Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 17

Valhalla 17
12:52:46 Jan 22nd 13 - Mr. Nariek The II:

im going to say one thing to this topic, Elite. if i didnt have shlt going on in my life and was inable to log on for 5 of the first 7 days ( as the kingdom mage) things would have been alot differently. i had less then 1000 mus and less then 700 mts and yet was freezing your armies for 2+ ticks day 4 of the era so shh with your bragging because h2's original mage has life issues.

17:11:10 Jan 22nd 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

Yet I fail to realize where I was bragging, I only said no one was mass napping. I've not sent any messages or post anything about your defeat, so once again, I fail to realize what your complaining about..

09:50:08 Jan 23rd 13 - Mr. Nariek The II:

believe you stated the following:

kinda bragging

I guess the useless magic award was won by h2o2:

23:01:02 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

23:00:56 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:40:47 - The progress of Yeah has been hindered by magic!

22:25:44 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:24:40 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

21:50:11 - The progress of Yeah has been hindered by magic!

21:50:05 - The progress of Yeah II has been hindered by magic!

21:07:18 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

21:07:13 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

20:02:19 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

19:01:41 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

19:01:27 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

19:01:13 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

19:00:58 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

18:07:58 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

18:06:43 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

18:06:27 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

18:06:10 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

06:06:18 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

06:06:00 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

05:22:35 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

05:22:30 - 10 walls in Yeaah got destroyed by magic!

05:10:46 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

04:13:00 - The progress of Speedy has been hindered by magic!

03:44:52 - A cloud of locusts swarmed over Farmville and ate all our food!

03:16:36 - The progress of Come has been hindered by magic!

03:16:22 - Ms. Rubbing Alcohol attempted to cast a spell upon us.

Some of this are even scouts, with 1 gaia, frozen for 1, 2 ticks...

20:37:04 Jan 10th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):
Just giving you another award, you won the scout spanking war and now this award, relax :)

10:25:55 Jan 23rd 13 - Endless (Lady Catarina Daragon):

they're not bragging, although they might be rubbing it in that they kicked our asses ;)  

LDK  is too, although LDK is having an easier time since they're attacking our rebuild efforts and we're easier targets :D

18:09:22 Jan 23rd 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

It kinda is, but with you being so close to many others, it is kind of tough fighting multiple kingdoms.

18:18:41 Jan 23rd 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

I wrote that days ago, no one knew who would survive. It was just annoying to have every army, even scouts, being frozen each tick or 2. If I wanted to brag I wouldn't go that way, there are much simpler reasons to brag, and you guys at HD know it..

22:10:03 Jan 23rd 13 - Mr. Vangard II:

Hey all just spawned about 20 ticks ago and was wondering how everyone is doing

22:42:20 Jan 23rd 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

the usual, warring, bitching and flaming, which all in all, nothing new

00:26:59 Jan 24th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Endless you just choice wrong position, you not our main target, you guys are in bad place bad time :)

03:16:12 Jan 24th 13 - Endless (Ms. Peanut Butter And Jelly):

so I noticed lol :D

19:02:34 Jan 24th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Elven Crusader):

Has BoD and SC have a NAP or CF?

I think it will be a good war if we try a West vs East war. LoL! :)

21:32:40 Jan 24th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

probably it will be like this. Lustianos LDK and LS vs TCT Storms and BoD :)

04:26:40 Jan 25th 13 - Mr. Nikky The Mouth Santora:

In other words

Sc vs Lost Souls
LDK vs BoD
Lusitanos vs TCT

H20 is out for the count.

07:44:16 Jan 25th 13 - Mr. Nariek The Third:

:( hopefully next era goes better but i think we should move to a higher, less populated world... this one is getting to popular >.>

08:49:19 Jan 25th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Elven Crusader):

I'd rather stay here. The wars are great here. More players, more fun.

Let's all update our forums of our KDs progress so that we can look on it for future refeences. :)

This era will be fun I think (even if I don't participate). We launched an attack against SC early this era, though Pure (Che Guevara) of H20 already initiated OOP war against them and was beaten by SC. We took some of the cities and push all the way back to SC southernmost core but checked and repel with the aid of their mage. BoD joined in the war, at first as a neutral attacker, but then it looks like they had signed a peace treaty with SC and send all of their forces in SC core toward us while killing some of our armoies on their way and capturing some cities also.

BoD sent their strongest troll army (Pablo Escobar's) towards our core and slipped through one of our blocker and took one city. We thought the troll would wreck havoc in our core since our armies are either in the blockers and/or in the SC core. Eventually our new recruited elf managed to froze that troll and Sleepy managed to kicked it.

As of the moment Pablo is camping in his city just a few ticks away from our blockers, while Al Capone is also training in his captured blocker just behind Pablo. SC is sending their elves within the frontier to build magic cities for the support.

[Reporting from Elven Outpost, this is Ryan, LS war correspondent.]

22:21:44 Jan 25th 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Hydroxide keeps rebuilding, so who knows, and plus the epic battle of LDK and BoD are duking it out with massive armies. Shall be fun to play and watch.

22:31:27 Jan 25th 13 - Mr. Nariek The Third:

with h2o stuck smack dab in the middle >.> (SC,LDK and BoD... how we supposed to survive something like this lmfao.)

