Forums / In game politics / No more blue flag.

No more blue flag.
12:18:31 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

This will be the last era of Legacy. We had a good run, but nothing lasts forever. Thanks to everyone that has fought under the blue banner for so many eras, and thanks to our enemies for sharing their towns with us ;)

12:22:15 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Hydroponics Farmer:

That is a real shame mate.. Goodluck whatever you guys have up your sleeves for next era..  :)

12:46:09 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Perkunas:

dude :( no :(

12:48:17 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Trainin Exercise:

this is a real breaks my heart!

12:59:31 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Thanatos:

Sad to see Legacy go, had some good fights with you over the years :p and good luck with whatever you decide to do next :)


13:01:09 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Mars:

Big loss for this game....

14:51:03 Jan 23rd 09 - Duke Senturu:


awww man, i finnaly get back to Fant and ya'll just leave meh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

oh well. ill miss seein da blue banner around, i really will

14:56:22 Jan 23rd 09 - The Gragnar:

Well Thanks , swifty, btk, ez, Devi, sezy, of others....sorry so lame at the end ( life calls ) but again you got me a couple era wins and hope I contributed my share!

Love you guys!


15:53:44 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Erebus:

  Nooooooooooo!     *cries*     I'll miss getting owned by roxbury on oop wars :(

   Good luck wherever you go

16:13:51 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Marius:

well good bye for now LGC i am sure you will be back under another name in a few eras it always happens.

16:29:12 Jan 23rd 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

baii LGC :( You shall be missed! You were the best NAP partners we had.

/me starts trying to recruit players.

16:32:46 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Sloth:

well good bye for now LGC i am sure you will be back under another name in a few eras it always happens.

^^ concur.

16:52:23 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Messiah:

Hope you get some players back and pull the banner up soon again or we are several who might grow bored of VU as it becomes much less challenging.

17:17:04 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Pesterd:

I hope you all remember them when they had the pink banner and the rainbow colored banner

* I think they are only switching their banner color AGAIN!!

JK Ill miss you all

17:19:43 Jan 23rd 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I was sad when I heard this...may the other rising powers somehow fill the gap in VU.  Legacy shall not be forgotton though.

17:32:41 Jan 23rd 09 - Monarch Vampire Queen:

I agree have only wared Legacy one era and they have been fun and tenatious

18:38:05 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Bongs:

Dam thats too bad to hear! Good run you guys and that blue banner will be missed!!!!

18:43:24 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

I learnt alot from playing against LGC, and from observing players like Roxbury and many others.

Great gaming :)

18:49:25 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

LGC... what to say about it.

Well, although I obviously flame LGC at times, it always has been my 2nd favourite KD (after the obvious) and its the greatest KD I've ever seen.

Hopefully you'll be back around some day.

18:53:10 Jan 23rd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Well, now what will Senturu relentlessly try to join? Oh well...

Goodbye Legacy...I never thought I'd be around to see the day.


00:00:56 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Goodbye LGC

This game just dropped 20%

02:56:02 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Barney:

We had a great run; and I know that I spent my time in the best kd VU had and ever will see. It's a shame so many of our core players went so inactive or left; continuing to play under the blue banner would be a disgrace.

As for those who say that we will "re-form under a new name", just a heads up; I doubt we will. All remaining Legacy players will form a new kd next era under Fordius with Roxbury as a vice; but don't confuse it with Legacy. Legacy is gone, it's just that a few of it's players remain and we want to stay together.

03:27:45 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Ford ey?

Not gona be around for an era like Twilight is it...

Well, goodluck and see you on the map :P

03:51:34 Jan 24th 09 - Ms. Hawt Babes:

Good luck to all former LGC members =)

04:03:33 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Selos II:

legacy was a great and powerful kingdom i will sorely miss them

i had very few wars against the most honorable and oldest kingdom on vu

i and all others that play this game will always remember the best and worst times

legacy will always, even in war and peace, shall be classified under the best

*tear in eyes, walks away*


05:28:33 Jan 24th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Sir Wilberforce Pwner


1/23/2009 5:49:25 PM
LGC... what to say about it.

Well, although I obviously flame LGC at times, it always has been my 2nd favourite KD (after the obvious) and its the greatest KD I've ever seen.

Hopefully you'll be back around some day.


In my time it was never the great KD people talked about, maybe that one era i played in Rumour before qutting, anti-legacy kindgoms FTW!

Before I joined and a few eras later DB rose above it, it was a good kingdom, never great, i doubt many of the people around now saw legacy in its prime. It would never have been defeated by any alliance nowadays. The standard of play now would make the great players of the game sick.

The last 10+ eras have been good at best maybe one or two were challenging but never as exciting as the eras I was taught about in my begininnings 12-15 eras ago.


06:38:40 Jan 24th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Genderless:

LIES!!! You'll all simply come back with a different coloured have're the Legacy...Freedom Fighters is recruiting btw lol ;)

06:39:19 Jan 24th 09 - Monarch Vampire Queen:


way to go sneaking that in Demonic

07:12:55 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Eargit Prewett The Ugly:

Man...I only got to fight LGC twice and was owned...they were great...

08:18:34 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Barney:

Commander Aligreat


1/23/2009 8:28:33 PM
Sir Wilberforce Pwner


1/23/2009 5:49:25 PM
LGC... what to say about it.

Well, although I obviously flame LGC at times, it always has been my 2nd favourite KD (after the obvious) and its the greatest KD I've ever seen.

Hopefully you'll be back around some day.


In my time it was never the great KD people talked about, maybe that one era i played in Rumour before qutting, anti-legacy kindgoms FTW!

