Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Age 7

Nirvana Age 7
08:00:13 May 31st 11 - Prince Sladius The Shadow Mage:

A new Age shall begin soon :P

Union Will be there... will you? >.>

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Orange7Mr. Gray35200
Flame lords legion5Flame Lord Phoenix Legion35100
Destiny8Mr. Mielo31200
BREEZY6Mr. Thizzle500
Denial4Mr. Bobby Stick300
Ad Libitum4Ms. Evilicious300
Riders of Iscariot3Mr. Mexicana300
ELITIANS2Mr. War Beingxi200
Flames2Mr. Fafnir The Old200
Divinity Lost1Mr. Kneeling Roses100
Pro Coy RMP1Mr. Knigh100
Union of Independence10Mr. Karl Marx100
Some Guys1Mr. Jeffrey100
The Rippers1Mr. Agressive Entity100

09:22:46 May 31st 11 - Mr. Sexual Harassment Panda:

we shall see

17:49:27 May 31st 11 - Flame Lord Phoenix Legion:


11:07:14 Jun 1st 11 - Mr. Mielo:


00:26:38 Jun 2nd 11 - Mr. Eddie:

can someone put the list of kingdoms?

05:23:39 Jun 2nd 11 - Mr. Hannibal The Fair:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Destiny9Mr. Mielo114
Union of Independence10Mr. Karl Marx100
Orange7Mr. Gray52
Flame lords legion4Flame Lord Phoenix Legion10

05:41:28 Jun 2nd 11 - Mr. Eddie:

tnx dude

09:56:29 Jun 7th 11 - Mr. Valkyros VI:

Orange10Mr. Gray136
Flame lords legion8Flame Lord Phoenix Legion100
Destiny10Mr. Mielo98
Union of Independence10Mr. Karl Marx93
Blitz7Mr. Pallos78
Marijuana3Mr. Ganja The Potent3

00:35:08 Jun 9th 11 - Mr. Karl Marx:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Flame lords legion10Flame Lord Phoenix Legion113
Orange10Mr. Gray109
Union of Independence10Mr. Karl Marx100
Blitz7Mr. Pallos77
Destiny10Mr. Mielo76
Marijuana5Mr. Ganja The Potent9

05:27:53 Jun 11th 11 - Mr. Ganja The Potent:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Orange10Mr. Gray422
Flame lords legion10Flame Lord Phoenix Legion413
Union of Independence10Mr. Karl Marx399
Blitz7Mr. Pallos248
Destiny10Mr. Mielo244
Marijuana9Mr. Ganja The Potent100

07:08:01 Jun 13th 11 - Prince Sladius The Shadow Mage:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Flame lords legion10Flame Lord Phoenix Legion105
Orange10Mr. Gray101
Union of Independence10Mr. Karl Marx100
Blitz7Mr. Pallos63
Destiny10Mr. Mielo34
Marijuana10Mr. Ganja The Potent32

Union of Independence10Mr. Karl Marx100
Destiny10Mr. Mielo34
Blitz7Mr. Pallos63
Flame lords legion10Flame Lord Phoenix Legion105
Destiny10Mr. Mielo34
Marijuana10Mr. Ganja The Potent32

And it looks like Flame lords Legion is napped with Marijuana.. from where im sitting anyway!

16:34:56 Jun 13th 11 - Mr. Valkyros VI:

Lol, is all I have to say

19:20:38 Jul 1st 11 - Sir Ajax:

wow dead thread much been almost 3 weeks

20:59:06 Jul 1st 11 - Mr. Hannibal The General:

start something now?

Looks like a repeat of last era: gangbang UOI Part II

21:13:59 Jul 1st 11 - Sir Ajax:

so :P

21:14:42 Jul 1st 11 - Sir Ajax:

your fault

01:29:37 Jul 2nd 11 - Mr. Hannibal The Fair:

lol? how's that my fault? Just making an observation, it's actually quite a compliment that the entire map has teamed up against us two eras in a row.

16:13:17 Jul 2nd 11 - Sir Ajax:

Cause i said so :P and I would be proud if i were you too :)

17:39:33 Jul 2nd 11 - Mr. Fitz of Arunun:

Nirvana is quickly turning into UoI vs everyone each era :P

17:50:30 Jul 2nd 11 - Mr. Valkyros VI:

haha yeah but you guys are cheap players :) pullin an untagged we were killin into your kingdom, and then dropping the CF without the 24h notification because we didnt stop attacking him? like where is it in any CF that refugees are safe from attack? marx lawltard

18:13:43 Jul 2nd 11 - Sir Ajax:

Iguess the flaming begins lol well I got to say UoI It's been a wicked fight so far.

