Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )

Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )
23:12:52 Sep 4th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Why dont we have a thread about Zeta wars?
Its not possible that there's nothing going on, because I already see some KDs merging and fighting...
So lets see the situation now:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
PredsPredators22Sir Darkmarsbar151
ODCOdyssey15Lady Jasmina100
FAFaith15Mr. Elendur84
KIEKingdom Of Immortal Eyes16Mr. Alexander The Great65
OORAHMilitary11Mr. Military61
GGruumsh6Mr. Partypooper60
GAULThe Gauls7Mr. Darque Shade43
RapeJuganitorii1Mr. Juganitorul35
BTBurnt4Mr. Utopia35
RD Reservoir Dogs2Mr. White34
MKMortal Kombat4Mr. Sub Zero30
RIPRetard Insertion Point3Demonic Shezmu21
GhostMystical8Mr. Mystery21
AAAllemani Alliance4Mr. Snowman20
AmourEphasions 6Mr. Orrises18
POFFPaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame10Sir Jonny Bacardi The Noble Hero16
UniBonnana Kingdom1Ms. Little Red Ridinghood7
XYZPDQeXamine Your Zipper Pretty Darn Quick1Mr. David7
KoHKingdom of Heaven6Mr. Honor4
DNSDynasty2Mr. Krath2
UNSCUnited Nations Space Corporation5Mr. Lord Admiral Levi0
PHXPheonix7Mr. Bruiant0

23:16:39 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

go RIP!

23:25:29 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Benji V:


23:31:31 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

RIP ftw ^_^

01:22:20 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Military:

Military is warring POFF, not much but at least theres a tiny bit of fightning going on.

01:23:27 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

Run Jonny!

PS-RIP will pwn

03:44:46 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

theres like too many kds
glad im not on zeta =]

03:50:50 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

You better bet glad you are not on Zeta to face RIP's fury =p

04:05:24 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

i feel so threatened

04:15:14 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Beast:

Watch out for Kds like Ephasions and POFF....

04:16:50 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

look out for juganitorii
that guy is good, and wars anyone

06:01:03 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Warrior:

GO ODC! Fight your way to the TOP! Cheers for ODC!

11:12:16 Sep 5th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Thank you Lapalupu :)

But many things have changed over night in Zeta...
It looks like Faith lost couple of good players, and Military is getting stronger.
ODC still hanging in there pretty nicely :p

Hm... if I am not mistaken
OORAH vs POFF is the current war

Kingdoms in Zetamania
PredsPredators22Sir Darkmarsbar144
ODCOdyssey15Lady Jasmina100
OORAHMilitary15Mr. Military76
FAFaith12Mr. Elendur63
GGruumsh6Mr. Partypooper59
KIEKingdom Of Immortal Eyes17Mr. Alexander The Great56
GAULThe Gauls8Mr. Darque Shade40
BTBurnt5Mr. Utopia38
RD Reservoir Dogs2Mr. White34
RapeJuganitorii1Mr. Juganitorul28
MKMortal Kombat4Mr. Sub Zero23
AmourEphasions 6Mr. Orrises22
RIPRetard Insertion Point3Demonic Shezmu20
AAAllemani Alliance4Mr. Snowman18
GhostMystical8Mr. Mystery13
UniBonnana Kingdom2Ms. Little Red Ridinghood13
POFFPaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame10Sir Jonny Bacardi The Noble Hero13
XYZPDQeXamine Your Zipper Pretty Darn Quick1Mr. David7
KoHKingdom of Heaven6Mr. Honor3
DNSDynasty2Mr. Krath2
PHXPheonix7Mr. Bruiant0
UNSCUnited Nations Space Corporation5Mr. Lord Admiral Levi0

12:29:01 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

this 50% rule has got to be one of the dumbest Zeta has ever thought of...hurry up people and grow damnit so i can attack you...

12:33:08 Sep 5th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Lol, its not that bad for newbs

I do have one question though to Mystical.... HOW LONG DOES YOUR BLOODY PROTECTION LAST?!


P.s. @ Everyone: Try not to f*ck up the market so BADLY!! I've seen roller coasters with less movement ¬.¬
For those who are selling, sell your stuff for a few gold less than the current price. Not a whole 0.6!!! Wtf?1 Don't you want to make money?!

