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SNM Embassy
11:05:10 Dec 22nd 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

We are Show No Mercy and we will honour any agreements any of our members have made with other kingdoms this era.  These are the ones I know of.  I hope I'm not forgetting anyone.  Anyway some of the relations might just be my imagination.  I'm sure I'll be proved wrong one way or another. 

Show No Mercy 3 Mr. Mighty Alanon 100


Dark 6 Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm 123

Insane Asylum 1 Lady Coal Shorts Main Vain 25


Fight Club 26 Mr. Pesto


The A Team 1 Mr. Ants 0

Kingdom Berserk 28 Mr. Arch Shade 6140
Domination 27 Pirate Suqah 1324
Guild of the Fallen 11 Junior Guildmaster Dragon 1914
Two Jelly Beans 3 Mr. Yellow Bean 1
Simplicity 1 Mr. Wuu 111


Rebirth 23 General Gokken 5434
Lightning Hearts 13 Mr. Kat 2724
The Knights of the Black and White 19 Sir Uther Pendragon 2616
Brotherhood of the Wolf 21 Wolflord Karac 5483


Phi Factor 16 Mr. Mavich 1192
The Ravage Regime 11 Sir Black Heart 2998
Gladiators 14 Mr. Gladiatorul 1297

Sol Invictus 2 Duke Polydeuces 63


as of: 2009-12-22 10:03:37 (VU Day 1199, 57 days left)

all treaties and WARs era long as far as I know.

14:39:03 Dec 22nd 09 - Pirate Suqah:

That's a lot of NAP's and CF's there O.o

15:09:54 Dec 22nd 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.... lews right :|

15:51:14 Dec 22nd 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Lady Coal Shorts Main Vain


18:35:41 Dec 20th 09

Sir Black Heart,

You never state what you are talking about specifically.  we have insulted you with the truth.  we don't want a Ceasefire with you if those are your terms.

Actually our terms are that you disband and admit you claimed  to be honourable but betrayed your friends.  you and your kingdom have the misfortune to have made enemies in game with those that will hold a grudge. 

Enjoy that Sport.

 CRAZY doesn't have an Embassy because we aren't that pompous.

No good wishes,

The Lady of  the Insane

Coal Shorts is calling  ya pompous!!

16:08:55 Dec 22nd 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

heh,  mostly it was only with fightclub and then I just said to the others I wouldn't get involved with their wars.  more of a gentleman's agreement than anything official.  Anyway I'm not attacking no pulse or revelation either but yeah it is a lot.  basically I'm just attacking Gladiators. 

Phi and Ravage have taken most of (all) my stuff near them. 

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