Forums / In game politics / Wanted dead or deceased

Wanted dead or deceased
04:00:37 Jul 7th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Wanted dead, deceased, killed or slaughtered etc....
There will be a nice bounty to the one delivering this thief dead.

I will offer a nice city worth 10% of my land at the time when he is killed of.
If you are a enemy of LEGACY you will still get your reward but you must tell me were to built the town outside LGC borders.

Sweded Chef lifeguards
owned by Mr. Sweded Chef  = See this bleak copy. KILL HIM.

Brashen lifeguards
owned by Swedish Chef Brashen  this is the one and only original.

04:01:34 Jul 7th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

<+Brashen> Sweded Chef lifeguards
<+Brashen> owned by Mr. Sweded Chef
<+Brashen> what penor is that
* Quirinus ( has joined #vu
* Quirinus ( Quit (Client exited)
<+Aligreat> they doing the muppers this era i think
<+Aligreat> muppets*
* +ilia ( has left #vu
<+Arzun> thats me
<+Arzun> why?
<+Arzun> was that wrong?

04:14:26 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Ilia:

Hey thats me that left the chat

05:25:07 Jul 7th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Good luck rewarding anyone


Now what KD is scientist in? FF. Now where is FF? Mantrax.

05:38:52 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

yes...mantrax.......that's it..........

05:42:08 Jul 7th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
BWKBlack Wolf Knights5General Wolfenstien821
ROCRoyal Order of Claidhmore26Sir Kevdwayne783
THCCannabis8Mr. Chronic682
GhostPhantom12Sir Ilia490
TRIOThe Musketeers5Mr. Squiddy394
FFFreedom Fighter22Lord Scientist389

I'm just going by this info

05:46:48 Jul 7th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania
Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Nina lifeguards
owned by Ms. Nina

Kleen lifeguards
owned by Mr. Kleen

Harkaa lifeguards
owned by Mr. Harkaa

Steggie lifeguards
owned by Mr. Steggie

Brannigans The Loudone lifeguards
owned by Sir Brannigans The Loudone

Sweded Chef lifeguards
owned by Mr. Sweded Chef

Insane II lifeguards
owned by Mr. Insane II

With Turettes lifeguards
owned by Trigger Happy With Turettes

Ladyboy lifeguards
owned by Ms. Ladyboy

Psyco The Reaper lifeguards
owned by Mr. Psyco The Reaper

owned by Mr. Zerocool

owned by Mr. Arkantos

Guhtixs Mainlan
owned by Mr. Guthix

owned by Ms. Anna The Shadow Sorceress

Throne of Light
owned by Sir Binh The Archmage

owned by Sir Evans The Hogthrob

owned by Sir Grim Darkhammer

owned by Mr. Deify Wolf

owned by Mr. Corbett

owned by Mr. Mavich The Unrivaled

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Havoc] Carnage
With Lord Marche as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Roxbury as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Sir Oya as leader.

[SHEOL] Sheolic Empire
With Mr. Diomedes as leader.

[Preds] Predators
With Sir Darkmarsbar as leader.

[B] Boo
With Mr. Spook as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeepers
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[Death] Genocide
With Mr. Dark Vadder II as leader.

[Zone] The Twilight
With Mr. Fordius as leader.

[WoL] Wolves of Lithuania
With Duke Vytautas Didysis as leader.

Mr. Ffh Reloaded
Member of: Sheolic Empire.

Mr. Spike
Member of: Havoc.

Mr. Deify Wolf
Member of: Carnage.

Sir Abaddon
Member of: Dark Blood.

Lord Verll
Member of: Legacy.

Death Lord Draven
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Dark Mage
Member of: Boo.

Mr. Shorty
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Sky Chi
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Mr. Dark Vadder II
Member of: Genocide.

05:48:46 Jul 7th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well I know were FF are supposed to be and I knew he is supposed to be there with them.
But alas he still apear on the Fantasia HoH how is that you think........

07:08:46 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Anyone remember how *beep*ed over the leader board is at the beggining of the era? Doesn't mean anything until tommorow when it gets sorted out.

09:42:26 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Yes, what Facepalm said

16:29:16 Jul 7th 08 - Prince Sweded Chef:

lol Brashen...go watch "Be Kind Rewind" ;)

it's kinda selfexplenatory and it fits with the Muppet Theme :P

now Begone Infidels!!! ;)

17:09:34 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Evans The Hogthrob:

lol we are clearly off to a good start :P


18:40:31 Jul 7th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well go ask The VUbot about Sweded and you will know I have seen it already

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