Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 17

Valhalla 17
20:02:39 Jan 7th 13 - DVSklown (Mr. George Babyface Nelson):

Yum! looks like ill be eating spam and cheese sandwiches for oop.

08:54:47 Jan 8th 13 - Tomoyo (Ms. Picco):

09:02:14 Jan 8th 13 - General Paper Thick:

You are a nobody. You mean nothing to me. Go eat your spam so i can consume you and grow stronger.

10:27:41 Jan 8th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

I just see a blank post by Tomoyo..

16:06:07 Jan 8th 13 - General Paper Thick:

She probably edited it lol.

16:12:28 Jan 8th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Maybe.. I thought I saw it right after she posted it.. Unless she deleted it like the second she posted it, lol

21:46:16 Jan 8th 13 - General Paper Thick:

lol. i was posting in response to babyface anyways

22:51:48 Jan 8th 13 - DVSklown (Mr. George Babyface Nelson):

lol tough guy. i was joking around. and in response to your little argry episode. ive proved myself in battle, if im nobody what does that make you?

02:21:58 Jan 9th 13 - Mr. Nikky The Mouth Santora:

The era has just begun. This is the lineup: 

H20 [10 members, led by Dacarta]: 1 Orc Spamming city in our core
Stormcloaks [10 members, led by Timur]: 1 Orc Spamming city in our core
LDK[10 members]: Publicly swore to destroy BoD this era.

There are 46 players + 8 active/semi-active BoD players. 
That makes 54 total players. 

30/54 players are fighting BoD. 8 belong to BoD. A handful of players stances are unknown. 

Either BoD is so terrifying that all the KDs need to jump them, or something. 

This is how the era is going thus far

03:04:08 Jan 9th 13 - Tomoyo (Ms. Picco):

We havent attacked you guys. We were just expecting you guys to attack us. besides, last era you guys joined an already 2vrs 1, (which we were pretty even on) to do a 3v1 with little to no warning. We were all under the impression the NAP was for era long.

03:08:51 Jan 9th 13 - Pure (Mr. Che Guevara):

I have a city with 13 buildings and 2 scouts in your core, Ive got the same in SC core. Dont feel special :P

03:34:47 Jan 9th 13 - Mr. Small Fries II:

Whose KD are you in Picco?

03:41:18 Jan 9th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Picco is in Stormcloaks.

03:47:58 Jan 9th 13 - Dragoria (Mr. Don Vito The Bloodletter):

Tomoyo, what kingdom are you referring concerning the NAP and what kingdom are you from?

If you are referring to BoD, the only era long NAP. as stated in the NAP, that we had was with TCT. The other two NAPs we formed during the era had specific end points. For the SC NAP, it was introduced in that manner by Timur and I really liked it. For the H2O2 NAP, still thinking Timur's NAP was pretty awesome, I made a few minor changes and introduced it for Lord Dacarta's approval. I can't say for certain, but I think he liked it.

Plus, you want to know a little secret....

By the time the conditions of the H2O2 NAP were complete, I was actually tired of the era and figured I would let the era end as it was with BoD focusing on attacking LDK as the clock ticked down. But Lord Dacarta sent me a message stating that the CF was started, so when the 48hrs ended I ran with it. :)

03:48:27 Jan 9th 13 - Dragoria (Mr. Don Vito The Bloodletter):

Lol, well that answers that.

03:59:21 Jan 9th 13 - Tomoyo (Ms. Picco):

I am in StormCloaks. And all i said was that our entire alliance was unaware of the stipulation for the end of the NAP so our only armies were like 72 hours away when it ended.

04:03:36 Jan 9th 13 - Dragoria (Mr. Don Vito The Bloodletter):

I am not sure how to respond. The NAP had a lengthy CF period, even longer than the one we had with H2O2, to allow you time to prepare your defenses. Not sure what else could have been done.

06:48:03 Jan 9th 13 - Mr. Timur:

Stormcloaks only agreement this era is an agreement upon spawning to go to a different corner than LDK (we fought them oop for the last two eras) and a very limited CF agreement with LDK.

