Forums / In game politics / Starta wars II

Starta wars II
22:16:01 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Sickman:

i am not in starta but there is no topic on this world there is lots on others but not on this one.

22:47:21 Jan 14th 08 - Sir Evans:

go FA! :P


family of DE :)

oh and fox of course...the lsot DE member

22:55:23 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Kat:

KH Kingdom Hearts 10 Mr. Sorra 100
Jump Jumpers 6 Mr. Sitting Duck 68


OBK Order of the Black Knights 17 Mr. Lelouch 127

TA The Alliance 7 Mr. Slash 38

22:57:06 Jan 14th 08 - Sir Evans:

not bad, fox is helping TA though, so theyll win :P

22:59:36 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Kat:

i think this i s going to be a pretty close war considering that i just beat lelouch army with only 16k troops when his was on the HOH while mine was not.

23:16:09 Jan 14th 08 - Sir Evans:

mages... :P

i still think fox can ahndle about 5 people :P

23:17:35 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Kat:

i beat him with archmages i didn't use any magic on him.

23:19:20 Jan 14th 08 - Sir Evans:

i meant his units may have been mages

23:22:49 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Kat:

nope it was on HOH he had 25k axeman about 25k hammers and 25k runemaster and i beat him with only 16k archamges.

23:25:01 Jan 14th 08 - Sir Evans:

mage level ? :P

06:40:40 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Niveko:

There was already a topic for this but it got pushed back to the next page lol.

Btw with the war it seems FA is staying nuetral, we are trying to figure out who to fight, we really dont want to attack OBK, seeing Lelouch has been a big help to me =/.

04:16:43 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Twinkie:

Nveko i say we finish wat we started with Jumpers

16:58:54 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Heatly:

good luck twinkie lelouch is killing us

17:32:07 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Vengence:

i made a topic for this a while ago you know, only it fell into disuse

*stares at the ground, sniffing*

17:36:47 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Strandatalent:

Go FA and Fox, my old friends

02:58:34 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Frank Castle:

I was in the alliance, Untill KH betrayed us and surprise attacked us while i was asleep..OBK was a grewat ally, boy am i glad to see them kick KH ass...the FA was also kind to BP and they are kicking the *beep* outta KH as well, so im proud of this World.

17:13:31 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Mister Master Bombad:

thought I would bring this back (found on page 5 I think) (not that anyone really cares about Starta a lot but w/e we do)
Kingdoms in Starta
AAAAgainst All Authority23Lord Zucox212
AoAArmy of Anubis24Mr. Anonymous153
OFFOld Fart Fanaticals5Mr. Mister Master Bombad100
HoSHill of Sorcery5Mr. Azaghal80



21:52:10 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:


01:30:21 May 24th 08 - Mr. Anonymous:

more like




06:01:25 May 24th 08 - Lord Zucox:

For your information...
AAAAgainst All Authority
AoAArmy of Anubis
HoSHill of Sorcery
GEGhost Empire
BHThe Black Hand
KTKnights Templar
TRThe Reapers

obviously.. it had been pretty busy era for us...

06:08:12 May 24th 08 - Mr. New Person:

For your information

AoAArmy of Anubis24Mr. Anonymous
Whole Map


07:34:24 May 24th 08 - Mr. Arjun Ramchand:

try beating AAA alone then think about taking on the whole map

02:47:05 May 28th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Kingdoms in Starta
AAAAgainst All Authority24Lord Zucox555
AoAArmy of Anubis23Mr. Anonymous457
ODCOdyssey12Ms. Bubbles245
HoSHill of Sorcery5Mr. Azaghal175
TRThe Reapers6Mr. Sorra100
OFFOld Fart Fanaticals2Mr. Mister Master Bombad8
ZeonZeon1Mr. Recluse0
KTKnights Templar1Ms. Remedy0
MasonsMasons4Mr. Demon0
BHThe Black Hand5Ms. Arya

02:47:51 May 28th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

So whats going on with the rest of you?

02:56:45 May 28th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

wat about nirvana?

13:39:49 May 29th 08 - Mr. Norris:

so what happened to Old Fart Fanaticals?

15:03:32 May 29th 08 - Ms. Bubbles:

Disband because they were killed by AoA, i think... ;D

17:11:51 May 29th 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

  • 04:02:00: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:02:02: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 12 troops burned to death.
  • 04:02:29: The progress of Dunedain VI has been hindered by magic!
  • 04:07:21: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 10 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:25: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:07:27: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 9 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:29: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 8 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:31: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 7 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:33: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:07:38: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 6 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:41: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:07:42: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 5 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:45: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:07:47: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 5 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:49: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:07:52: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 4 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:54: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 4 troops burned to death.
  • 04:07:57: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:07:59: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:08:03: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 3 troops burned to death.
  • 04:08:08: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:08:11: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 3 troops burned to death.
  • 04:08:13: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 3 troops burned to death.
  • 04:08:15: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 2 troops burned to death.
  • 04:08:19: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:08:21: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:08:23: Fire rains from the sky on our Dunedain VI army! 2 troops burned to death.
  • 04:08:57: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:08:59: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 04:09:01: Ms. Bubbles attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • wtf is this?? Magic?? you have lost more troops than i did, but by the way, good job, you killed 70 nazzies

    17:12:51 May 29th 08 - Mr. Random:

    that looks fairly expensive.....

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