed not kept).

12:53:59 Feb 14th 15 - Random (Mr. Reallynotrandom):

hey.. just making sure. It's been done countless times in VU history... once more probably wouldn't surprise me :)

21:35:06 Feb 14th 15 - Teirdel (Mr. Restarts):

Well that sucks. I came to this world because it had so many players. Now its just sad. Solo player here as well, any other low count solo players wanna add a small kd to the mix?

22:56:03 Feb 14th 15 - Mr. Soccer Evil Love Slave:

MAD had players quit and took their cities on fant this era..... who cares? Someone joins, ends up sucking, and you kick them and take their cities. nbd

06:02:51 Feb 15th 15 - Random (Mr. Reallynotrandom):

It's not a matter of people joining, they suck and get kicked.

It's more for the hey I can't play this era so i'll just make a few mines and go afk when I can't play any more... Once I'm offline for long enough kick and plunder me. It's feeding and it's unfair.

07:51:09 Feb 15th 15 - Mr. Testtttttttttttttt:

Teirdel if you would like you can join 'Kingdom of Test.

Unfortunate that some Collective might go inactive, but in all the years ive played the game I have never seen Aisha do anything dishonorable.

23:18:50 Feb 16th 15 - Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise:

at war with one MAL player

23:29:24 Feb 16th 15 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Bartimaeus):

Haha quite the entertaining forum :p

00:41:52 Feb 17th 15 - Ms. Unimatrix Zero:

We have seen quite a nice and interesting oop battle Valerde who declared war on The Collective, lots of nice battles, good moves on both sides. He was strong for a long time, we did not expect such a strong resistance, thumbs up for the guy for that, and we have the most kills between the two who really got into the battle:

Mr. Valverde has won 2 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 23442 men and women.
Lady Leila has won 6 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 29401 men and women.

Good job both of you, it made for a nice and interesting start of the era. Congrats to Leila for getting the victory in the end.

02:50:42 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

Give yourself some credit too. Your ROF on me prevented me from ever going on the offensive. I feel both sides played pretty well. I committed just enough resources to hold onto my production city long enough to establish a core elsewhere and your KD was very coordinated and didn't panic to over commit resources. 

People often don't realize trolls can be a very strong oop  race as it takes 3 gaia to kill 1 gob and like orcs, it is common practice to go mil science 1st. Orcs get quicker training time, but trolls get a tree bonus so if you play tree market right, that can be pretty lucrative early in the era.  

07:23:55 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Testtttttttttttttt:

Nice defense/offense OOP in Collective's core. Hobgoblins on the defensive match up well against Gaia that are on the offensive, you held on for long enough to establish a core elsewhere but you will be very vulnerable.

This could prove to be a very interesting era if Maleficent's timing is such that they arrive in the middle  of a very large 3-4 way battle.

08:01:18 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

I'm the only one I think that has seen the entire map, or at least the important chunks of it. I see the west side being extremely competitive and if/when a winner emerges, it will come at a very high cost. I see Mal swallowing up large sums of land in a very short and relatively easy period of time in the east. By the time Mal joins in the West fighting, their armies will have far superior numbers and they will have the incomes to out train everyone else. KDs in the west will have 2 options. Cease fighting one another to deal with a farmed up enemy or get picked off KD by KD.

08:40:50 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Testtttttttttttttt:

Most of the fighting is happening around the western edge of the map near the bottom, Maleficent is the only very threatening kingdom not directly involved right now.

We're just arriving at that stage of the era around day 7-9 when a good number of kingdoms and players will have been killed off and it will mostly only be the major powers:
Kingdoms in Nirvana
The Collective7Ms. Seven of Nine269
Maleficent6Mr. Bartimaeus193

Other moderately powerful factors:
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Dirty Birds3Mr. Polymer109
Kingdom of Test3Mr. Testtttttttttttttt100
Scoreboard1Mr. Reallynotrandom77
Measuring Stick4Mr. Valverde73

And then some weaker powers that are still relevant:
Kingdoms in Nirvana
alcoholics3Mr. Insane Biatch41
Realm Of Urhobo1Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise21
Ngati Kahungunu1Mr. Apocolypse10

Maleficent is probably not going to get so powerful killing off the players on the eastern part of the map that they cannot be matched. If anything, Maleficent is 'on a timer' moreso than The Collective because as you said, whichever kingdom or power emerges as the victor in the west will determine the era.