For now, it looks like a bit of a free for all.

With respect to last eras Stormcloak/BoD peace (which we made when we respawned after losing oop to LDK), I take full responsibility for my kingdom not knowing the provision causing it to end.  I accidentally deleted all my messages late one night, including the provisions of the original agreement, rather than posting them.   At the end of the peace treaty, BoD had a clear victory available; by ending our peace, all BoD did was give us a chance to try to make the era more contested.  We had plenty of time to pull armies back if we wanted; I asked my kingdom instead to try to finish of H202 while we tried to either bust the TCT core (or come to agreement with them).   Simply, we failed at both.  

See ya all on the field of battle.

09:18:46 Jan 9th 13 - Pure (Mr. Che Guevara):

Good luck to all competing in OOP wars and may the best kingdom win this era :)

23:58:51 Jan 9th 13 - Endless (Ms. Rubbing Alcohol):

Endless Scouts 2-0  :p

14:32:44 - Dumb Game won a battle against Nope II from Mr. Elite. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

14:49:14 - Magic City won a battle against Ldk IV from Mr. Vytautas Didysis. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

02:25:11 Jan 10th 13 - Mr. Timur:

Stormcloaks have lost 4 cities to Che Guevara of H202.   His successful offense has put a damper in our attempt to give Bod a good early war. 

My own orc spam attempt took one tiny city from Bod and seems to be surrounded by superior forces.   Theres still a little play left, but its not likely that my spam attempt is going to get very far.


03:00:15 Jan 10th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Oh no, I lost scout :( the war is end :( Good job Endless

04:49:57 Jan 10th 13 - Endless (Ms. Rubbing Alcohol):

YAY :)  the scout war is won :)

05:00:10 Jan 10th 13 - Pure (Mr. Che Guevara):

Tim, fortunatly for you two were fully built armories (That I dont really need as orc oop) and the other two make about 15k between them (One makes 12k tree which I dont need)

06:12:56 Jan 10th 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Hopefully i dont get ambushed with this borrowed horse and end up dying thinking that i was mistaken for someone else

08:31:00 Jan 10th 13 - Mr. Cyberdemon of Stormy:

Depends on whether your horse is the unlucky one or not.

19:00:16 Jan 10th 13 - General Paper Thick:

--> Pure, yes it true you only took 2 armory cities and 3 additional future econ cities. But when taking my armory city set me back all the gold of troops that were in training, as well as the constant siege has my income at almost nothing. :) so id say you did your job well

00:17:29 Jan 11th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

I guess the useless magic award was won by h2o2:

23:01:02 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

23:00:56 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:40:47 - The progress of Yeah has been hindered by magic!

22:25:44 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:24:40 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

21:50:11 - The progress of Yeah has been hindered by magic!

21:50:05 - The progress of Yeah II has been hindered by magic!

21:07:18 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

21:07:13 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

20:02:19 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

19:01:41 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

19:01:27 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

19:01:13 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

19:00:58 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

18:07:58 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

18:06:43 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

18:06:27 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

18:06:10 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

06:06:18 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

06:06:00 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

05:22:35 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

05:22:30 - 10 walls in Yeaah got destroyed by magic!

05:10:46 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

04:13:00 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

03:44:52 - A cloud of locusts swarmed over Farmville and ate all our food!

03:16:36 - The progress of Come has been hindered by magic!

03:16:22 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

Some of this are even scouts, with 1 gaia, frozen for 1, 2 ticks...

01:26:02 Jan 11th 13 - Endless (Lady Catarina Daragon):

it's not useless if you can't merge up your armies to spank us... :p  go cry to someone who cares :)

01:33:06 Jan 11th 13 - Endless (Lady Catarina Daragon):

might be pointless though I'll concede that ;)

01:37:04 Jan 11th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

Just giving you another award, you won the scout spanking war and now this award, relax :)

01:45:00 Jan 11th 13 - Pure (Pure Slowty Mcslow Slow):

Just giving you another award, you won the scout spanking war and now this award

For about the 20th consecutive time.