12:52:47 Jul 3rd 11 - Mr. Bon:

Nice! Finally some flaming over here ;)

19:03:40 Jul 3rd 11 - Mr. Edd:

who casted that dragon?

19:37:22 Jul 3rd 11 - I am Legend:

It Wasn't Me!!

21:28:53 Jul 3rd 11 - Mr. Edd:

why won't anyone sell slaves in nirvana?

00:24:01 Jul 4th 11 - Mr. Midget:

because we all believe slave trade is wrong...

03:11:22 Jul 4th 11 - Mr. Phire Myth:

well oops for selling slaves lol

08:39:08 Jul 4th 11 - Mr. Justdossingaround:

that dragon is now an issue...

18:39:24 Jul 4th 11 - Korwyn Blackheart:

Do not even pull that crap Valk =)

10:50:30 Jul 2nd 11 - Mr. Valkyros VI:

haha yeah but you guys are cheap players :) pullin an untagged we were killin into your kingdom, and then dropping the CF without the 24h notification because we didnt stop attacking him? like where is it in any CF that refugees are safe from attack? marx lawltard

You guys were the ones who broke the CF without 24 hour notice. We spoke about that untagged and even agreed on letting you guys keep the cities you captured before he was in the kingdom. You also repeated the terms of our CF agreement.... Then another day went by and Tyrgalon, Piro, amongst others jumped him as well as other players on the map of ours who were not that untagged.

You (6/19/2011 6:58:17 PM)
Hey mate. Didnt know if you were aware or not since he just switched over to UI this morning but Sokidaggerite is in UI. He is a friend whom i've played against many eras ago. I did not have vision in that area prior to him joining but I did notice as he joined that nobody was prepping on any of the cities he retained as he joined earlier. Keeping his city Sooking is understandable as he was not apart of our kingdom when this city was taken over. But i'd appreciate it if you guys would quit taking over his cities and allow him to reclaim Fogoo as he is now apart of our kingdom.
Mr. Valkyros VI (6/19/2011 7:07:41 PM)GOODBAD
Hey man
1. Soki joined your kingdom as a refuge from the war, which we have no terms in our CF
2. I'm really only replying to you out of respect for you because when I messaged your leader about our CF he did not reply to me.
3. We got the cities fair and square, even if he didn't join you with our position over him we would have ate him up. We won't take any more but we will not hand any back to him.

You (6/19/2011 7:34:05 PM)
Yea my fault for accepting him in as I was unaware of what was taking place over there due to fog of war.

Speaking of Karl what was the initial agreement or message as far as the specific terms with the CF? I was left out of that loop and he never posted in the forums the specifics or the conversation just that we had a CF with you guys.

The third point is understandable as well due to lag time with him joining. Foogoo and Sokii will be casualties of transition lag. I will let Soki know those cities are to be written off and that he will not have to worry about more being taken. 

Speaking of Marijuana War what happened there? I thought you guys were initially CF'ed with them until I started picking at them and was blocked off.
Mr. Valkyros VI (6/19/2011 8:04:52 PM)GOODBAD
There were no official terms that I am aware of just 24 hour notice.

Soki can take back Fogoo, I burnt it so I don't really need it. There are 1000 homes left.

We gave them our notice of CF cancellation and we didn't get a reply. Still haven't heard a thing, so naturally it was cancelled.
You (6/19/2011 8:09:13 PM)
They seem to of went inactive i guess after their initial gains at Destiny. I havent got much resistance from them other than Reveal and Duchess. Probably disheartened about the gangbang we put on them hehe. Most likely why Vandamare left them as well as Soki. 

Cool I'll let Soki know about Fogoo thanks for sparing him and allowing him to join us. Always sucks when you get stuck with an inactive kingdom.

Mr. Valkyros VI (6/19/2011 8:13:48 PM)GOODBAD
Yes Vandamere wanted to join us initially but we had no room for him so he joined Blitz lol.

16:08:22 Jul 14th 11 - Mr. Hannibal The Fair:

I just want to offer my congratulations to the map for successfully toppling union of independence. way to go guys, after 2 eras, you guys have finally managed to over power us, maybe next era you guys should get more people to come play on this world and all form an alliance so that you'd have a even better chance at taking us out. You know, come to think about it, next era, let's give you an advantage, how about we start 2 weeks later than you guys, so that we can give you time to farm, so you don't need to hide behind your meatshields while you farm. Would that be acceptable?

03:28:46 Jul 15th 11 - Sir Ajax:

Hiding behind meatsheilds? Didn't hide behind anyone been fighting you guys lol. now that im back from my vacation it's time to get back into action. 

