Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 6

Zetamania 6
10:17:05 Mar 16th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

So who's all playing this round?

11:20:26 Mar 16th 11 - I am Hopeless:

The army of four will be there to solo the world of Zeta. And we take the almighty Ford with us :D

Hope that there are good challengers on Zeta.

12:54:20 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. Ford Prefect:

how do four solo? you all essentially map each other

and yes, i'll be there

13:20:52 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. Binh The Raider:

solo as a kd. Meaning no relation with any others. :)

13:23:41 Mar 16th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

^horus man has a point. lol

You guys are going to quartet Zeta!

and bah, no relations isn't "soloing". :P

Stop mussing with word definitions!

20:39:08 Mar 16th 11 - Sir Ghost of Horus:

MW will consider new members. We just trimmed down to 5.

Zetamania is THE PLACE to be, a great world to play on!

22:31:54 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. Samual:

I am not really one to complain however...

4. Mr. Woody of Hillbilly Mafia (Halfling)
Had 253309 land, 1200090 troops and 26 science points. Killed 905 soldiers, won 0 of 1 battles and captured 0 cities.

Really...? You went the whole era, farming and lost the one battle you fought while only killing 905 troops although you have 1.2 Million troops, that just takes farming to the extremes, though dude you must have had one boring era...

22:55:10 Mar 16th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

He was sorta my backup mage when I was a bit strained. lol But he wasn't able to get on much, through the era. 

23:44:36 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. James Bond:

Dude I like my score. I did pretty good this era but Tyrin was a beast this era. Congrats Tyrin!!

00:25:02 Mar 17th 11 - Lord Robert Koch:

21:31:54 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. Samual:

I am not really one to complain however...

4. Mr. Woody of Hillbilly Mafia (Halfling)
Had 253309 land, 1200090 troops and 26 science points. Killed 905 soldiers, won 0 of 1 battles and captured 0 cities.

Really...? You went the whole era, farming and lost the one battle you fought while only killing 905 troops although you have 1.2 Million troops, that just takes farming to the extremes, though dude you must have had one boring era...
yeah, i was a mage, saved up just enough for magic 9 and arma, then puppy had cast it, with nearly 250mill saved up = major pony spamming :P

00:31:27 Mar 17th 11 - Mr. Samual:

Reading over what I said, it sounded quite rude, sorry it sounded like that, though I was just wondering what was up with you to not do anything all era : )

02:39:22 Mar 17th 11 - Mr. Tyrin The Brilliant Dumbass:

Thanks James ^^ You did great as a battle elf yourself >:)

And yeah, Woody did do some epic pumping at the end, but he was there alot when we needed him, I know his MP and and Blessing helped me alot taking on pks early on, and you cant put a price on info in eits.

13:01:32 Mar 18th 11 - Mr. Inception:

Well, after a few cuts that will have to be made shortly, HM will too be at about 5 members. So like MW has said, we are looking for new members as well

13:24:01 Mar 18th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Nuuuuuh, small kingdom scuffles, ftw!

13:32:30 Mar 18th 11 - Sir Horus XIV:

Early look (MW has only 3 people spawned atm):

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hillbilly Mafia8Mr. Inception106
Medieval Warriors5Sir Horus XIV100
Cease to Exist7Mr. Caocao52
Hellbent3Mr. Arythnul51
Fukitol3Puppy Fracker51
Destroying Existance And Totally Hostile3Mr. Charon24

15:18:34 Mar 18th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Cease to Exist9Mr. Caocao546
Hellbent3Mr. Arythnul348
Destroying Existance And Totally Hostile3Mr. Charon320
Hillbilly Mafia8Mr. Inception118
Medieval Warriors5Sir Horus XIV112
Fukitol3Puppy Fracker100
Army Of Four3Mr. The White Magician99
Peacekeepers8Mr. Grim Darkhammer59
Sol Invictus II7Ms. Euphrosyne1

Early days. lol Looks like it might actually be an all out swing-in-all-directions thing for many. :P

16:08:00 Mar 18th 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Should be fun =)

20:46:50 Mar 18th 11 - I am Number Three:

I gotta love a morning fart to start of the era.