Before I joined and a few eras later DB rose above it, it was a good kingdom, never great, i doubt many of the people around now saw legacy in its prime. It would never have been defeated by any alliance nowadays. The standard of play now would make the great players of the game sick.

The last 10+ eras have been good at best maybe one or two were challenging but never as exciting as the eras I was taught about in my begininnings 12-15 eras ago.


I am not making any kind of official statements here, I leave those to Roxbury. But from what I gathered, and fully agree with; I take it we are disbanding because as I said above our current performance is a disgrace to our once great kingdom. I think we still do FAR above average every era; and I still think we are in the top 3 kingdoms in terms of skill level; but it's no question that there was a time when we did much better. Hell, I used to put in an application to LGC every era for 13 eras before I got in; and even then I could see a decline. I think it's because we have lost some great players due to RL things and their lack of intense interest after years of playing a game that never improvements. You know what? I think I'm going to hunt down every single former LGC veteran and keep them in a dungeon... cursed to play VU forever!

08:33:31 Jan 24th 09 - Ms. Hawt Babes:

lawl ...go for it Barney! xD

08:43:27 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Barney:

All I need is some cheap shackles and Chinese children to supplement the kingdom.... it is really a flawless plan!

09:50:26 Jan 24th 09 - Duke Argyle:

Congratulations! For beeing a top kd for so damn long! (it's been several years, right?)

Ofcourse I now feel cheated, as I havent got enough chances to beat you guys. But I guess life has it's course etc...

see you around ^^

keep it real!

11:26:45 Jan 24th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

DB beat them a few times  ^^

Had to slip that in =D


Just wish i coulda went against the war machine it was in its prime. Barney go do that, even for one era, might make the game interesting again.

12:22:48 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

There goes my dream of joining legacy :'(

13:30:00 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Oya:

lgc are nubs!

14:39:07 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Stirlin:

Good call to disband the KD now, its been in a slow decline over the past few eras, shame really.good luck to all the players in LGC, your KD will be sadly missed.

15:08:28 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Aphrodite:

I would like to remind everybody about round 15, the era of Leo.

The entire map formed a huge alliance to bring Legacy down, for the first time they where beaten... with one exception. Draiken pulled home the victory!

First time Legacy ALMOST lost an era in a long time. What wars we had in thoose days. Thnx.


15:24:29 Jan 24th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

*crys* :(

15:42:34 Jan 24th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

well lgc didnt win era 12 (tho not beaten) LGC was strong back in those days but era 15 wasnt really a victory it was more stupidly overpowerd exp finds ^^. the days of dominance were mainly when they were tagged mafia but as lgc they had some strong rivals like Serenity NT. Abydos, Scums (ausprick and co). They were always the kd i liked to war most wether they beat us or we beat them it was fun :p

16:21:20 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Linetwist:

anti-legacy was fun for a while though ... and no bugs were used ... EVER! ;-) by none of the fighting kingdoms, it was all very honourable and fair, no tricks, no lapdogs, etc ...

16:22:55 Jan 24th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

err yeah... you sure your not a comedian ? :D

16:33:16 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Linetwist:

sometimes i'm succesfull ... sometimes ... :-p

16:34:55 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Electric:


17:21:35 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Banroth Death Proof:

i put in an app four consecutive eras for legacy..and never got accepted. I hold this KD in the highest regard becasue of the exclusivity they held. It was and always will be an honour to play for Roxbury and the rest of Legacy. I wish i could have said that personally...but now i never will.

*chokes up a bit

17:37:27 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Mr. Aphrodite


1/24/2009 3:08:28 PM

I would like to remind everybody about round 15, the era of Leo.

The entire map formed a huge alliance to bring Legacy down, for the first time they where beaten... with one exception. Draiken pulled home the victory!

First time Legacy ALMOST lost an era in a long time. What wars we had in thoose days. Thnx.


Oh man, that was an epic era. With huge drama pretty much on all sides.. I remember casting ownage on a Serenity storage town where the #1 guy stored about 11 million farmers.. I used a blocker garrison that Serenity had bypassed on their way into our core, and back then armies didnt give magic def to the towns, so Merel (was it Jeker? Sparker?) went with negative income for a few hours in the night, and lost troops. Draiken pulled ahead just before era ended that morning. Crazy era indeed.

17:49:17 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Ghouma:

Some of us defined a lot of our time in Visual utopia by our opposition to Legacy, it was pretty exiting times since it was hard to find even twenty good players outside the same kingdom. The war in era 15 and the (de facto) victory of Serenity gave us all a great high. Legacy was of course the most important kingdom in Visual utopia, thats not even debateable. However times change, the ammount of skilled players now is much higher then it was back in the days when there was at most two serious kingdoms at the time. Sad to see Legacy go though, now years after the Kingdoms glory days it is nice to see the blue (or pink) banner around as something representing som kind of stability within VU (although that DB thing was crap).

A kingdom will probably never dominate the world like Legacy did in its first eras again so there will hardly be any room for a comeback if that kind of domination is what is required. Maybe you shouldnt let that stop you though, and see a challange in a world of more skilled players sometime in the future. Anyhow, good luck with the comming projects!

17:51:13 Jan 24th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Demonic Shezmu The Genderless


1/23/2009 10:38:40 PM
LIES!!! You'll all simply come back with a different coloured have're the Legacy...Freedom Fighters is recruiting btw lol ;)


18:00:28 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Banroth Death Proof:

I think i caught Legacy after the downhill slide...i started era 26, but i regret that i missed era 15 :(

18:11:15 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

"so Merel (was it Jeker? Sparker?)"

Jeker, that ownage probably cost him the era win. He payed upkeep to 11 million farmers over an entire night.

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