06:15:25 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Hannibal The Fair:

that was directed mostly at orange, and gimme a break, FLL has been hiding behind Destiny as we fought them OOP. As soon as it looked like Destiny was gonna lose you sent over scouts and started making armouries, and made a block on our front door. If that's not hiding behind a meatshield I don't know what is.

06:57:08 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Valkyros VI:

Korwyn I thought you were a smarter man than that dude.. Apparently I was wrong.  You must be retarded to think that when a kingdom pulls an untagged into their kingdom that a kingdom they are cf'd with is fighting that it would be okay to say hey, you can't fight this guy, you are breaking our CF terms?  Then I was nice enough to say fine, fuck it you know what, I'll stop attacking him.. we didn't finish him off until Karl Marx decided to say the CF was cancelled because we breached the terms.  Bull shit we breached the terms, go ahead and ask every VU vet out there this question "Hey man do you think that if we had a CF with someone, and they were fighting some random dude, and we pulled that random into our kingdom that it would be right to break the cf?" maaaan some dumb people play this game.

07:00:36 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Valkyros VI:

Alas, Hannibal we weren't hiding behind no one.. we were fighting since OOP versus Orange, whom we ended up with a CF with because you guys decided it was fun to break CF's without reason.  Anyways who in their right mind would not place a blocker on a front?  Seriously lol that has to be the next dumbest thing to what Korwyn is trying to say.

08:27:03 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Fleabag:

This is why terms for naps and cf's are a good thing, if you regularly pick up people during the era. If an agreement just mentions no hostile actions towards a member of that kingdom and no clause outlining what happens to those who join while being attacked, then you're the one who violated the cf. If there wasn't, it's your fault for accepting it without a clause defining that situation. 

12:42:48 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Archmage:

Soooo whos up for some more UOI bashing next era? There were some excellent suggestions in that post Hannibal :)

16:11:26 Jul 15th 11 - Sir Ajax:


16:14:22 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Hannibal The Fair:

Thank you for saying that, we had no terms for this CF, so it means exactly what was stated, no attacking any members of our kingdom, no questions asked, 24hr notice before ANY hostile action is taken. 

And I was just wondering, how come you were fighting orange "OOP", and still managed to settle advanced armouries near our core? It doesn't look like Orange was defeated, it acutally looked like Orange was advancing on your position. so why pick a fight with us when your supposed OOP war was not going your way? Why not use those resources put into establishing a forward base into fighting Orange? Obviously CFing the whole map to fight us has been discussed previously, and just as obviously everyone sucks!!!!

16:16:51 Jul 15th 11 - Ms. Liquid Red Drea:

I now love this thread :]

17:58:37 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Toad:

Thank you for saying that, we had no terms for this CF, so it means exactly what was stated, no attacking any members of our kingdom, no questions asked, 24hr notice before ANY hostile action is taken. 

Man your kingdom is full of retards that is for sure.  HE WAS A REFUGEE THAT WE WERE ATTACKING BEFORE HE JOINED YOU, YOU FREAKING NOOOOOOOOOB I don't see how you believe that cancelling the CF is permitted but whatever

And I was just wondering, how come you were fighting orange "OOP", and still managed to settle advanced armouries near our core? It doesn't look like Orange was defeated, it acutally looked like Orange was advancing on your position. so why pick a fight with us when your supposed OOP war was not going your way? Why not use those resources put into establishing a forward base into fighting Orange? Obviously CFing the whole map to fight us has been discussed previously, and just as obviously everyone sucks!!!!

Actually I was basically fighting Orange OOP by myself, Moved up through their core and took out some nice cities including 90k mine from Feanor.  They weren't advancing on us at all they were building up to try to take me out their core.  They didn't advance later until we CFd them and they started taking out Blitz.  And we only CF'd them because you noobs broke yours with us.  And like I said before who in their right mind would not place a blocker in that opening, regardless of relations wtih anyone in the map.  I'll have you know that we had planned to block there since the beginning of the age.  Any good player doesn't wait for shit to happen before he gets ready, he gets ready for anything before shit happens.

02:27:03 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Fleabag:

This is why terms for naps and cf's are a good thing, if you regularly pick up people during the era. If an agreement just mentions no hostile actions towards a member of that kingdom and no clause outlining what happens to those who join while being attacked, then you're the one who violated the cf. If there wasn't, it's your fault for accepting it without a clause defining that situation. 

Any basic CF claus is known among long time players of VU that there is no hostile actions towards any memeber of a kingdom.  TBH why would UOI, a strong kingdom, look to pick up a small guy like that in our core that WE WERE ALREADY FIGHTING, and then tell us we broke the CF.  I'll tell you why because they wanted a reason to do so without the 24h notice to only which I can assume they figured we would flop real easy.  

