Forums / In game politics / World of Talents

World of Talents
22:59:58 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

wow a new world

World of Talents

how small is the map going to be on this one ?

23:11:07 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Sloth:

this is the first time i've seen a world beyond WoA open

23:15:41 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

yep this is its premiere


23:17:22 Jan 7th 08 - Lord Clone IX:

And it seems we are getting out of names ^^

23:23:28 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

lol thats for sure.

still what do youreckon, a 1x1 map ?

23:55:18 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Bayushi Clamps owns !

23:57:25 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

so it seems , but hes not in the strongest KD :P

00:00:16 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol he owns the whole map. he killed all the other players and kd's

00:05:23 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

All I wanted was to go to Arma and try out or*beep*il next era and instead this is what I got lol. Oh well, now I can "test in peace".
ps: before anyone starts on about it, I kinda messed something up resigning and now I have two accounts. I already told admin so it's in his hands now what he wants to do about it.

00:16:02 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Sloth:

multis? no surprise

900 players are now on the kingdom list in all worlds... how many unique accounts? maybe 400?

maybe a multi sweep is needed, and not 10 different worlds for multis to farm on

01:32:11 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

I don't see how a person could still cheat from one world to the next but I don't think much about it maybe.

03:50:49 Jan 8th 08 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

wtf?? talents?!?!

03:57:31 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

Well he did tell the VU admin
And from my view point
If the admin accepted, then he's off the hook -_-

03:28:56 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Niveko:

I don't see the problem about multiing on different worlds, I wish they would make it legal, so I can have a second account just to goof off and try different races =P.

03:46:05 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

multi you probaly do

15:21:07 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

ya if it was allowed on different worlds id be on fant mant zeta nirvana arma and talents =D and any others if i missed em

15:38:53 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Kingdoms in Talents
DFDark Fires21Mr. Fire Nova1
LodisHoly Lodis Empire1Mr. Rincotsu0
IMPThe Imperium4Mr. Edd0
HAREMHarem of the Night1Mr. Whippet0
PGPlague1Mr. Zorkhana0
DarkPentagram5Mr. Restart0

lol. Dark Fires will massacre all of them

16:14:42 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

Mmhmmm... =/

16:42:01 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Its the Sparta phenomenon!

18:14:00 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Edd:

lol man talenst its so unfai right now.

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Zypher lifeguards
owned by Mr. Zypher

owned by Mr. The Native People

Plaque V
owned by Mr. Zypher

People of Bayushi
owned by Mr. Bayushi Clamps

City Two
owned by Mr. Cartor Curs

Armored Golblins
owned by Mr. Fire Nova

Bayushi Bushis
owned by Mr. Bayushi Clamps

More Edds
owned by Mr. Edd

owned by Mr. Edd

Grimdeath lifeguards
owned by Mr. Grimdeath

Diamon Dragon V
owned by Mr. Fire Nova

owned by Mr. Cartor Curs

owned by Mr. Psen

Teh Rock
owned by Mr. Vosnu

Halfer I
owned by Mr. Hello

owned by Mr. Lala

Elmos World
owned by Mr. Elmo

owned by Mr. The Native People

Superheated Poo
owned by Mr. Fire Nova

Kyuden Kakita
owned by Mr. Bayushi Clamps

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[DF] Dark Fires
With Mr. Fire Nova as leader.

[IMP] The Imperium
With Mr. Edd as leader.

[Dark] Pentagram
With Mr. Restart as leader.

[RDR] Russian Democratic Republic
With Mr. Temujin as leader.

[Lodis] Holy Lodis Empire
With Mr. Rincotsu as leader.

[DV] Divinity Lost
With Mr. Theoneyourparentswarnedyouabou as leader.

[RIZE] Bring Me the Horizon
With Mr. Theron as leader.

[AA] The Ancient Anglia
With Mr. Cartor Curs as leader.

[PG] Plague
With Mr. Zorkhana as leader.

With Mr. Yoink as leader.

Mr. Bayushi Clamps
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. The Native People
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Gripon
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Saladin Alsoltan Alnaser
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Zypher
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Ldk
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Fire Nova
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Lala
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Strandatalent
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Edd
Member of: The Imperium.

Everything belong to Dark fires except me and all the other diffrents kingdoms.

18:30:09 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

We didn't realize it would end up that way. Let's just say it got out of hand fast lol.

18:31:24 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Dramborleg:

Mr. Niveko


1/10/2008 3:28:56 AM
I don't see the problem about multiing on different worlds, I wish they would make it legal, so I can have a second account just to goof off and try different races =P.

Have you ever thaught about what would happen to the other worlds if all Fantasia members would create accounts on the other worlds? yes every world would be just like Fantasia. (exept the map)

18:36:53 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Clone V:

u would get PWN'd ?

18:39:41 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Edd:

well now all i have left to do is stay strong and protect as much as i can even though i know i have no chance watsoever because im ovwerpowered.