21:34:36 Mar 18th 11 - Mr. Ignis Spawns The Evil One:


14:28:43 Mar 19th 11 - Mr. Inception:

Got 4 of 5 spawned, but this is going to be one tough era for us hillbillies.

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Cease to Exist9Mr. Caocao431
Army Of Four5Mr. The White Magician265
Hellbent4Mr. Arythnul244
Medieval Warriors5Sir Horus XIV214
Peacekeepers8Mr. Grim Darkhammer205
Destroying Existance And Totally Hostile2Mr. Charon180
Fukitol3Puppy Fracker128
Hillbilly Mafia5Mr. Inception100

21:46:31 Mar 19th 11 - Mr. Elfontop:

Kingdom Name      Members
Army Of Four         5   

oops ;)

22:19:48 Mar 19th 11 - I am Number Three:

4 players of the army. And 1 cheerleader.

01:36:37 Mar 20th 11 - Sir Binh The Mystic:

Yeah, our kd always seem to have cheerleaders.... :P Happen last era too :d

21:35:30 Mar 21st 11 - Sir Horus XIV:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Cease to Exist11Mr. Caocao171
Peacekeepers8Mr. Grim Darkhammer105
Medieval Warriors8Sir Horus XIV100
Army Of Four6Mr. The White Magician90
Hellbent4Mr. Arythnul47
Fukitol3Puppy Fracker34
Gran Buenos Aires2Mr. Luis Pocho2

What happened to Hillbilly Mafia?

00:03:25 Mar 22nd 11 - Sir Binh The Mystic:

i believe they disband.

00:38:56 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Inception:

With a very low kd activity (only Wishy was doing anything besides me) and now RL problems are getting in the way, so I disbanded it. In this way, I know that the kds rep will not change much in my absence. We will return some day, which will probably be towards the end of the summer. I hope to wee CTE, MW, and PKS back here so we can have a good ole fight again ;) I really enjoyed it, as did all those involved.

04:33:55 Mar 22nd 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Just CTE, MW, and PKS? ;(

05:46:46 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Kazuma Kiryu:

looks like zetamania will be boring compared to last era... lets blame it on them hillbillies :P

10:57:42 Mar 22nd 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Cease to Exist11Mr. Caocao481
Peacekeepers8Mr. Grim Darkhammer344
Medieval Warriors8Sir Horus XIV302
Army Of Four6Mr. The White Magician236
Hellbent4Mr. Arythnul143
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop143
Fukitol3Puppy Fracker100

Rip off kingdom? O.o

11:57:00 Mar 22nd 11 - Sir Horus XIV:

23:46:46 Mar 21st 11 - Mr. Kazuma Kiryu:

looks like zetamania will be boring compared to last era... lets blame it on them hillbillies :P

I disagree, i think it will be better

12:13:30 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Elfontop:

"Rip off kingdom? O.o"

Na. Was two untagged players fighting four man kingdom. Now it's two man kingdom fighting four man kingdom.

12:47:14 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

lol THAT sounds hilarious!

13:06:37 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

22:13:30 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Elfontop:

"Rip off kingdom? O.o"

Na. Was two untagged players fighting four man kingdom. Now it's two man kingdom fighting four man kingdom.

LOL you fail, and you will be dead soon :P

14:41:14 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Elfontop:

"LOL you fail, and you will be dead soon :P"


14:47:11 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Elfontop:

Wrong character?

15:36:06 Mar 22nd 11 - Puppy Smurf:

Sir Horus XIV


04:57:00 Mar 22nd 11

I disagree, i think it will be better

^^^ it will definitely be interesting and different, I think. lol

23:41:46 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

that 4 man KD has 6 players, and well you will die soon :P

23:43:58 Mar 22nd 11 - I am Number Three:

That 4 man kd has 4 members and 2 cheerleaders.

03:16:21 Mar 23rd 11 - Sun Warrior King Zhang Liang of Shu:

Wow I never thought I would be back in Zetamania again. Oh and also Sun Warrior King Zhang Liang of Shu = Mr. James Bond of Hillbilly Mafia.