12:36:36 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. White:

no one interested in RD? lol

12:38:35 Sep 5th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Who? :P

13:16:24 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Ysuran:


PredsPredators22Sir Darkmarsbar666

13:28:30 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. White:

@Lord incognito: don't care about it. we are small, just around the 9th position in the the highscore of the KDs (of Zeta)

14:09:26 Sep 5th 08 - Lord Incognito:

In the space of an hour you all managed to half the food market, which was low to begin with. Way to go, nubs -.-

@White I was kidding with you man. I've kept my eye on everyone ;)

14:34:03 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. White:

I know...Why do u think i'm so stupid? :)
anyway it was quite funny

16:27:19 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Wins:

we (PREDS)

16:27:31 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Wins:

ARE NOT EVI L!! :) lol

18:34:44 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

preds are warring KOH and OORAH, looking for more oppents so you better be making alliances againest us, j/k

i wish i hadnt said "lets go to zeta" its too quite and doesnt seem like there is a lot of ppl here..

hmm maybe i should just war all kds on zeta.....

18:51:03 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Arrow:

Looks like we are evil after all Wins.
But at least we're honest about it and don't pretend to be nice, making people feel secure by making NAP's and break them later. That stuff is for other KD's...

20:58:36 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Military:

So preds are warring OORAH? lol OORAH wasn't aware of this.

21:33:58 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Wins:

neither was i lool
nvm just a bit confused military is the same as OORah:) lool

21:36:09 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Wins:

and you are very right arow;)

21:57:27 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

So...I wonder what fun this era will be...

23:54:01 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol i think we are waring OORAH.........

00:36:06 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

things are heating up

[23:11] Mr. Dead: I want to talk with you...
[23:11] Mr. Dead: The clock is ticking, when we meet on the battlefield, it'll be the first time you've been truly challenged
[23:13] Sir Darkmarsbar: lol this era
[23:14] Mr. Dead: I'd say ever for you.
[23:14] Mr. Dead: Ever played on the mainworld?
[23:14] Sir Darkmarsbar: fant ?
[23:14] Sir Darkmarsbar: yeah
[23:15] Mr. Dead: And how did that turn out for you?
[23:15] Sir Darkmarsbar: good and bad
[23:15] Mr. Dead: In otherwords, you lost?
[23:16] Sir Darkmarsbar: most of the time, yeah, we did good in 2 eras but not good enough
[23:16] Mr. Dead: So why choose Zetamania?
[23:17] Sir Darkmarsbar: need to sort out a few things in the kd with out having to concentrate on fighting other kds
[23:17] Mr. Dead: From what i see, you must have a lot of weak players in the KD
[23:18] Sir Darkmarsbar: nope
[23:18] Sir Darkmarsbar: just a few new ones who need training
[23:19] Mr. Dead: In otherwords, Weak lol
[23:19] Sir Darkmarsbar: fine yeah weak
[23:19] Mr. Dead: You have 22 members and only have 177% strength of Faith who has half your members
[23:19] Mr. Dead: Now i know atleast 6 Faith members aren't very good
[23:19] Mr. Dead: So therefore by comparing strengths, it appears that you have a lot of weak players
[23:19] Mr. Dead: What's your income at btw?
[23:20] Sir Darkmarsbar: lol, i dont give out my income to ppl who i have just started to talk to
[23:20] Mr. Dead: Why not?
[23:21] Sir Darkmarsbar: first its a rule not to give out info like that
[23:21] Mr. Dead: It's not a rule
[23:21] Mr. Dead: I'll tell you mine right now if you want.
[23:21] Sir Darkmarsbar: in my kd it is
[23:22] Mr. Dead: Your KD are cowards tbh
[23:22] Mr. Dead: 22 members, think you have power when infact you just have more numbers
[23:22] Sir Darkmarsbar: lol
[23:22] Sir Darkmarsbar: how are we cowards ?
[23:22] Mr. Dead: 22 members fighting smaller KDs
[23:22] Mr. Dead: All talk, no action.
[23:22] Sir Darkmarsbar: we dont think we have more power
[23:22] Sir Darkmarsbar: lol
[23:22] Mr. Dead: I think you do.
[23:23] Sir Darkmarsbar: if you think you can take us then bring it on
[23:23] Mr. Dead: All in due course.
[23:23] Sir Darkmarsbar: cool
[23:23] Mr. Dead: I'd like to see how Military do first
[23:24] Sir Darkmarsbar: btw there are only smaller kds on zeta so..
[23:24] Mr. Dead: So why accept 22 members.
[23:24] Mr. Dead: When atleast 6 are holding you back.
[23:24] Sir Darkmarsbar: thats from when we were on mantrax
[23:25] Mr. Dead: As a KD leader, you need to be strong and get rid of the weak, and get atleast 1 top ten player in the HoH AT ALL TIMES
[23:27] Mr. Dead: You'll be seeing me again as soon as one of my 12 scouting armies find you, somewhere in the east i hear
[23:27] Sir Darkmarsbar: atm there are proberly 4 weak players (new) who we will train up over this era
[23:28] Sir Darkmarsbar: yep
[23:29] Mr. Dead: Just make sure you don't spread yourself out on too many fronts before i find you.
[23:29] Sir Darkmarsbar: lol