The era will most likely be defined by how the fighting in the west goes and how long it takes Maleficent to join in on the multi-sided battle.

11:32:42 Feb 17th 15 - Sir Yisrahel Igba of Yesu:

I hear through the grapevine Mal are heading for me. Must not be happy with the spanking they got last era :P

12:14:30 Feb 17th 15 - Alrisaia (Mr. Alrisaio The Beholden):

I'm guessing it has more to do with this, but I could be mistaken... As I wasn't here last era.

Saturday - 10 days ago
Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise has been accepted into your kingdom!

How is it that you're fighting Dakarta If you're a member of our kingdom? Oh, that's right you're a traitorous slime.

Wednesday - 6 days ago
Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise has left your kingdom!

12:43:42 Feb 17th 15 - Sir Yisrahel Igba of Yesu:

Traitorous slime? I landed on the other side of the map , messaged the leader saying i will not make any hostile actions against you and that i only left as we are no where near eachother. However i did not realize the people of dakarta had landed in my ONE city. You guys didnt even have a single city yet when i left you know that don't you? I had a perfectly good area in the south but you guys decided to go in the opposite direction of me so i left. In the south i would attract attention as a member of a big kingdom all on my lonesome. How is it traitorous to leave a KD?

I messaged the leader and Dakarta. After Dakarta did not reply i messaged , as any one would, saying if he continues to ignore me and refuses to state his intentions i will be attacking him OOP. He then bought time by not replying and then OOP took one of my undefended cities while i was asleep before messaging me saying 'suprise'. :P Its funny how crystal even admitted he done this era EXACTLY what im accused of doing last era , and yet his the good guy when he does it :P funny that 

12:47:24 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise:

Let me correct the last post. when i messaged bart that i was gonna leave you guys hadn't even landed a single city. When i actually did i think you guys had one or two  I just waited around for a reply to my message and did not get one. I then posted a thread , which you can probably still see asking if there was some sort of plan , however after thinking on it i decided , even if there is a plan I won't be able to do anything down here with 2 kingdoms between me and you guys , so i left before i was told ANYTHING about your plans for the era , ANY THING about your diplomacy efforts. 

12:51:44 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Edd:

I actually responded to you and then you left. We had many cities established already. And last era you didn't really do too well. I handled you easily and was only beaten by sheer numbers just not yours. You think you'd learn to send mis after some point. But you kept sending defenseless knight despite me showing great magic power.

13:01:02 Feb 17th 15 - Sir Yisrahel Igba of Yesu:

Edd I barely even fought im not sure what you mean and if you replied it was most likely after i left or when i came online to leave. 

And last era i landed late in the era by FAR MORE then dakarta did , managed to fight off mighty dragons armies , was pushed back by crystal but survived , then managed to convince the other kingdoms to all attack you at the same time , then managed to beat off dirty birds. This is after dirty birds and MAL both had been on the map for atleast 2/3 weeks before i even landed.

Not saying i singlehandedly killed MAL but i played a part in keeping your troops busy. And i did not keep sending defenceless knights :P you caught 2 knight armies that i tried to sneak past to take a defenceless 90K that had re enforcements heading for it. If i had sent it with mages it would of been to slow. I took a gamble and it did not pay off , nothing to do with me not realizing to bring mages as , if you ask polymer he will tell you i had a magic city in your core , which i was using against mighty dragon and polymer. you i never even saw an army of when i was there (not saying you didnt have any , just that you killed my army while i was sleeping so i did not see your one out in the field). 

But still someone explain how i betrayed you by leaving and telling you i would not attack AND THEN only attacking out of self defence?

