Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 9

Valhalla 9
19:44:09 Sep 13th 11 - Puppy The Kitten Squisher:

Laaaaaaaazzies :P

15:16:14 Nov 5th 11 - The Kaze (Mr. Agony):

Wow, it's dead.. 

16:11:33 Nov 5th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Not anymore!  Yo guys, wassup?  ;)

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Rainbow Warriors8Mr. Multidimensional Being215
Lost Souls4Mr. Taniwha204
Black Flag9Mr. Hamish The Third202
IRS4Mr. Filthy Harry114
Dragon Born3Mr. Kellaine111
Rain2Mr. Arthur Dent II100
Valhalla5Mr. Valhalla80

Gonna be interesting, right?  Hamish you got your full squad going?  Doesn't really look like it.  RW and IRS OOP war?  Hmmm and we're all the way over here...

16:12:22 Nov 5th 11 - The Kaze (Mr. Dreaded):

Yezzir, lets make this a fun era ;)


10:57:23 Nov 6th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):


Rain2Mr. Arthur Dent II100

Black Flag8Mr. Hamish The Third189

We, Rain, hereby declare war on Black Flag, since their mangy scout prepped on mah city!  We also declare war on whoever the hell wants to war us!

15:11:08 Nov 6th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):


We, Rain, also declare war on

Rainbow Warriors8Mr. Multidimensional Being195

Scouts in our territory will not be tolerated!  Any kingdom henceforth found with a scout in our territory will be dealt with.

23:16:31 Nov 11th 11 - Drome (Mr. Multidimensional Being):

Much unneeded hostility in this world.
The Rainbow Warriors came to clean the place.
Light and blackness means completeness, so Black Flag are allied.

What did you say?!

Tastthe Rainbo

02:12:58 Nov 12th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Couldn't really understand you, sorry.  You mean to say RW and BF are allied?

05:56:33 Nov 12th 11 - The Kaze (Mr. Agony):

Correct, seeing as it's everyone else against us. We've (Rainbow Warriors) have been warring straight OOP, even though most of our member's activity was rather bad.


10:09:03 Nov 12th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

So if I am to understand it...

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Rainbow Warriors10Mr. Multidimensional Being400
Black Flag9Mr. Hamish The Third381
Lost Souls4Mr. Taniwha183
Rain2Mr. Arthur Dent II100
Valhalla5Mr. Valhalla65
Dragon Born3Mr. Rasche14
Lucky Number Seven2Lord Canucks7

Rainbow Warriors10Mr. Multidimensional Being400
Black Flag9Mr. Hamish The Third381
Lost Souls4Mr. Taniwha183
Rain2Mr. Arthur Dent II100
Valhalla5Mr. Valhalla65
Dragon Born3Mr. Rasche14
Lucky Number Seven2Lord Canucks7

With the smaller KDs all spread out.  I think a tad to your advantage, but I guess it's not too bad. (781vs. 369)  So basically the era will be decided within the next 2 weeks.  If you win, what will happen then?

10:15:07 Nov 12th 11 - The Kaze (Mr. Dreaded):

The odds were even before we wiped out IRS, fyi. When you noticed us OOP Warring them, or did you forget? 

10:24:12 Nov 12th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Tis Awolf):

I couldn't see anything from where I was, hence why I wasn't sure you and BF were allied.  Listen, I'm not going to complain about it, we like tough fights. ;)

13:26:26 Nov 12th 11 - Mr. Clifford The Big Red Dog:

hrm? Everyone against Rainbow? lol We were focusing on black flag and black flag on us, for the most part. Then you came down and start poking at us instead of going at black flag. 

Didn't know if there were tons of kingdoms up there, but ok.... apparently EVERYONE is against you. lol :P

S'pose we can make that claim moreso, since we've not napped anyone at all and are right by both you and black flag. 

16:23:16 Nov 12th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Clifford, how about our two kingdoms make an anti-black rainbow alliance?  Those two things should just never go together... We must cleanse the world.

16:49:26 Nov 12th 11 - Ms. Jasmine The Mighty:

There are only two large Kingdoms on this map, and what do they do? They NAP eachother. LOL retards :)

22:34:05 Nov 12th 11 - Drome (Mr. Multidimensional Being):

The question is not why did we do this.
The question is what are YOU going to do about that?

LOL love you :)

00:54:14 Nov 13th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Yes, sadly neither V or LS are very strong this era, our relations were decided in the beginning of the era before this was obvious. 

We are currently fighting LS, V and R who are all putting up a bit of a fight, if any one can cast Arm am happy to move BF to a higher world, the is little challenge left on this one, then LS, V and R can fight over it (:

01:25:10 Nov 13th 11 - The Kaze (Mr. Agony):

"There are only two large Kingdoms on this map, and what do they do? They NAP eachother. LOL retards :)"

Love how when someone else does it, we're retards. Ah the hypocrisy.


