Forums / In game politics / World Wars Era 42

World Wars Era 42
06:53:30 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Ninja Gonosite:

well as Sleperirth is still forum ban he asked me to make the topic to gather all wars and post them in one single topic =P

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Royal order of Claidmore 23 Duke Kevdwayne 100
Rebirth 25 General Gokken 1
Flamming Aces 5 Sir Pure 0
Mujahideen 5 Mr. Mujahid 0
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation 31 Sir Feanor 31
Guild Of The Fallen 13 Junior Guildmaster Dragon 28
Sol Invictus 12 Lord Polydeuces 0
BBMMB 7 Sir Penguin The Nub Basher 0
Kingdoms in Mantrax
No Pulse 20 Mr. Hanky Panky 119
Mad Against Drugs 30 Mr. Aloysius 44
Shadows 7 Lady Astoria 0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Dynamite 26 Mr. Alfred Nobel 72
Hot Inactive Veterans 22 Sir Binh The Conqueror 37
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 9 Sir Jondrus Blackfist 13
Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation 26 Mr. Roxbury 50
G O D L I K E 11 Mr. of Violations 15
Phi Factor 15 Mr. Mavich 0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Demons of Razgriz 6 Mr. Justin 30
Priory Of Sion 14 Mr. Philippe Chrisey 15
Nebulous Elysium Guards 11 Mr. Pointbreak 13
Kingdom of Heaven 13 Mr. Rendezvous 1
Lightning Dust 5 Mr. Theophilus XI 0
Kingdom of Hearts 5 Mr. Edd 0
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Insane Asylum 17 Dr. Raving Lunatic 84
JUICY 6 Commander Aligreat 0
The ROC Elders 9 Mr. Ghengis Khan 0
Jelly Bean Empire 4 Mr. Jelly 0
Destiny 9 Mr. Skiepe 0
Bane 6 Mr. Requiem 0

%P = Total power, compared to your own kingdom.

Note that this list include kingdoms from all worlds, including the newbie worlds.


well we hope this era would be the best and we see some new banners thats good.


14:54:21 Sep 7th 09 - Sir Penguin The Nub Basher:

BBMMB will be warring LD now!!!!

01:05:21 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Ninja Gonosite:

well my kd i waring now to but we cant tell who =P

01:20:08 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Surprise:

We are just chillin

00:18:50 Sep 10th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

GoTF now warring BBMMB.

Will be a fun war

00:46:51 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

BBMMB vs. everyone else on Fant ^_^

01:10:47 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Venithen:

We saw them first!!

01:14:47 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Mmm, I think we saw Sin first too, but we have plenty of love for everyone :P

01:32:22 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

time to party? ;D

01:40:45 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Shadow:

i think so kaze

01:51:59 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Hehe, sorry, already joined SiN on the dance floor, but maybe later we can get you in :)

03:25:39 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Onslaught:

Who's fighting who???

05:01:48 Sep 10th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

we are fighting kingdom of heaven

05:12:01 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Vangard:

lol u prolly have the best name out there psycho

09:59:06 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Mac Maharaja The Gandu:

Bullsh*t! I do..  :)

10:01:28 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

nah i go with choo choo :D

10:14:16 Sep 10th 09 - Duchess Medusa:

I like this one more:

Lady Woopsy Daisy
Member of: Insane Asylum.

10:41:27 Sep 10th 09 - Duke Random:

Slade obviously has the best name this era............. hands down...........

12:02:34 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Penguin The Nub Basher:

random has the best nick... its so random...

14:14:48 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo 
best name ;)
it makes me giggle :P

14:43:36 Sep 10th 09 - Lady Jade:

<3 Gingy

22:45:35 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Bad Kitty:

I like bad kitty

19:36:42 Sep 11th 09 - Duchess Medusa:


Revelation29Mr. Roxbury174

Foundation32Sir Feanor163

No Pulse26Mr. Hanky Panky151

Dynamite25Duke Nukem121

Rebirth27General Gokken100

22:38:10 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

All of them have almost double if not more than double SiN's occupancy. :P I say we have a giant 150 man KD called SiN with the leader Polydeuces that combines those top 5 with SiN! :D

08:39:43 Sep 12th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

What about us Vuggy we have even less members than you :P

17:00:22 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Where'd they go? Did you boot out all the noobs that you randomly recruited last era? :P

23:33:57 Sep 12th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

What no0bs? :P No we had quite a few players deciding to take a break from the game for a while and focus on RL ;)

01:42:38 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

Who would have thought huh? lol

08:45:00 Sep 13th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

I see every realm busy with chatter and you see Starta being almost bare with nothingness and yuh :-p

09:03:57 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Suqah:

Mr. Suqah has won 6 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 50840 men and women.


