Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 85 Rise of the Birds

Valhalla 85 Rise of the Birds
11:12:05 Nov 16th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Congrats to our fellow bird-friends, Ducks, on the win last era. 

12:18:37 Nov 16th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

Huh? What are you talking about?
I don't see any Ducks win?

14:06:26 Nov 16th 22 - Phat (Mr. Baelro):

What’s a duck?

21:03:17 Nov 18th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

21:13:22 Nov 18th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

21:15:29 Nov 18th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

All seven of you & the rest of the world about to get fvcked up by one dude & a mage😈😇

21:25:35 Nov 18th 22 - Friendly Peasant Cyrone:

Hanky why don't you tell us a bit about your friendship with Ivanho!?

21:31:41 Nov 18th 22 - Prophet Hanky:


Are you calling me a cheater?

I’m pretty sure I was bare genius last time I checked😂

21:50:19 Nov 18th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

No fucking around 

I’m playing orc, showing you how it’s done

& why I’m the best😈😇

You think I only look good because I play Halfling?

21:59:56 Nov 18th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

You better run to the other side of the map😈😇

07:38:46 Nov 19th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

Hang up the caution tape

I’m dangerous!😂😈😇

08:55:55 Nov 19th 22 - Legend (I am Daniel Brhl):

Shut up Spammer...

08:57:24 Nov 19th 22 - Prophet Hanky:


I got some spam for you🤪😂❤️

09:01:25 Nov 19th 22 - Legend (I am Daniel Brhl):

No thanks. Maybe some beef for me? You paying ofcourse

09:04:42 Nov 19th 22 - Prophet Hanky:


16:40:01 Nov 20th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

50k giaia & three red bulls later

I’m still not good enough😂

19:06:35 Nov 20th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

I fucking did it!

I took a city!😂

19:07:09 Nov 20th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

20:56:06 Nov 20th 22 - Mr. Ghost II:

Hanky wait for someone else to post. This way you’re just talking to yourself.

21:23:58 Nov 20th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Daniel Craig):

Someone else posted!
Take it away hanky!

21:49:03 Nov 20th 22 - Prophet Hanky:


02:42:43 Nov 21st 22 - Mr. Entropic:

When I grow up I want to be just like you Hanky ! 

14:30:41 Nov 21st 22 - Prophet Hanky:


22:44:36 Nov 21st 22 - Prophet Hanky:

I give up

I’ve only have 1 hour sleep in 39 hours😭😂

09:12:49 Nov 22nd 22 - Friendly Peasant Cyrone:

Buy my stone to fund the death of your enemies please (even if your greatest enemy is yourself)!

13:44:09 Nov 24th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

I been tripping balls & couldn’t be online

I may as well hand it to ya

I have25m gold & stone though & can train 70k hammers😂

13:45:32 Nov 24th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

No peasants though because food ran out & productivity has dropped😂

01:08:38 Nov 25th 22 - Mr. Entropic:

Friendly Peasant Cyrone:

Buy my stone to fund the death of your enemies please (even if your greatest enemy is yourself)!

Buy my stone, it's fair trade locally sourced from 101% renewable energy !

03:08:32 Nov 25th 22 - Friendly Peasant Cyrone:

If there was a mage using the stone to gold spell right now, that would be a filthy rich mage!

17:59:30 Dec 6th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Monarch has declared war on Hammer and Shield.

We have not attacked them and they have attacked us.

We own a bit more land than this ruler.


Chaos Retreat
Owner:Mr. ChaosgeoffKingdom Banner
Size:7240 building(s).

18:11:00 Dec 6th 22 - Phat (Lord New Ideas):

lol. I am confident EiTS has set it in motion. 

18:20:49 Dec 6th 22 - Mr. Ghost II:

Was it ever mandatory in VU to declare war here before attacking someone, was there ever a thing in this game?  By the way, a simple eits cast by you guys might have made them attack? Or if you settled a city in area they consider their core? Its never black and white.

18:32:16 Dec 6th 22 - Mr. Napoleon The First Imperor:

Mr. Ghost II:

Was it ever mandatory in VU to declare war here before attacking someone? 

Some kingdoms do it traditionally

18:34:14 Dec 6th 22 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

i like the old school play style. Lets get back to Role playing!

18:35:48 Dec 6th 22 - Mr. Napoleon The First Imperor:

No is giving RP points. No one checks. 

18:36:42 Dec 6th 22 - Jarl (Jarl The Antisocial):

Very disappointing :(


22:25:05 Dec 6th 22 - Mr. Entropic:


Monarch has declared war on Hammer and Shield.

We have not attacked them and they have attacked us.

We own a bit more land than this ruler.


Chaos Retreat
Owner:Mr. ChaosgeoffKingdom Banner
Size:7240 building(s).


04:22:46 Dec 29th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Danny Trejo):

So, I know we're a little past Festivus, but it's time to air some grievances. This is only for awareness. Summary: Hammer & Shield, specifically Bigfield, has been an absolute train wreck to conduct business dealings with this era.

The era started with three relevant and clear conflicts:

- HnS vs Alba

- JDs vs Synd

- JDs vs Vanheim

HnS and JDs shared an unsecured border and had enjoyed some unspoken peace between our kingdoms whilst tied up in conflicts on other borders.

On Dec 15th it was casually suggested by HnS that JDs enter into a NAP with them and face down the rest of the map.(

Jack's Daniels was attempting to defend against a strong assault from the crew over in Vanheim and informed HnS that we were open to discussions.(

Hammer and Shield implied that we were a weak kingdom who needed protection (which at this point, was not far from the truth, 

Whilst insulted, on the following day we countered with terms that would make us appear as equals, regardless of the meaningless platitudes. (

Reasonably, Bigfield informed us that they would need to vote on the matter ( 

Days passed in which we requested updates on this internal vote (  and Providing additional context and updates on our own conflict with Vanheim in order to provide clarity to our alleged and approaching NAP partners.

