Forums / In game politics / Sparta Embassy

Sparta Embassy
02:01:46 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

Welcome all to the Sparta Embassy!  Even though it was just created today, we are alrady ranked 4th in Valhalla with only 3 members.  If a current agreement works out, then we will shoot up to second most likely.  Anyway, we're recruiting right now so:

Spartains rule.  Period.

We will only take the freshest young talent, or the most seasoned vetran player.

If your willing to join up, then just send me a message saying so (if you were sent a message from me, then just type x).  I am not particuraly picky, but after 10 members I will consult my Vices on any more who wish to join us.  The best of the bunch will go on to join AoA on Mantrax next era. 

You must be in Valhalla to join!

I hope to see you destroy enemies with me soon,

02:02:18 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

Please keep flaring to a minimium, and send me a message if your interested.

02:03:48 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Ctopha, Sparta was *beep*.

02:14:20 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

Lol- Made it for the same reason it was around last era.  And its gonna be the greatest like it was in Starta.  I've looked around Might-Do you just go and insult any KD thats not your own?

02:21:39 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Sorra:

Yea...thats pretty much what he's about.

03:11:56 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

PH Power Hungry 16 Mr. Necromonger 270
Sparta Sparta 4 Mr. Ctopha 100
Preds Predators 12 Sir Darkmarsbar 98
AoD Angels of Death 6 Mr. Pesterd 60
LOL Lords of Laughter 9 Mr. Heroslayer 34
UMA United Mossflower Alliance 3 Mr. Rivet 19
WP Wolf Pack 1 Mr. Anubis 2
KNIFE KNIghts oF Exploration 1 Mr. Faith 2
DC Demon Card 1 Sir Darcy 2
SOF Soldiers of Faith 1 Mr. Defender of Loyalty 0

03:18:57 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Fred:

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Valhalla
PH Power Hungry 16 Mr. Necromonger 172
Sparta Sparta 5 Mr. Ctopha 100
Preds Predators 12 Sir Darkmarsbar 63
AoD Angels of Death 6 Mr. Pesterd 38
LOL Lords of Laughter 9 Mr. Heroslayer 22
UMA United Mossflower Alliance 3 Mr. Rivet 12
DC Demon Card 1 Sir Darcy 2
WP Wolf Pack 1 Mr. Anubis 1
KNIFE KNIghts oF Exploration 1 Mr. Faith 1
SOF Soldiers of Faith 1 Mr. Defender of Loyalty 0

03:28:39 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

Wow.....thats 98 points in 7 minutes....

06:09:12 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Sanoh:

that new player helped you guys alot

09:18:48 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Random:

SpartaSparta9Mr. Ctopha1


17:20:32 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

Yeah.  Random, your not in our world -.-  we got later starts.

01:50:09 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Random:

lol i know.
i just thought it was amusing what you were all like wow 98 points and i see no difference.
according to me your up a bit now though:
SpartaSparta12Mr. Ctopha2
see double!

10:49:29 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

well lets see how sparta goes with another leader

sanoh done a ripper of a job so you have a while to go ctopha

but good luck anyways

19:13:05 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

lol, what world random?

And "ripper" of a job Peter? What world did you get stuck in?

20:19:48 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Cool Guy:

Spartans, would you mind telling me what your relationship with Power Hungry is?

20:52:56 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Fred:

I think we are allies.

21:10:02 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Sanoh:

from what i have heard, Spartans and Power Hungry are allies. but i could probally see what is going to happen

they will kill every kingdom on Vahalla then have a war between kingdoms (which i highly advise not to do). then each side will start to post hate messages in the embassy saying that the otherside was cheating to gain an advantage even though both side probally did try to gain an advantage before the war started. as of right now it looks like Power Hungry will win

21:16:23 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Kat:

they both seem to be close in power..

21:21:24 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Cool Guy:

I asked your relationship not deplomacy. I was wondering if you would still respect PH or if you just want the protection of them and attack when you are stronger.

21:22:51 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Sanoh:

well im not in Sparta, even though i am the one that started it last era.

21:28:06 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Fred:

well we need to disscuss that later.

21:34:13 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

I challenge all of you mens to a drinking contest! Ale, wine and whisky! Three challenges  .. and may the best man win! And may him get a easy hang-over.

22:07:44 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Predators will beat PH and Sparta!

22:14:27 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Cool Guy:

Lol- Have Predators got in war with Sparta as well? Well that takes care of that village 40 days away. I thought I would have to get it myself.