18:50:57 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

It's nearing the end of the era anyway. Most on talents (god I still think that is funny a freakin reality show or something...) are just passing time till next era anyway. Lot's of restarters etc.

19:41:39 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Lelouch:

Dramborleg, like hell anyone on Fantasia has time to play on lower worlds as well, they must really have no life to be able to do so, and even then, you cannot pull off some useful tricks which require a lot of attention.

And not all Fantasia players are so irresponsible as to go to newer worlds just to kill new players... :)

20:48:09 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Wampyriukasz:

wtf there is a vice in dark fires  Mr. Razios is this the real razios?!

21:05:03 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

yes he is the real razios. And yes it is me. Mr. Pesterd from the original Dark Fires
And gess what I found Ms. Natalia from hiding!!!
She was the one who founded the Dark fires a few eras ago.

21:13:22 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

owned by Mr. The Native People

owned by Mr. Corby

Zypher lifeguards
owned by Mr. Zypher

Plaque IV
owned by Mr. Zypher

Jerusalem I
owned by Mr. Saladin Alsoltan Alnaser

Shosuro Bushis
owned by Mr. Bayushi Clamps

Revengicus lifeguards
owned by Mr. Revengicus

Armored Golblins
owned by Mr. Fire Nova

owned by Mr. The Native People

See II
owned by Mr. Strandatalent

owned by Mr. Ffhheero

owned by Mr. Zorkhana
Arab Arms
owned by Mr. Saladin Alsoltan Alnaser

owned by Mr. Slade Grifin

Zypher Forge
owned by Mr. Zypher

owned by Mr. Fire Nova

Kill Krazy Cast
owned by Mr. Kill Krazy

owned by Mr. The Native People

owned by Mr. Cartor Curs

owned by Mr. Psen

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[DF] Dark Fires
With Mr. Fire Nova as leader.

[Dark] Pentagram
With Mr. Restart as leader.

[AA] The Ancient Anglia
With Mr. Cartor Curs as leader.

[DV] Divinity Lost
With Ms. Kneeling Roses as leader.

[RDR] Russian Democratic Republic
With Mr. Leonid Brezhnev as leader.

[PG] Plague
With Mr. Zorkhana as leader.

[GnR] Gondor
With Mr. Drug Addict as leader.

[DI] Divine Inferno
With Mr. Zucox as leader.

[Lords ] The Lords Of The UnderWorld
With Mr. Underworld as leader.

[Ms] Woodsmen
With Mr. Foster as leader.

Mr. Fire Nova
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Bayushi Clamps
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Zypher
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Ldk
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. The Native People
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Iciruam
Member of: The Ancient Anglia.

Mr. Strandatalent
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Restart
Member of: Pentagram.

Mr. Gripon
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Saladin Alsoltan Alnaser

Member of: Dark Fires.

I thought I should give you an updated list?

21:18:35 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

Hence... For future reference every other kingdom is written in red because we do not have any allies

21:20:58 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

Kingdoms in Talents
DFDark Fires28Mr. Fire Nova100
DarkPentagram14Mr. Restart11
AAThe Ancient Anglia7Mr. Cartor Curs6
DVDivinity Lost12Ms. Kneeling Roses2
PGPlague2Mr. Zorkhana1
RDRRussian Democratic Republic6Mr. Leonid Brezhnev1
DIDivine Inferno3Mr. Zucox1
Lords The Lords Of The UnderWorld2Mr. Underworld0
GnRGondor7Mr. Drug Addict0
MsWoodsmen3Mr. Foster0
IMPThe Imperium2Mr. Marine0
HAREMHarem of the Night1Mr. Whippet0
RIZEBring Me the Horizon2Mr. Theron0
BPBorder Patrol4Mr. Army0
UnRealLEGEND2Mr. Yoink0
GoonsThe Goonies1Mr. Saj0
LodisHoly Lodis Empire4Mr. Toshiro0

This sums it up?????

21:27:22 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

Yeah? Man you're inviting some serious trouble bragging about this lol.

22:33:00 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Architect:


Kingdoms in Talents
DFDark Fires28Mr. Fire Nova3

00:57:01 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

lol? architect what kingdom are you in? because for a kingdom in talents look at this.

Kingdoms in Fantasia
AbydosAbydos23Dark Lord Finwe4469
ZeonZeon32Mr. Messiah2942
LGCLegacy22Mr. Roxbury2839
HavocCarnage32Mr. Clone XXX2502
DBDark Blood24Ms. Quietone2317
PHIPhi Factor22Mr. Mavich The Hypocrite2020
PKSPeacekeepers20Sir Grim Darkhammer1218
BoWBrotherhood of the Wolf15Duke Drakos621
FFFreedom Fighter8Lord Scientist550
SiNSafty In neighbors3Prince Sprout2
HCHoly Cows4Mr. Naarkenea Tlithareth0

When i first made the kingdom Abydos was 1,000,000 percent more than us. so now look I think were are doing pretty well? and were not at the end of the era

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