14:05:26 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Name Nicker:


Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation 32 Sir Feanor 328
The Guild of the Fallen 12 Junior Guildmaster Dragon 146
Sol Invictus 13 Lord Polydeuces 100
BBMMB 4 Mr. Kobuskan 25
Kingdoms in Mantrax
No Pulse 28 Mr. Hanky Panky 300
Mad Against Drugs 34 Mr. Aloysius 153
BBMMFB 6 Sir Penguinus Prime 8
Ringwraiths 2 Mr. of Arsur 4
Shadows 9 Lady Astoria 1
OutLawZ 2 Master Michael 1
Children Of Bodom 2 Mr. Sett 0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans 21 Sir Binh The Conqueror 220
Dynamite 26 Duke Nukem 195
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 18 Sir Jondrus Blackfist 153
Dorian Halfasses 5 Sir Evans 33
Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation 29 Mr. Roxbury 316
Phi Factor 18 Mr. Mavich 126
G O D L I K E 13 Sir of Violations 70
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Rebirth 27 General Gokken 194
Royal order of Claidmore 26 Duke Kevdwayne 152
Hamish 5 Mr. Hamish 55
Flaming Aces 8 Sir Pure The Italian Lambo 21
Seasons 2 Mr. Elit 21
Grid 2 Mr. Gijoe 4
Genocide 2 Mr. Bartimaeus The Ressurected 4
Mujahideen 3 Mr. Mujahid 0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Nebulous Elysium Guards 25 Mr. Pointbreak 192
Demons of Razgriz 7 Mr. Justin 83
Lightning Dust 6 Mr. Theophilus XII 65
Kingdom of Hearts 4 Mr. Edd 49
Black Dragon Empire 3 Mr. Dragon Knight 0
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Insane Asylum 25 Dr. Raving Lunatic 188
Bane 8 Mr. Gibson 74
Kingdom of Heaven 15 Mr. Weener 63
Destiny 10 Mr. Skiepe 51
Domination 5 Mr. Suqah 41
Ownerfied Pzornification 2 Sir Jesus Left Toe 11
Jelly Bean Empire 1 Mr. Red Bean 4
JUICY 5 Commander Aligreat 0
The ROC Elders 8 Mr. Ghengis Khan 0
Order of Braimul 1 Mr. Drava 0

21:12:45 Sep 16th 09 - Sir Binh The Conqueror:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans 23 Sir Binh The Conqueror 100
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 20 Sir Jondrus Blackfist 84
Dynamite 25 Duke Nukem 77
Dorian Halfasses 4 Sir Evans 3
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation 32 Sir Feanor 149
The Guild of the Fallen 12 Junior Guildmaster Dragon 62
Sol Invictus 16 Lord Polydeuces 54
Kingdoms in Mantrax
No Pulse 28 Mr. Hanky Panky 143
Mad Against Drugs 36 Mr. Aloysius 48
BBMMFB 11 Sir Penguinus Prime 17
OutLawZ 2 Master Michael 1
Children Of Bodom 2 Mr. Sett 1
Shadows 9 Lady Astoria 0
Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation 29 Mr. Roxbury 140
Phi Factor 19 Mr. Mavich 70
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Rebirth 26 Sir Overcome 107
Royal order of Claidmore 22 Duke Kevdwayne 29
Hamish 5 Mr. Hamish 25
Seasons 4 Mr. Elit 18
Flaming Aces 5 Sir Pure The Italian Lambo 6
Grid 2 Mr. Gijoe 1
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Nebulous Elysium Guards 26 Mr. Pointbreak 98
Lightning Dust 7 Mr. Theophilus XII 35
Demons of Razgriz 7 Mr. Justin 35
Kingdom of Hearts 5 Mr. Edd 26
Black Dragon Empire 7 Mr. Dragon Knight 5
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Insane Asylum 26 Dr. Raving Lunatic 101
Bane 9 Mr. Gibson 37
Destiny 10 Mr. Skiepe 20
Domination 5 Mr. Suqah 20
Kingdom of Heaven 13 Mr. Weener 12
Jelly Bean Empire 1 Mr. Yellow Bean 2
JUICY 5 Commander Aligreat 0
The ROC Elders 8 Mr. Ghengis Khan 0
Order of Braimul 1 Mr. Drava 0
Kingdoms in Talents
G O D L I K E 8 Sir of Violations 4
Outsiders 3 Mr. Leavemebeimfarming 3
Neblina Wolfs 2 Lord Nino Master of Puppets 3
Dragon Clan 15 Mr. Timberwolf 2
Ringwraiths 2 Mr. Darion of Mordor 1
Lunatics 2 Mr. Lehvee 1
Lost and Confused 2 Mr. Hectic 1
Monsters 1 Mr. Rockstar 0
KRD 3 Mr. Aragorn 0


Another update upon request of someone.

