Forums / In game politics / VOTE Top 10 VU dream team

VOTE Top 10 VU dream team
01:15:10 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Men:

vote a kingdom of 10 members which you think would dominate against anything. state the leader and the vices. state who are designated mages and state what race each player would be! (change Mr to Ms if needed)


Name Posts Rank Race World
--- 0 Leader Dwarf -
--- 0 Vice Troll -
--- 0 Vice Human -
--- 0 Mr. Dwarf -
--- 0 Mr. Elf -
--- 0 Mr. Human -
--- 0 Mr. Dwarf -
--- 0 Mr. Dwarf -
--- 0 Mr. Troll -
--- 0 Mr. Human



i realise i posted this in the wrong forum, use the above table as a guideline!

01:17:29 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Too lazy for your table.


Dark Lord Finwe
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Dark Orion
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Dudewhostolemynamecondinho
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Diplomat The Weirdgrivi
Member of: Legacy.

Ms. Tuguinha
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Salton
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Messiah
Member of: ZEON.

General Konichiwa
Member of: Legacy.

Lord Hermes
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Sloth
Member of: Abydos.

01:18:38 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Echion:

10 dwarfs?

01:20:16 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:


01:39:02 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:


01:40:54 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Ronald Rommel:

sad but true

gold is everything in this game......

01:43:40 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

There is already a dream team. It's called Legacy.

Of course, we're 9 people over the limit. 11 if you include Devi, who's sheer size counts for 3 men. But that's beside the point.

or alternatively, a team entirely comprised of Swifty clones. I heard he rox the sox of ur cox. I'm truthing you.

01:50:09 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

Dark Lord Finwe
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Dark Orion
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Dudewhostolemynamecondinho
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Diplomat The Weirdgrivi
Member of: Legacy.

Ms. Tuguinha
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Salton
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Messiah
Member of: ZEON.

General Konichiwa
Member of: Legacy.

Lord Hermes
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Sloth
Member of: Abydos.

:O :O :O where have I seen this before???

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Abydos] Abydos
With Dark Lord Finwe as leader.

[Havoc] Carnage
With Sir Echion as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Roxbury as leader.

[PHI] Phi Empire
With Mr. Mavich The Cloner as leader.

With Mr. Messiah as leader.

[BoW] Brotherhood of the Wolf
With Wolflord Karac as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Ms. Quietone as leader.

[MAD] Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeeper
With Mr. Joram Negus as leader.

[RED] Red Hand
With Admiral Krum as leader.

Dark Lord Finwe
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Dark Orion
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Dudewhostolemynamecondinho
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Diplomat The Weirdgrivi
Member of: Legacy.

Ms. Tuguinha
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Salton
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Messiah
Member of: ZEON.

General Konichiwa
Member of: Legacy.

Lord Hermes
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Sloth
Member of: Abydos.

aha!! :D

02:58:36 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Devi:

Roxbury      Leader     Mage
Devi            Vice         Attacker
Swifty          Vice       Attacker
Draiken       Attacker (when active)
Raistelin       Attacker (when active)
Ben              Attacker
Drakos        Mage
Leo             Attacker
Ford            Attacker
Fizban         Attacker

Now this is only assuming everyone listens and does as told, but with that group it would never happen.

I haven't fought on the same side as a bunch of people in VU, but I have fought against most and dont think anyone can beat that team, of course there are a good 6-7 people you could easily add to that list. Im sure I missed a few.

03:45:03 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Aloysius:

nothing against Devi..

but i know i can list 10players who can beat (or safe to say equal) that team.

04:20:10 Aug 13th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

The following list is assuming the respective players "top form" :)

1. Roxbury

2. Sezymon

3. Raistlin

4. Ezatious

5. Swampfot

6. Sparker

7. Moi :p

8. Devi

9. Gragnar/Leo/juchi

10. Ben

04:20:10 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

I was wondering how long it would take someone to notice :)

04:42:52 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

haha Bruto you try to be sneaky but I'm on to you!! >_> :D

04:44:24 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Assuming 'Top Form' and activity once again -

1. Draiken (Attacking)

2. Sezy (Mage)

3. Roxy (Jack of All Trades)

4. Myself (Attacker)

5. Raist (Attack/Mage/Resident Drill Sgt.)

6. Valar (Warrior Poet ;-) )

7. Ben (Attacker)

8. Gragnar (Nice attacker for an old guy)

9. Swiffers (Taking care of that diplomacy since I have no time for it/attack)

10. Fordius (Attacking)

09:07:28 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Dark Orion:

lol..where are Lgc mages?:P

09:37:29 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

I thought roxbury was meant to be a full mage

09:54:10 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

Wooow this must mean legacy has all the top players!!11

09:55:57 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

btw can i join?!!

11:52:40 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Mielo:

  1. Swifeteh
  2. Stormcrow
  3. Mielo
  4. AliGhey
  5. Oya
  6. Efrandor
  7. Shyers
  8. Seth
  9. Quietone
  10. Highwayman

>> This would be the coolest team in VU, not the best but sure the coolest! and probably the best as well!

12:02:36 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

1. Sloth
2 through 10: irrelevant

12:20:01 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Echion:

@ Mielo..

Traitor! :(

12:20:40 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

oh yea :D next era will be era of stasis :D

12:39:17 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Mielo:

Sorry venom, wait

  1. Swifeteh
  2. Stormcrow
  3. Mielo
  4. AliGhey
  5. Oya
  6. Efrandor
  7. Shyers
  8. Seth
  9. Quietone
  10. Highwayman
    11. Thomas Bell
    12. Blackwell
    13. Venomz

12:41:53 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

will it realy cus stasis has done real gd

12:45:03 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Stasis:

Thanks but the era will be named after the top Fantasia player, Dark Orion.

