Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Era 45

Nirvana Era 45
05:44:06 Feb 22nd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

Its started :P

06:04:49 Feb 22nd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

 Flame Lords Legion 


 Kingdom Berserk 

 The Ravage Regime 

 Olympian Dieties  


07:37:52 Feb 22nd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

09:20:07 Feb 22nd 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

lol  this looks like it should be fun

11:37:51 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Willumpietje:

we are stuck on the same shity piece of land as we were two era's ago -.-

13:43:44 Feb 22nd 10 - Princess Aisha:

Prince Toki Wartooth
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Apoll
Member of: Olympian Dieties .

Mr. Irule
Member of: Flame Lords Legion.

Mr. Zeus
Member of: Olympian Dieties .

Mr. Willumpietje
Member of: The Ravage Regime.

VU Admin
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Sir Feanor
Member of: Fate.

Mr. Hotsause
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Bradyn
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Prince Highwayman
Member of: Fate.


Go Admin! \o/

Good luck everyone :) The HoH are strange, lots of people where they are not supposed to be :D

15:47:29 Feb 22nd 10 - Lady Bookworm:

Yeah, first few ticks are always bugged!

22:35:24 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Im on this world! GL everyone!

22:50:27 Feb 22nd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

How did you get that far away from your kingdom.  no dont answer that.  LOL

06:45:15 Feb 23rd 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

lol there are a few people who are not on the world with their kingdoms   0_o

06:48:15 Feb 23rd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

I just ran across a GOTF on Nirvana.  LOL

06:50:35 Feb 23rd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

the Highscores say Fant has people on it but our border isnt open

15:40:54 Feb 23rd 10 - Wolflord Karac:

GOOOOO RAVAGE REGIME!!!!! And Flame Lords Legion as well!!!

17:46:59 Feb 23rd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Dr. Strange Love


05:48:15 Feb 23rd 10
I just ran across a GOTF on Nirvana.  LOL

We are everywhere :)

21:46:08 Feb 23rd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

It does seem so Shmeh

02:57:42 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Willumpietje:

Ravage Regima is Hawt!!!!
Silke <3!!!!

03:06:26 Feb 24th 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

Hmmm so is Silke playing in a different kd?? or are you just in a heart Silke mood.

03:16:11 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Willumpietje:

Silke is just the hottest little tging alive on this world... :$
she helps me keep my VU balance... i she wasn't around i would be killing everybody around o.0

03:20:37 Feb 24th 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

Well then we must need to kidnap her and get you motivated to kill

03:22:18 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Willumpietje:

i don't want to kill :-( i am a peacefull citizen of Utopia... but if someone over touches silke i will cut him :$

08:08:30 Feb 24th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

thanks karac good luck to you too =-D  mayhaps we shall see eachother later on in the era

08:23:32 Feb 24th 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

OOP let the Wars begin   WOOO HOOOO

12:12:47 Feb 24th 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

Twiddles thumbs.

20:58:13 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Hey, Mr. Orange Man... gg :P Im gonna move out now

21:34:08 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Orange Wolf:


I do enjoy attacking OOP. It's the only way to farm.

21:51:38 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Nah, I wish I could checked early enough to get my stuff moving, but school happened :P GL!

20:55:21 Feb 25th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

yay wars....  >_>   so silent....

02:20:59 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Yeah, Nirvana is kinda boring atm

03:23:25 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Omg I can't believe I didn't pick up on your name before Dr.

I LOVE that movie, funniest thing.

Also GL Ravage!

03:41:09 Feb 26th 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

hehe   thanks :P

02:18:55 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Zeus:

How come rampage regime are giving there towns to Flame lords legion?
You guys are napped and yet you guys are townswapping like crazy.
So this is how you guys play this game? Kinda dissapointing to be honest.

02:52:41 Mar 1st 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

What are you talking about

We are not town swapping.  If they see we are dying and come get some cities before you can it doesnt make it swapping.  LOL

09:59:41 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Willumpietje:

i ain't giving away anything ^^

10:39:10 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Apoll:

What are you talking about

We are not town swapping.  If they see we are dying and come get some cities before you can it doesnt make it swapping.  LOL


21:31:22 Mar 1st 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

yea there was no exchange involved in this =-P

23:23:10 Mar 2nd 10 - Mr. Yellow Bean:

what happened to ravage ???

00:11:52 Mar 3rd 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

they had leadership issues

on another note.... our world is becoming quite the party world i see a numbe of strong kingdoms appearing fom all directions.  

06:40:03 Mar 3rd 10 - Clown Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon:

Scout Scout Scout lost a battle against Hunting The Penguin from Mr. Knightenwood Flame. The army retreated to Nospace Miners. We lost 1 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages and 0 Berserkers and 0 peasants in the battle and 2 of our soldiers got injured.

for this your kd is going to die

08:51:22 Mar 3rd 10 - Mr. Orange Wolf:


I think our very existence spurred our death. But I will warn you: we taste very bitter.... and give lots of heartburn.

Really, we are extremely unhealthy for you. I suggest you don't eat us. =P

01:50:47 Mar 4th 10 - Mr. Knightenwood Flame:

Ha Ha Ha Funny!!!!!!!!..............:)

Penguin I hit your scout by Accident!!!! REALLY

18:41:42 Mar 4th 10 - Clown Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon:

just wait till my army arrives at your doorstep :)

18:43:33 Mar 4th 10 - Sir Burninglegion The Vengeful:

anti fed joined the party

19:51:57 Mar 4th 10 - Mr. Stamppot Boerenkool Met Worst:

i noticed... :O!

21:05:54 Mar 4th 10 - Mr. Knightenwood Flame:

OHHHH!!!!!!!! Im Going into Hiding!!!!!!!!

Penguin you pulled a Fast one on me last Era leaving Foundation and taking a Few of my cities Its only Fair I return the Favour.

Its good DMC are at war with you Guys it makes your map look very Interesting.

21:26:52 Mar 4th 10 - Mr. Stamppot Boerenkool Met Worst:

Can't we just have peace love and boerenkool on Nirvana? i hate war :(

21:59:36 Mar 4th 10 - Mr. Orange Wolf:

If that is the case, you are playing the wrong game. XD

00:28:36 Mar 5th 10 - Mr. Stamppot Boerenkool Met Worst:

great.. its good that you tell me that after allmost 30 era's :O!

11:49:28 Mar 21st 10 - Mr. Knightenwood Flame:

This Thread is gone Abundant,

11:50:23 Mar 21st 10 - Mr. Zeus:

I refuse to believe in such false lies. !!

16:11:57 Mar 22nd 10 - Mr. Stamppot Boerenkool Met Worst:

is it gone?

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