01:56:58 Jul 16th 11 - Mr. Fleabag:

Doesn't really counter my argument though, Poly. Terms should be stated beforehand, if they're expected to be followed. Why are you surprised people pick up players throughout an era? Happens ALL the time, so a "vet" should know by now, to not leave anything ambiguous.

01:59:25 Jul 16th 11 - Korwyn Blackheart:

23:57:08 Jul 14th 11 - Mr. Valkyros VI:
Korwyn I thought you were a smarter man than that dude.. Apparently I was wrong.  You must be retarded to think that when a kingdom pulls an untagged into their kingdom that a kingdom they are cf'd with is fighting that it would be okay to say hey, you can't fight this guy, you are breaking our CF terms?  Then I was nice enough to say fine, fuck it you know what, I'll stop attacking him.. we didn't finish him off until Karl Marx decided to say the CF was cancelled because we breached the terms.

3. We got the cities fair and square, even if he didn't join you with our position over him we would have ate him up. We won't take any more but we will not hand any back to him.

You (6/19/2011 7:34:05 PM)
Yea my fault for accepting him in as I was unaware of what was taking place over there due to fog of war.

The untagged was my fault and I explained why. You were the one who brought up that you would stop taking his cities over so i figured you would be true to your word which was a huge mistake on my part. If you had an issue with that you could of told me and I would of said eat him up but YOUR the one who commented that you guys would stop attacking him Seems like a sordid excuse for what you guys pulled....The only thing I did "retarded" was believe you would be true to your word which doesn't carry much weight here around VU anymore. You twist and skew whatever happens to make yourself seem innocent in things and people see through that.

The absolute fact of the matter is you guys did not start attacking the untagged first after you assured me you wouldn't. Ajax attacked and took over the city Sour Diesle from Irule who was with our kingdom for many eras now and was not the untagged....other armies from FLL moved out against myself and Desol. That is what sparked Karl telling you to fuck off the CF is broken. Shortly after you guys attacked and finished off the untagged. So explain to me how we broke the CF after you guys attacked Irule before the untagged.. You guys planned on attacking us all era and we should of never taken the CF seeing as how you were building up right on our borders and trying to block us off from the rest of the map.

Bottom line.....Orange and FFL are only successful if they have mass NAP's/CF's, significant farm time, and double odds on kingdoms. As shown for many eras. And even then double or more odds are not a guarantee as shown in Nirvana age 6.

03:23:54 Jul 16th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

Hey Korwyn that hurts =(. We had a very tough war with FFL at the start. Our blockers didnt block and Blits and FFl armies mostly valkyros came into our core. I ahd no income since i lost my main city down south just recently. With my minimal income i had to build avery large blocker. Even after that was build cws happened and FFL and Blitz comming in. after we secured the blocker and have magic protection Valkyros had gotten in taking multiple cities including a 90k mine from feanor. At this time you guys starting attacking FFL from the south and this is when we made a Cf with FFL. We still ahd to fight blitz off and then we went to fight you. As you can see our OOP was not as easy as you make it look.

05:11:24 Jul 16th 11 - Ms. Liquid Red Drea:

Oh the whining is getting good

who has the popcorn and tissues

11:38:00 Jul 17th 11 - Mr. Justdossingaround:

in all honesty, i can see why there is confusion here.. in my experience a CF is exactly that, a CF and other terms need to be stated (termination clause etc). anything more complicated than that should be a NAP. However, we are both guilty of making assumptions... we (FFL) assumed that if you take in refugees, we can still kill them (seems to have been the norm for many an era..), you (UOI) hanging on to the point that no specific terms were detailed... so an oversight from both sides... so let's move on.

i would like to thank Korwyn and Hannibal for the fun they have provided. I just wish i had been more active (and make less noob errors on my first era back for a while..) to give you a better fight.

p.s. has anyone managed to kill that damn dragon!?



17:02:59 Jul 17th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

no too strong

18:16:56 Jul 17th 11 - Sir Ajax:

no one hurt my baby :( lol

03:10:38 Jul 19th 11 - Sir Ajax:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Orange9Mr. Gray185
Flame lords legion7Flame Lord Phoenix Legion100
Union of Independence8Mr. Karl Marx56
This is going to get interesting :P

05:19:52 Jul 20th 11 - Mr. Opportunity:

Has anyone seen how strong it is now? And Ajax, has that thing even attacked anyone from a KD besides ours yet?

PS I'm Whoopsy

02:20:27 Jul 21st 11 - Sir Ajax:

I think it hit orange too.

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