13:28:20 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

I agree that LGC is mostly top players but I dont think that most top players are LGC. My dreamteam would include people from most factions.

14:06:43 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Azaruc:

a list of people who I've played with or fought against directly (dunno about most others..) alphabetically ordered


and a lot of great players aren't on this, I know ;)

14:58:12 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Gasoline:

My top 10 would be :

1. Fordius                                          ( attacker / mage ) Leader
2. Frederick                                      ( attacker / advisor )
3. Jeroen                                          ( attacker )
4. Sparker                                        ( attacker )
5. Rox                                              ( mage )                 Leader
6. Devi                                             ( attacker )
7. Sloth                                           ( mage )
8. Swampy                                      ( attacker )
9. EZ                                              ( attacker )
10. Drenthinio                                 ( attacker )

yeah I got 2 leaders that I think can handle this kd :P

15:04:56 Aug 13th 07 - Ms. Spoon:

I just noticed 4 out of 6 are Legacy who have posted their dreamteam.
I was like lol.

No offense meant by this though ;p

15:31:40 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

stasis u have the highest points so it will be your era :D

15:35:48 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

This is my dream team :D

1. My God Farts                                          ( Newbish Leader )
2. My God Farts Multi                                    ( Attacker )
3. My God Farts Muti                                        ( Attacker )
4. My God Farts Multi                                       ( attacker )
5. My God Farts Multi                                            ( mage )                
6. My God Farts Multi                                            ( attacker )
7. My God Farts Multi                                          ( mage )
8. My God Farts Multi                                    ( attacker )
9. My God Farts Multi                                             ( attacker )
10. My God Farts Multi                                ( attacker )

15:36:09 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Falazar:

1. Zeta (with god powers)
2. Zeta (clone)
3. any *beep* nuibe
4. any *beep*
5. any *beep*
6. any *beep*
7. any *beep*
8. any *beep*
9. any *beep*
10. any *beep*

Should be able to do it yes?

15:50:20 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Mielo:

Serious, my real Dream team would be like this: it won't have 10 players but more since my kingdom would be so popular and impossible to co-ope with other kingdoms on fantasia.

Stormcrow (attacker)
Thomas bell (attacker/mage)
Bertrand (attacker)
Oya (attacker)
Efrandor (just for fun)
Highwayman, (attacker)
Kland (mage)
Seth (attacker)
Sloth (mage)
Shyers (attacker)
Aligreat (attacker/mage)
Krum (attacker)
Mielo (attacker/mage)

15:54:07 Aug 13th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

And me? :(

I can annoy any Legacy/DB player... Isn't that like the only thing you would need?

15:54:21 Aug 13th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Ah, btw, lgc are haxxorzzzs

16:16:20 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Mielo:

ow I forgot to put in my lovely/foxy chick/Diplomat ... that person is obviously ...

Quietone my darlin!

16:45:01 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

1. Carolus Rex

2. Lord Weirdgrivi the Diplomat

OWNS ALL!!!!!!!!

16:47:14 Aug 13th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Mr. Penguin


8/13/2007 3:31:40 PM
stasis u have the highest points so it will be your era :D


Nope, Fantasia winner gets the era :)

16:56:35 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Hanky Spanky:

1. Hanky Panky
2. Sezymon
3. H. P.
4. Draiken
5. Hanky Spanky
6. Roxbury
7. Hanky
8. Spoon (he taught me alot =) )
9. Im bored cant be *beep*d to think
10. wahoo ive finished

 Hanky Spanky coming soon in wars near you  =)

17:35:36 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Diplomat The Weirdgrivi:

1. Rambo
(+ 9 other random dudes for entertainment)

17:44:33 Aug 13th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:

yeay i'm in ford's list!!.... uhm u better know it.


Mielo i hate u, not in your list, wtf?

Only because i do know how to speak proper Dutch? ;)

18:04:59 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Durza The Destroyer:

1. Weirdgrivi the Diplomat       Dwarf

2.Karac                                  Human

3. Drakos                                Elf

4. Durza the destroyer              Troll

5. Dark orion                           Dwarf

6.Sloth                                     Dwarf

7. Lelouch                                Troll

8.Crissxcross                             Elf

9.Dark lord Finwe                   Dwarf

10.Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin     Dwarf

Pritty solid lineup that eh?

18:24:57 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Orly:

rofl is all I have to say about that lineup

18:27:35 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

solid? as in solid lumps of *beep*? yeah. you got a few specs of gold in there, but otherwise its full of crap

19:38:18 Aug 13th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

1. Weirdgrivi the Diplomat       Dwarf

2.Karac                                  Human

3. Drakos                                Elf

4. Durza the destroyer              Troll

5. Plower                                 Troll

6.Sloth                                     Dwarf

7. Spoon                               Dwarf

8.Crissxcross                             Troll

9.Syrsa                                     Elf

10.Gothrim                              Dwarf

20:21:14 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Aligreat:

Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle


8/13/2007 4:44:33 PM

yeay i'm in ford's list!!.... uhm u better know it.


Mielo i hate u, not in your list, wtf?

Only because i do know how to speak proper Dutch? ;)


HAHA he put me in infront of u. Well it is because im the dark horse and im fking fanstastic.


Would own any1:

1. Q

2. Rox

3. Mielo

4. Shyers

5. Drenth

6. Binh

7. Draiken *when active*

8. Elsin

9. DVS

10. Banehallow

20:40:12 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Mielo:

FFS How come if I forget someone they are pissed of at me!


The uber team of VU would be: Everyone I like and that I don't have problems with! Yes includes you drenth!

21:24:12 Aug 13th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:


21:29:57 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Mielo:

lol ... I give up

21:46:18 Aug 13th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:

ok i wuv u again mielo ;)

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