00:34:53 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

Cool, we tied up for at least a day, so take it!  Whats the villedge name, I'll ask my guys not to take it.



Mr. Cool Guy


12/30/2007 3:21:24 PM
I asked your relationship not deplomacy. I was wondering if you would still respect PH or if you just want the protection of them and attack when you are stronger.


1. Respect, me and Necro have mutual respect for the other.  I refuse any rengade PH players that want to join me, me and him consult each other on strategys, ect.

2.  ROFL, If I wanted to kill PH, then I would of order attachs on your cities by now.  I know where necro, Kathor, and some others are, and where your "core" is.  Seriously.

01:07:15 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

Mr. Ctopha


12/31/2007 5:13:05 AM

lol, what world random?

And "ripper" of a job Peter? What world did you get stuck in?


not even a thank you for the good luck

yeah that would be right -_-

10:13:20 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Cool Guy:

I'm just being careful, in tribalwars I got backstabbed about 5 times!

12:48:34 Dec 31st 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Kill all kingdom who does not respect new players!


03:03:55 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Ctopha:

Cool, you play tribal?  Whats your acc name?  Mine is erm...Ctopha, world 9, Member of Spartain Elite or TESA.

04:40:30 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

to all the old spartans out there

ctopha not thankful,,,,,,,,,,,sadly still a spartan

10:27:57 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Random:

@ ctopha all the way up there ^^^^^^

im on zeta =)

11:14:14 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

ok ppl heres the deal

DONT JOIN SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!

23:48:00 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

Sparta is a good kingdom when i was leader last era, im not sure how it is this era, but it is number two on Val as of now so thats good.

For all of my old Spartans i am offering you a place in my kingdom next era, it will have the same banner but a different name.

03:15:55 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Ctopha:

Thanks peter -.-.  We aren't recruiting anyway rofl.

And Sannoh, soon as we deal with Chim and skyer, we should be good.  Only prob is the #1 KD had 24+ mems last I checked, and we don't go over 15.

03:30:28 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

nd Sannoh, soon as we deal with Chim and skyer, we should be good.  Only prob is the #1 KD had 24+ mems last I checked, and we don't go over 15.

 thats going to take awhile


03:34:35 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Pesterd:


03:48:50 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

think about what i had to deal with last era with Sparta and FA. this is nothing compared to it last era

04:47:41 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

yes all old spartans join sanoh

next era

08:58:05 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

Sanoh i'll be back in spart next era =]
I am currently the main vice in silicon knights [silk] on Nirvana

Btw...Anonymous and AoA is here too =]

08:59:59 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

thats good. i hope they will join the new kingdom when it is made.

05:20:48 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

will anonymous and the rest of AoA be going to Sparta?

05:40:09 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

sparta get merked

05:44:41 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

well it wont be Sparta, it will be a different kingdom name

04:31:18 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

if ctopha is there the kd will be horrible

14:09:01 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

yes agreed chimaira, sanoh done good, ctopha do bad

20:42:05 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

next era

sanoh run a good kd
ctopha gfy

03:02:43 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Ctopha:

I got set at a late start against Chim, he convinced Edd to turn traitor,  my other strongest members quit or tratiored....but then theres Vu.  Hahahahaha, you guys are counting me out.  What you don't get is that Vu didn't quit Sparta in cold blood.  He is letting us take his major citys, I've got my income up super fast, as well as a ton of slaves.  He has 25 citys, and 5 of us are in his area.  Those that chim killed are already getting higher incomes, and I'm about to capture Vu's major armory.  It'll let me pump out a ton of Archs and spellweavers in a short peroid of time, plus those walls.  Chim, I'll hit 100k spellcasters and a decent bit of archs within the week, and then I'm coming back for you.  and I know for a fact you won't be able to stop that

03:10:31 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Ctopha:

Espically after Vulover burns most of your citys with the forces he has coming.....  I'll be right behind.  Fred, your after Chim.  Then Skyer.  Then anyone else that ticked me off or betrayed me to join Chim when the tides turned..


(VU Day 615, 664 days left)  And from what I can tell, I got plenty of time to do it.


Drop in power question answered.  Its the transition where Vu's power is being dispersed between me (primarily), and my KD. 

03:42:40 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Fred:

Lol Ctopha u don't stand a chnace plus i don't see any members of sparta on HOH.

08:41:04 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Hyphy:

I am dealin with Skyler atm
He thinks he can disrespect me and get away with it
Well i thing i knoe 4 sure

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