01:51:41 Jan 11th 13 - Endless (Lady Catarina Daragon):

I was trying to figure out was it meant to provoke (your word choice of "useless") or if you were just whining cuz it took so long for you to get those troops merged up lol

unfortunately I play VU in idc mode these days but I do like the log, shows me how many fails I get vs how many it feels like :D

01:54:19 Jan 11th 13 - Endless (Lady Catarina Daragon):

you trying to say something Pure? or does that mean something in your own mind?

01:55:16 Jan 11th 13 - Dakarta (Duke Dakata):


01:59:42 Jan 11th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

I just called it useless because i've been a mage several times and I know the losses your taking are much greater than the "damage" you cause, no intention to provoke.

02:00:43 Jan 11th 13 - Endless (Lady Catarina Daragon):

I agree,  OOP magic is always useless in that regard. :D

04:55:59 Jan 11th 13 - Pure (Pure Slowty Mcslow Slow):

10:54:19 Jan 11th 13 - Endless (Lady Catarina Daragon):

you trying to say something Pure? or does that mean something in your own mind?

Was in a rush and quickly C + P with out italics or the name (name was by accident). And I was simply saying you have won the spanking award for the 20th time in a row.

06:00:15 Jan 11th 13 - Muffin Man (Mr. Dying Flutchman):

I'm a potato.

A very innactive potato.

I'M BACK, and ready to rrrrrrrrrumble. ;) Be warned, the noob is coming for you all. <3

05:56:44 Jan 16th 13 - General Paper Thick:

I would like to point out... that once again, it has become a 3v1, and once again score wise outnumber 2.5 to 1.. Im starting to notice a trend

06:10:12 Jan 16th 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Ahhh General, seeing the trend like that of Fantasia and Mantrax with the few kingdoms ganging up on a certain alliance(s) :P

06:19:18 Jan 16th 13 - General Paper Thick:

Lol. yep yep, such is life. I havent branched out to more than one character yet, i dont really have time. But i assume the same goes for every server, several people make diplomatic ties until theres only 1 target left.

06:42:01 Jan 16th 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Dont worry general, at least i am not one to target you yet :P

19:42:53 Jan 16th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Elven Crusader):

@Paperthick, I would say it as 2v1v1. We are attacking both your KD and Hydro. BoD are just too far to reach as of the moment, but I'm sure they can wait. Also Diplomacy is big part of this game. Maybe try to find a better use of your relations then.

08:33:44 Jan 17th 13 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

14:56:44 Jan 16th 13 - General Paper Thick:

I would like to point out... that once again, it has become a 3v1, and once again score wise outnumber 2.5 to 1.. Im starting to notice a trend

In hydro its 4v1 with one Ally thats at war (Actually attacking) with 1 on top of the fact that we have already had half our OOP core taken from us. I personally think you have it easier :P

15:10:12 Jan 16th 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:
Ahhh General, seeing the trend like that of Fantasia and Mantrax with the few kingdoms ganging up on a certain alliance(s) :P

There has been no talk about gang ups on Mantrax. 3 v 1 (FW) at era start (And thats the way we like it), have since decimated a kingdom to disbanding after oop, have essentially killed one other, then the third we killed early era but they rebuilt and still have shitty armies compared to our leet attackers, era end would be much quicker as well if Wilbad didnt go off and do his own thang. As for fantasia its a different story when one of the largest kingdoms naps everyone except one.

13:00:54 Jan 17th 13 - Endless (Ms. Rubbing Alcohol):

it's actually 5 of them vs us, although Lusitanos pretty much killed us off, the rest are just scavenging carcasses

15:44:37 Jan 17th 13 - Pure (Mr. Che Guevara):

I didnt even see TCT were attacking us until now...

18:01:58 Jan 21st 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Good fighting so far

02:39:40 Jan 22nd 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

So far no one can complain of mass nap, which is a great thing.

05:16:59 Jan 22nd 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

whom has the mass nap :O

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