21:50:14 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Edd:

Nebulous Elysium Guards 26 Mr. Pointbreak 367


Kingdom of Hearts 5 Mr. Edd 100

Looks like a very fun war!

22:10:24 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Name Nicker:

Go edd remember numbers arnt everything : D

23:43:54 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

Good luck Edd, ;)

23:50:40 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Edd:

i know i actually think i can win this war.

14:41:39 Sep 17th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

thanks guys for the name compliments.

CRAZY declares and end to our WAR vs the Kingdom of Heaven.  They fought very honourably and we are diverting our resourses to a new direction.  Good luck with the rest of the era.

23:03:41 Sep 17th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

jesus left toe went to heaven with the other bad kitties.

19:52:18 Sep 18th 09 - Duchess Medusa:

Request from a friend that does not have a KD

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Rebirth27Sir Overcome100
Hamish5Mr. Hamish21
Seasons4Mr. Elit15
Royal order of Claidmore20Duke Kevdwayne9
Flaming Aces3Mr. Ebay2
Grid2Mr. Gijoe1
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation32Sir Feanor126
The Guild of the Fallen12Junior Guildmaster Dragon50
Sol Invictus16Lord Polydeuces47
Kingdoms in Mantrax
No Pulse28Mr. Hanky Panky129
Mad Against Drugs34Mr. Aloysius38
BBMMFB12Sir Penguinus Prime16
Republic of Gonadia2Sir Gonads The Raging2
Children Of Bodom2Mr. Sett1
Shadows9Lady Astoria0
OutLawZ2Master Michael0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans22Sir Binh The Conqueror80
Dendarii Mercenary Corps20Sir Jondrus Blackfist72
Dynamite25Duke Nukem64
Dorian Halfasses4Sir Evans1
Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation29Mr. Roxbury115
Phi Factor19Mr. Mavich64
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Nebulous Elysium Guards26Mr. Pointbreak81
Demons of Razgriz7Mr. Justin31
Lightning Dust7Mr. Theophilus XII30
Kingdom of Hearts5Mr. Edd23
Black Dragon Empire7Mr. Dragon Knight7
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Insane Asylum28Dr. Raving Lunatic92
Bane9Mr. Gibson35
Domination6Mr. Suqah21
Destiny10Mr. Skiepe9
Jelly Bean Empire1Mr. Yellow Bean2
JUICY5Commander Aligreat0
The ROC Elders8Mr. Ghengis Khan0
Order of Braimul1Mr. Drava0
Kingdoms in Talents
Dragon Clan18Mr. Timberwolf12
G O D L I K E9Sir of Violations9
Outsiders12Mr. Leavemebeimfarming9
Kingdom of Heaven10Mr. Friendly8
Juganitorii2Mr. Vallachian Knight3
Lunatics2Mr. Lehvee2
Brotherhoods7Mr. Blitzx1
Monsters1Mr. Rockstar1
KRD5Mr. Aragorn1
Revolation1Mr. Ezatous0
OMEGA1Sir Sneeeeezeeee Alooot0
Yummey1Mr. Shame0

20:11:43 Sep 18th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

JUICY 5 I have not seen any member of Juicy on Arma and I have been all over Arma. This is odd.
The ROC Elders I have seen no member of ROC Elders on Arma either. We have Royal order of Claidmore
Order of Braimul Where is he hiding.

20:23:20 Sep 18th 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

dead/haven't restarted, imbecile.

21:30:19 Sep 18th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

imbecile? nice interpersonal skills there LOL

07:45:03 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

I r l33t <3

02:14:49 Sep 20th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

Dr I think he was siging his post.Because he is an imbecile he didnt leave enough spaces. I say give him some pills.

04:31:14 Sep 20th 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

Wow, I guess Crazy is full of retards...

06:11:42 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

You guess? I know.

07:01:47 Sep 20th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

hopefully its the gene pool that is closed for you. bwuahahahaha

13:04:51 Sep 20th 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

Why's that? Because you wouldn't want more people in the world making you aware of how stupid you are?

20:43:41 Sep 20th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

no because if they have closed the pool to people like you there will be less stupid people procreating, you are from the shallow end of the pool anyway.

22:42:10 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Ezatous:

rev are gonna trample all u noobs

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