05:25:49 Mar 23rd 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Impossible:

23:46:46 Mar 21st 11 - Mr. Kazuma Kiryu:

looks like zetamania will be boring compared to last era... lets blame it on them hillbillies :P



uhm, Fordius,binh and some hopeless cracker (juat kidding :P) are On zeta this era...they almost single handidly toke out Agent Orange in its prime and then it just slaughtered us in Die (death is enevitable) Trust me its going to be a good era

14:12:25 Mar 23rd 11 - Sir Horus XIV:

Your daily update:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Cease to Exist11Mr. Caocao125
Medieval Warriors8Sir Horus XIV100
Peacekeepers8Mr. Grim Darkhammer95
Hellbent4Mr. Arythnul61
Army Of Four6Mr. The White Magician50
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop31
Fukitol3Puppy Fracker30

22:12:13 Mar 24th 11 - Sir Horus XIV:

Your daily update:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Medieval Warriors10Sir Horus XIV100
Cease to Exist12Mr. Caocao100
Peacekeepers9Mr. Grim Darkhammer93
Hellbent4Mr. Arythnul43
Army Of Four6Mr. The White Magician31
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop29
Fukitol3Puppy Fracker24
The Chosen6Mr. Silver The II2

15:04:06 Mar 25th 11 - Sir Horus XIV:

Your daily update:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Medieval Warriors10Sir Horus XIV100
Cease to Exist12Mr. Caocao96
Peacekeepers9Mr. Grim Darkhammer93
Hellbent3Ms. Firestorm31
Fukitol4Puppy Fracker30
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop29
Army Of Four6Mr. The White Magician25
The Chosen9Mr. Silver The II3

10:35:50 Mar 26th 11 - Mr. Latro:

Hey Horus its me. Live and let live? =p

18:12:39 Mar 26th 11 - Sir Horus XIV:

I dont know what you're talking about...

Your daily update:
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Medieval Warriors10Sir Horus XIV100
Peacekeepers9Mr. Grim Darkhammer90
Cease to Exist10Mr. Caocao72
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop28
Fukitol5Puppy Fracker27
Hellbent2Mr. Poison23
Army Of Four6Mr. The White Magician20
The Chosen13Mr. Silver The II6

05:26:56 Mar 27th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

I think he means itsme from the mafia last era :P

18:19:27 Mar 27th 11 - Sir Horus XIV:

Your daily update:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Medieval Warriors10Sir Horus XIV100
Peacekeepers9Mr. Grim Darkhammer96
Cease to Exist9Mr. Caocao71
Fukitol6Puppy Fracker40
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop28
Army Of Four6Mr. The White Magician19
Gotta See KD Rankings1Mr. Inception15
Hellbent1Mr. Poison8
The Chosen10Mr. Silver The II6

17:42:19 Mar 28th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Impossible:

daily up date

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Medieval Warriors 10 Sir Horus XIV 100
Peacekeepers 10 Mr. Grim Darkhammer 88
Cease to Exist 9 Mr. Caocao 72
Fukitol 7 Puppy Fracker 42
Army of Two 2 Mr. Elfontop 24
Gotta See KD Rankings 1 Mr. Inception 16
Army Of Four 6 Mr. The White Magician 16
The Chosen 10 Mr. Silver The II 8
Woodys Wanger 1 Mr. Woody 4

also just s ya know korwyns right hand im pretty sure elfontop just wooped there asses :P

21:44:22 Mar 28th 11 - I am Old Spice:

Were shit! Our halfs didn't do there jobs... And those cheerleaders don't cheer damn tards :s

21:52:27 Mar 28th 11 - Mr. Panic XI:

What happened?

Army Of FourArmy of Two

Battles won: 9
Battles lost: 9

Players: 6
Sir Binh The Explorer
I am Old Spice
Ms. Crazy Homo Magics
Mr. Hanky Spanky
Mr. The White Magician
Mr. Angelus

Battles won: 23
Battles lost: 12

Players: 2
Mr. Latro
Mr. Elfontop

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