01:42:35 Jan 26th 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Have better armies :P

06:05:21 Jan 26th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

I never was one to just give up lol

17:15:52 Jan 30th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

This is too quiet

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste9Mr. Vytautas Didysis335
Blood of Dragons10Mr. Don Vito The Bloodletter251
Stormcloaks10Mr. Timur215
Lost Souls9Prince Erythnul181
Lusitanos3Mr. Elite100
The Craziest Thing3Mr. Happy Camper16
Hydrogen Dioxide9Lord Dacarta16
Demonic Angel2Ms. Demonic Angel5

18:49:18 Jan 30th 13 - Mr. Witty:

That's the downside of killing off your target. <g>

22:49:59 Jan 30th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Elven Crusader):

SC are continuously trying to take down our vanguard member in the frontline. No major movements as of now.

BoD abandoned their hold on our fronts and returning to their core, including Al Capone's top HoH army.

LDK still trying to penetrate BoD core to reinforce their dwarf comrade behind enemy line.

Lusitanos killed TCT. I really don't know what in there at the northeast.

01:02:39 Jan 31st 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

My target is still alive Witty, TCT and h2o2 were just in the way.

12:49:06 Feb 2nd 13 - Mr. Didysis Baisusis:

What the hell happened to TCT?

Went from 3rd place to last. I guess armies>farming

13:55:49 Feb 2nd 13 - shpedro (Mr. Spedro III):

Got killed.

22:20:15 Feb 3rd 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

War is looking well for some people, Storms invasions beginning

23:35:26 Feb 3rd 13 - Mr. Timur:

I think it would be more accurate to say that the invasion of Stormcloaks is continuing, rather than starting, as there has not been a single tick of this era in which our core has been free of enemy owned cities.

Hindsight being wonderful, when I first saw Che/Pures oop city, I should have abandoned my oop plans for Bod and turned to deal with him.  His attacks crippled Stormcloaks and we have been running emergency to emergency ever since.  <a few Bod players warned me that this would be the result; however the continuing emergencies have made this a really interesting era>  It is some small consolation that Che, likewise, might reasonably have abandoned his oop attacks on us to protect the H202 core from Lusitaneous.  

Of course, a kingdom with 5 elves is a bit imbalanced, and has had difficulty making the op values needed to repel the continuing series of invaders.   A few less elves and a few more, well..of anything..would have been a better design.   A little pre-emptive diplomacy on my part would have helped as well.

As to the status of the Stormcloak cities currently in enemy hands, I think the black knight said it best in his most famous duel with Arthur, King of the Britons... 


06:19:57 Feb 4th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Who casted the plague? Lol

00:41:49 Feb 6th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Through the eye we can see this information about Sniper Rifle, owned by Mr. Nikky The Mouth Santora:
Pony riders:102929
Magic Towers:0
Guard Towers:1
Lumber Mills:0

00:42:07 Feb 6th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

we can cast arma probably ;)

03:57:06 Feb 6th 13 - Mr. Paper:

yes  i would vote for arma

06:22:13 Feb 6th 13 - Mr. Timm:

Stormcloaks would vote for Armageddon.  We tried to cast it four times, and failed each time.  Now that elf is mostly dead, and our next nearest elf would have to save up for it the L9 Science level.

11:48:00 Feb 6th 13 - Zond (Mr. Want The Freak):

Let the enemy cast, or forever they shall sit until they do >:)

12:21:55 Feb 6th 13 - Mr. Don Kichotas:

we will cast it this week :) depends of luck

12:28:37 Feb 6th 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

ohh. enjoy the plague ;)

16:31:09 Feb 6th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Hey.. Eff you Zond. That plague was annoying.

16:38:43 Feb 6th 13 - Zond (Mr. Want The Freak):

Someone attacked me a bit ago.. plague was over. So casted it again! >:D 

it wasnt as strong.. but its there ;)

17:03:38 Feb 6th 13 - Sir Red Chocobo:

Die Magic City!!!

17:24:07 Feb 7th 13 - shpedro (Mr. Spedro III):

And that is "The End."

It was fun.

18:17:48 Feb 7th 13 - Mr. Vangard II:

Hey I'm looking for a kingdom for next era, anyone want another member? :)

18:18:47 Feb 7th 13 - Mr. Oops:

That was fast -- did we have a quickie Arma?  I didn't even see it happen.

And ditto on the annoying plague (not that I wasn't considering it myself <g>).

18:19:45 Feb 7th 13 - Zond (Mr. Want The Freak):

considering is for babies!

i use all my spells >:D

18:44:47 Feb 7th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Elven Crusader):

Join us Vanguard! We still have 1 slot left.

23:02:51 Feb 7th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

yeah good age :) BoD die. he he

23:35:31 Feb 7th 13 - Mr. Vangard II:

Sure!  What kingdom are you in?  I'm not sure how to look that up so I don't know where to apply

10:33:15 Feb 8th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Crusader II):

@Vanguard, I'm with Lost Souls.

17:02:01 Feb 8th 13 - Ms. Leila The Explorer:

Lots of people can not join Valhalla next era, it says we have character here and we dont.

21:36:15 Feb 8th 13 - Mr. Shadow of Hope:

I tried to spawn on Valhalla but was sent to Fantasia for some reason, than one of my friends same thing happened.. 

21:37:15 Feb 8th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Archblade IV):

Message Zeta to fix it. Just don't settle a city on other worlds.

23:09:21 Feb 8th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Archblade IV):

You (2/9/2013 4:38:08 AM)
There are a lot of complaints that they can't respawn at Valhalla. Can you fix it?
VU Admin (2/9/2013 5:08:21 AM) GOOD BAD
What is the reason why they can not spawn?

I have it on my todo list, but until then you have to figure it out yourself. Most likely there is a member who has already spawned there with another of his characters.

So message him guys. When you message him just put Admin in send to.

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