Sources then informed us they were growing frustrated with internal politics inside HnS. When pressed, they informed us that HnS has been planning to attack us for weeks. When mentioning our frustration to them and the alliance that bigfield had proposed to us, we were informed that the general kingdom was made aware of our counter-proposal but not that HnS initiated the initial request.

It was at this point we prepared for a conflict with HnS, pulling all but strictly necessary assets from the Vanheim front in order to prepare for a backside assault from a group that led us to believe we were on the verge of an alliance.

On Dec 23rd we inquired into some army movements that would be in conflict with our otherwise peaceful relationship that was still the “Official talking point” from HnS official channels.

This inquiry brought to light some clarity into this “No Mans Land” that HnS has established, it is the largest segment of conversation being shared via images: 

On Dec 27th, Hammer and Shield informed us that we would be allowed to enter into a CF agreement with them.(

We were quick to inform them that we are not at war and that offering a CF is odd, but we would consider it.(You can also see some internal HnS politics here

We accepted this cease fire with a 48 hour break notice. (

12 hours later HnS informed us that they would be entering the No Mans Zone they had established in order to remove a perceived threat from Alba (

At no point in this matter were we ever asked for our view of what was one-sidedly described as “We have no option”.

3 hours after they informed us they’d be violating the NMZ, we informed them of our intent to break the CF 48 ticks from that moment (

We pressured HnS to remain honorable and vacate the NMZ they established. It is not worth chasing a few scouts while their honor is at stake in this questionable move (

HnS then proceeded to move armies rating at 500k troops into this NMZ(Again, the NMZ They established). When pressed regarding this, they informed us the Alba threat might be Nazgul(jokingly) but then informed us they would be building a blocker city inside this NMZ.(

At the time of writing this HnS has violated the NMZ they themselves established with 6 armies(one is a 500k), and 3 more on the way, in order to address a handful of Alba scouts and a 1 gt city.(

It is with great regret that we have to consider these violations of our newly established Cease Fire agreement as a clear statement from HnS that our agreement does not matter to them, and therefore, HnS has proven through their actions that they consider our Cease Fire agreement to be void.

07:37:23 Dec 29th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Thanks for sharing. It about sums up the kingdom for generations now. No doubt they will try to counter with some high and lofty excuse, quoting academic texts far beyond their station and comprehension. 

08:35:25 Dec 29th 22 - Ms. Asrock:

Haha what a bunch of bullocks.

I blame bigfield on 1 thing that is not giving us a go to attack JD from start. He kept denying us attack jd. That's when I decided to leave the kd and notified bigfield his reasoning for this was also not good.
Cause moment JD would be done with vanheim it was obvious they would war us.

Anyways coming to JD that they try to hide 2 kd's inside their so called zone were we at war with is total bullocks thats like we wont accept forcess within vanheim area while they are in war with them. Stop giving up stupid ass reasons for justification of ur war. You guys worked this better out than bigfield did and this has nothing to do with us still attacking kds in a zone who we are in war with.

Bigfield pretty much decided everything like he wanted and it hasnt worked in our favour once, he was to cautious about everything causing us to get in bigger problems than we should have.

Ive no clue what cadeus is agreeing to or even justifying as they clearly napped the entire map, so you guys have no reasons to speak about anything at all. 


16:24:28 Dec 29th 22 - Mr. Ducky:


17:22:47 Dec 29th 22 - Jarl (Jarl The Antisocial):

We are fighting everyone on the map. No one can complain about politics at this point. Everyone else in this list is napped with each other lol outside vanheim who is now dead. 
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Hammer and Shield10Mr. Bigfield100
Jacks Daniels7Captain Daniel Craig82
Albatross10Lord Caedus62
Monarch5Mr. Chaosgeoff39
Vanheim6Friendly Peasant Cyrone16

20:02:26 Dec 29th 22 - Legend (I am Daniel Brhl):

We fought Syndicate, we won. We fought Valheim, we won. We were thinking about fighting Alba but you guys stabbed us in the back... So what have you guys been doing this era besides turtling in yo 200k's?

No wars won.. No real HoH armies to speak of. Maybe you guys should learn to play the game before talking on the forum?

20:35:18 Dec 29th 22 - Jarl (Jarl The Antisocial):

I am Daniel Brhl

Jarl The Antisocial

Los Centinelas II
Ms. Asrock

Dark Lord Daniel Adair

People of Kinril II
Mr. Kinril

King Perilous

20:35:56 Dec 29th 22 - Jarl (Jarl The Antisocial):

Battles won: 80
Battles lost: 52

20:36:18 Dec 29th 22 - Jarl (Jarl The Antisocial):

Sure. Turtle town over here...

20:37:35 Dec 29th 22 - Jarl (Jarl The Antisocial):

You fought 1 kd. Hanky and horus aren't active to be called a kd any era. Lol

22:40:18 Dec 29th 22 - Dark Lord Daniel Adair:

sure lets see how you fare against a bt heavy halfling oop as well as an orc. Get attacked by another kd while still fighting them. lose half of your core and still fight 2 kd's back and beat them while the threat of an attack from a 3rd kd looms on your exposed behind. 

You can try to claim you've been busy fighting, but, over here we know who's really been fighting. 

22:55:30 Dec 29th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Daniel Craig):

Battles won: 29

Battles lost: 61

Syndicate minus sprout died quite a while ago and still almost equals HNS lol

23:47:48 Dec 29th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

We have not harmed a single troop of JD and yet you have slaughtered our employees in multiple parts of the map whilst moving the largest army on the map into a No Man's Land, without any prior notice.

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