00:45:43 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Dead:

Did exactly as i expected, time for my scouts to find you.

00:47:17 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Sonicx:

Sassy :O


00:48:36 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol, ur just saying that..

any way hopefully it should be fun.


00:56:58 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Athens:

Thank you Lapalupu :)

But many things have changed over night in Zeta...
It looks like Faith lost couple of good players, and Military is getting stronger.
ODC still hanging in there pretty nicely :p

Hm... if I am not mistaken
OORAH vs POFF is the current war

Emphasis on the bold section, I am getting stronger lol :) Anyway, the kingdom is doing good admittedly except I can't take most dam cities :(

01:50:04 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Dead...I got you on my "what I want to pimp for xmas" gonna be all over you like a bad rash....nub

01:55:15 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Lol dead from what it seems you are all talk and no action. Darkmarsbar and Preds have proved themselfs to be good fighters and great allies. Have fun cleaning up the trash Preds =P

02:06:31 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

Shouldnt we all be friends?

02:14:35 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Military:

Dark, I guess we are then?


Well then good luck, see you on the battlefield :)

02:27:20 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Frank Castle:

i was not aware military was warring preds

02:41:03 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Athens:

Not yet, but Pred's are tempting us. However, we're not going to declare war. If they continue to attack, we will retaliate. They know I have a very, very big army brewing and if I send that at them then god help them, it only takes 20% of my total army to rank 1 on army highscores and my armies are tough Ogres, Level 6 science.

03:02:42 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

lmao....thats a joke...let me attacked a pred city...its war...infact i may get the rest of preds to leave you alone and i'll do you in myself

03:43:51 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Noble Hero:

well, wars over for us (POFF) looks like start 25 ticks late ISN'T such a good strategy after all. I gave them a good fight though, it was fun while it lasted. Just had some bad luck(seems to be following me around right now) and missed a few things I shouldn't have. Good luck to you guys. We will probably be back next round (on time next time) and then we'll see whose really good.

06:34:36 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Snowman:

Wewt! Allemani ftw!!!

08:23:52 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

that Mr. Dead is such a wanker

09:23:08 Sep 6th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

POFF you give up that fast?
Never give up, never surrender!

We were near death many many times and we have recovered and got back stronger last two eras.. The most importang thing is never to give up!

Athens even most of the new players know that HoH armies do not mean anything in this game...

09:30:38 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol ogres and lv 6 military science right ?

hmm we will just frezze and casr rain of fire on to your armys

09:32:11 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

also, i agree with lady Jasmina

Dont Give Up, keep fighting

send out some scouts to a safe area and rebuild

10:37:59 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

lvl 6 ogres...what a joke...glorified oversized steroid gaia will beat that up

11:11:38 Sep 6th 08 - Lord Slade:

i think Mr. Dead is Scared

[23:22] Sir Darkmarsbar: how are we cowards ?
[23:22] Mr. Dead: 22 members fighting smaller KDs
[23:22] Mr. Dead: All talk, no action.

Size doesnt matter Dead it the way you play

Tool Much!


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