And last era i only attacked mighty dragon because he was being a prick. He knows ive landed late and can't see where people is yet REFUSES to tell me where any other KD is , claiming MAL 'can't see anyone but me'. So i had the options of sitting around all era doing nothing or attacking him , the only person within 30 ticks of me. I also messaged him half a day before i attacked , unlike your KD mate did this era. 

13:44:49 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Kreed The White:

Barny, thats assuming a clear victor emerges. Both sides still have very powerful armies and cities. Unless things have changed, which they may have, I see shots being taken back and forth with little ground being gained.

15:14:51 Feb 17th 15 - Ms. Unimatrix Zero:

Just saw a small Knight army, freeze at 86% and failed. Pissed me off and tried again, failed again. 

Checked again its 86% so now I am angry, casting again buil fail. If I was angry then I was just furious that moment, clicked cast again - fail. Screamed so my neighbours could hear. Clicked cast again - fail. 

Checked again 82%
Cast again and success.

Lost 12k mages. Burnt down half towers. This is a r3tarded game

17:08:57 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise:

@Ms Unimatrix Zero was you pressing the recast button? I have noticed in the last few days i always fail casts if i press the recast button. I failed 9 times , taking me from 87% all the way to 60 something percent with a spell yesterday. 

17:09:38 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise:

And from the MAL armies appearing from no where and the guy on the border of my kingdom who suddenly joined MAL i'd also say you knew you was going to do this. 

smh and you guys are the good guys?

17:54:05 Feb 17th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystal Goddess of War):

So here I am, I just deleted 5 paragraphs of typing because I don't want to bore people just to clarify that Sesugh is a lousy player with an overly large ego who did absolutely nothing last era except get wiped off the map once and claim a few defenceless cities during a time MAL was at the brink of defeat by other enemies.

the majority of things this guy has to say is absolute rubbish and is simply said to get on peoples nerves. He even admitted that because he thinks it makes it more fun for him.

17:58:32 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise:

No. I admitted i annoy you and Dakarta on purpose. Infact you dakarta and Mighty dragon are pretty much the only people in your kingdom ive taunted. Because you make me laugh. 

18:00:13 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise:

Ms. Crystal Goddess of War (1/2/2015 8:12:56 PM)GOODBAD
Your peace offer is forfeit for ignoring me and taking advantage of my offer to you. Good day.
You (1/3/2015 12:15:34 AM)
No disrespect but , you guys killed everyone else up here. I'm pretty sure your just gonna swat me but , its a war game and id rather get swatted up here then sit around building or march across the map doing nothing.
Ms. Crystal Goddess of War (1/3/2015 1:34:31 AM)GOODBAD
the only disrespect was ignoring my peace offering and taking advantage of the time to strike with the element of surprise.

It would have been respectful to answer me whether it be a yes or a no.
The reason I extended the peace offer was because Mighty Dragon believed you were new and did not want to kill you, and wanted to be assured he wouldn't get stabbed in the back for letting you live like he did. Peace between us would have been a win win for Dragon.

We had no alliance , your KD mate , thinking i was a new player , threatened to kill me if i did not join you. Then you messaged me offering peace. I did not reply. You'll see i said nothing disrespectful in our original messages. 

18:04:35 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise:

Then you guys sent me stuff like this 

Lord Mighty Dragon (1/9/2015 3:59:53 PM) GOOD BAD
you are right about one thing... I do not care about these cities. My economy is strong. 

You made the mistake of lying to me and then attacking an ally. for that you must die.

I shall impale your worthless body outside your own estate when I catch you.

for a few days. So i begun replying to the taunting messages. now im a villainous traitor? 

If i betrayed you and was 100 in the wrong last era and played so shit , why did you let me join your Kingdom come era end?

Funny how when i was messaging you helping you go to war with DB era end you had no problem with it. but now i've left you guys are butthurt. 

18:15:06 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

Getting some popcorn and going to watch this flaming escalate.

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