Forums / In game politics / barbarian alliance recriuting

barbarian alliance recriuting
15:38:15 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Joebob:

we are looking for people who are honest, disiplined, and williong to die with there kd.

15:49:14 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Samual:

'and willing to die with there kd.'

I see your hoping to get far then 

17:41:54 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Joebob:

i hopeing to get a few more players so that i can get settled for next era

18:42:02 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Whoever joins this KD, make sure you give all the cities to Joebob or he might leave like he did in AOA.

21:53:30 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Joebob:

what ever I left because i wanted to create my one kd that is y I left

02:17:10 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Mr. Joebob (7/27/2010 9:39:13 AM)
since everone has been takeing the citys i want or flagging them, i am not going to be in the KD anymore and if anyone messes with me i will start takeing random citys


Is that not you?

03:19:31 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Joebob:

it is and i was very MAD because i sent several armies out for nothing because of that kd if it was smaller i would have stayed and i like smaller kd's instead of big ones in less i has some order

03:45:23 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Ignotus:

I would loved to have been in AoA. Prince Anon is an awesome dude. He can seriously keep you from attacking his core.

04:29:46 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Darth Sidious:

Joebobs $^&*% anyway.

04:31:41 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Oh boo hoo. Put on your nikes and learn how to run to the battle little man.

06:36:58 Aug 5th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

OMG when i read something i always imagine it with JD (The white guy out of scrubs) and it sound's joke XD

Trust me you should try it hahaha
Little man XD

07:37:45 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

You know.. you must watch scrubs too much for that... I watch scrubs excessively myself, but you are on a whole nother level of obsession. Freak.

08:11:21 Aug 5th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

hey who you think came up with the no-pulse theme of bear ;)
Me and justainius because he is my chocolate bear and i am his vanilla bear ^_^

(Scrubs also :P)

15:31:34 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Freak of nature. STONE HIM!

15:56:49 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Ignotus:

Okay Vuggy. Hey SFD want some weed?

21:24:43 Aug 5th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

who are you????

22:46:35 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Ignotus:

??? Dont you know meh? :'[ I am SWK remember?

23:10:35 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

I used it as a verb, and weed isn't a verb, it's a noun. 

–verb (used with object)
to throw stones at; drive by pelting with stones.
to put to death by pelting with stones.

00:48:17 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Ignotus:

I am in the mood for weed lol

01:49:10 Aug 6th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

who is SWK ^_^???

01:53:44 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Ignotus:

Sun Warrior King lol

01:55:55 Aug 6th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

coulda just said that liu mann :D

03:49:01 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Ignotus:

Haha idk I felt like it lol

03:50:20 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

SFD would like a big serving of cawk instead of that weed.

04:52:57 Aug 6th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

Vuggy go lick on a dick while me and liu chong on a bong (*_*)

04:17:31 Aug 7th 10 - Mr. Joebob:

So if you want to join olease contact me thank you



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