01:43:25 Nov 13th 11 - Mr. Clifford The Big Red Dog:

Mr. Hamish The Third


17:54:14 Nov 12th 11
Yes, sadly neither V or LS are very strong this era, our relations were decided in the beginning of the era before this was obvious. 

We are currently fighting LS, V and R who are all putting up a bit of a fight, if any one can cast Arm am happy to move BF to a higher world, the is little challenge left on this one, then LS, V and R can fight over it (:

hrm? You guys have not taken any towns from us yet. So that's a bit of a premature boast at best, broski. 

12:36:57 Nov 14th 11 - Ms. Jasmine The Mighty:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Rainbow Warriors10Mr. Multidimensional Being370
Black Flag10Mr. Hamish The Third314
Lost Souls4Mr. Taniwha147
Rain2Mr. Arthur Dent II100
Valhalla4Mr. Valhalla64
Dragon Born3Mr. Rasche21

Kingdoms with any power on this map :) large ones NAP making it 20 vs 13 xD
And the small Kingdoms have no relations so its everyone vs everyone with exception of these lame big kingdoms that cant win a map without NAP whoring :)
Good job NAPers!

12:45:54 Nov 14th 11 - Mr. Clifford The Big Red Dog:

well, to be fair, we napped Valhalla, which is like........ two active players and some dude with one or two small towns. lol

and dragon born was eaten without much fight... So at best, 9 vs 20? 


07:38:40 Nov 15th 11 - Mr. Clifford The Big Red Dog:

Mr. Hamish The Third


17:54:14 Nov 12th 11
Yes, sadly neither V or LS are very strong this era, our relations were decided in the beginning of the era before this was obvious. 

We are currently fighting LS, V and R who are all putting up a bit of a fight, if any one can cast Arm am happy to move BF to a higher world, the is little challenge left on this one, then LS, V and R can fight over it (:

Anywho, I have a genius idea, for next era! 

Get this.... if things get too easy when you nap often.... don't do it... gasp. :o

Took me all week to think up that one..... :|

12:16:46 Nov 16th 11 - Mr. Glyndwr:

Mr. Hamish The Third


17:54:14 Nov 12th 11
Yes, sadly neither V or LS are very strong this era, our relations were decided in the beginning of the era before this was obvious. 

We are currently fighting LS, V and R who are all putting up a bit of a fight, if any one can cast Arm am happy to move BF to a higher world, the is little challenge left on this one, then LS, V and R can fight over it (:

so let me see you did not have much choice so you decided early ?? so you napped the largest kingdom who you could not stand a chance with and fight the smaller ones ? we might not look strong but every time i send an army at you :D lmao you run like a chicken zulu is your only strength :P see on the field soon :) 

12:31:05 Nov 16th 11 - The Kaze (Mr. Kaze):

Let's all stop with the flaming and just show what you have to say on the battlefield. I have to say good job to Lost Souls, you guys are putting up a great fight. Let's make this era fun

Good luck to everyone :)

(Edit: Woops wrong character)


13:11:17 Nov 16th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Yeah guys, sure it's unfair but whatever.  Lets just fight it out ;)  If we lose we have nothing to be ashamed of, lol.

13:34:49 Nov 18th 11 - The Kaze (Mr. Agony):


IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Rainbow Warriors10Mr. Multidimensional Being100
Black Flag10Mr. Hamish The Third91
Lost Souls7Mr. Taniwha49
Dragon Born2Mr. Rasche8
METAL4Mr. Manowar3
Valhalla4Mr. Valhalla2

01:36:18 Nov 19th 11 - Mr. Knock Out:

yeah i use to respect players both in Bf and RW but this has to be the lamo stunt of the yr here...  lol  i really expected more from the skilled players in RW and BF u guys have played long enough to know better then to nap like that.   All u have done is bring the age to end sooner and make it harder for you to get relation with others later.

 Most of all to see a long time player like hamish that has been the kinda player to fight hard odds and not nap, pulls a stunt like this is just really unexpected and lame.

 Any how enjoy ur napness era of ubber skill and plan to get pwned hard core next time i run into ya ;).

01:14:31 Nov 20th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

You (11/18/2011 7:20:50 PM)
we NAPed the smallist surviving kingdom from last era - only - its not our fault that LS, V etc have been crap this era. 

best not to throw mud.


01:19:19 Nov 20th 11 - Ms. Jasmine The Mighty:

There were only two large kingdoms this era on this map.
Most people would use that situation to fight one another, to make the era fun
You decided to make a huge alliance and kill all the small kingdoms
I dont see how this era was fun for you, you was able to kill everyone easy
Sure, you win the era, but you have no right to brag about it, cause you did nothing this era.

04:21:47 Nov 20th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Tis Awolf):

Hey guys... lets just take this as a learning experience.  What did you learn hamish?  Yes, that's right, to NAP after you know what the power situation on the map is. :)

01:12:59 Nov 21st 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

12:52:22 Nov 23rd 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Still alive and kicking ;)

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