Forums / In game politics / Calling out Heaven Kingdom

Calling out Heaven Kingdom
22:32:59 Feb 19th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

A dog is loyal to the end when he protects the man who feeds him and when he gets shot for biting someone in the mans defense. 

Rationally loyalty should only go so far.

in other words Alex find a kingdom that you will learn from and be safe and prosperous, there is no point in staying in a kingdom thats going to die every era because they never get enough members (excuse), ignore me if you believe in Honor something these nerds made up in the (GAME or some people seem to forget that its a war game and in war every things fair) so be that loyaltist that digs there childrens graves or be a Rebel who keeps what they kill...

00:22:56 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Shpedro:

You have to have Honer to gain respect.

00:52:29 Feb 20th 09 - Sir Hirgon Tegalad:

...Dogs are rarely shot for biting people in order to defend their masters...

06:13:30 Feb 20th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

Respect: Honor is one way. Fear is another.- Honor doesn't count for much on the battlefield

06:18:54 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Actually it does Lone Ranger boy. That honor could be from being a trusting ally that always helps or being the protector of a small kd w/e. That honor will gain you respect that will gain you allys. Now you may think your a badass cuz you are a lone ranger but this game is based on teamwork and without it your nothing more then a fly ppl wipe off their windshields. So while you may charge at a kd with your nazzies, their allies can charge at you from all directions blocking you off. Ahh the beauty of teamwork and honor and respect.

06:25:05 Feb 20th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

i respect my allies because of the troops i know they can produce and maintain. and help me and them go to victory for some reason VU community has tried to turn this game into a Knight like society where Honor and Chivalry exists and anyone who doesnt follow these rules is a terrorist or they ruin the game ect.) 

lol but i was just trying to show him that yes it is honorable to stay with a kingdom that never survives because that requires some high patience that i will never muster i go where the winning is. because this is a game not England 11th century

but i do believe Honor should exist it makes people predictable and boring. much how this game is heading...

06:59:08 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Well you cant win unless you work at it. and bouncing all ovre the place from winning kd to winning kd doesnt give you what they earned from hardship and struggle they went through. Just a thought for the new guys.

16:35:14 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Lol. Classic Necro. You always were stupid... Honor is was makes the game fun. Traitors and immature kiddies like you are becoming more popular these days and they are what is ruining VU.

17:15:32 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Genesis:

Dont mean to butt into this but i do hate it when ppl start to argue in threads that have all but lost its relevance. Loyalty is one thing, yes it is something ppl look kindly to, and yes it is something you will probably get allies, friends and heck maybe even a good time with.

However, not everyone plays the loyalty game for instance necro. The game doesnt stop people grom leaving and joining winning KD and most likely never will, this allows necro to have his glory and ability to say "yes i was on the winning team".

Of co*beep* most ppl dont look to favorably with these acts and it's something ppl like necro are probably willing to deal with. Chances are when he runs out of KD who are on top and has to resort back to previous KD then theres a chance for you as someone who maybe against this to say "up yours your no longer welcome here". Hope this stops any more desputes and can get back to other matters at hand.


18:11:08 Feb 20th 09 - Sir Gallyon:

''Dont mean to butt into this but i do hate it when ppl start to argue in threads that have all but lost its relevance.''

aren't u doing the same?

23:33:12 Feb 20th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

bumperumperi bumperumpari bumperumperi

lol this thread is finaly getting interesting.. no?

23:39:15 Feb 20th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

<3 Heaven

00:05:47 Feb 21st 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

didnt you leave Heaven Stirlin?

00:08:26 Feb 21st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

yes i did, but what stops me from liking the Kingdom?

00:42:29 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Necro just wishes he hadn't betrayed us ;)

So, any hints on how soon you plan on betraying the Preds?

01:14:26 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Sepelchure Grail:

he already has.... by attacking there MAP. he just didnt get kicked for some reason.

01:15:22 Feb 21st 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

what Map?

ruby you use betray to heavy i never once attacked one person from Heaven i attacked your allies who i was mad at and i havent betrayed any Nap/Map for the preds as of yet. if you are refering to IoK they took a city of mine and i took it back.. BoW finished the job

01:22:31 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Sepelchure Grail:

Starta.and what you mean Finished the job. We moved to valhalla lol. and we were MAP'd with your KD. you took a city whilst we were MAP'd and refused to give it back.

although i dont blame you i blame sir ducaralho. and why wouldnt you move your division then?

02:05:18 Feb 21st 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

well that was a miscommunication IoK thought they could take back my cities when we were at war. for something that Duccarlho said he was trying to make peace and i believe IoK asked if you could take the cities back, Duccarlho said something on the lines of we will think about it.. Duccarlho never said anything to me about giving those cities back and he didnt have my consent so yes i took back the city "Your Face" and BoW finished IoK off of Starta

i hope you have a prosperous era on Valhalla

As to why i didnt move my division for 3 days because my college dorm lost power last weekend.

02:38:10 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

If you had backstabbed I would have used the word backstabbed... No, you betrayed us by building up all of your armies on the extreme opposite side of our core completely ignoring the fact that the rest of us were dieing then at the last minute when the war was obviously lost you suddenly left the kindom and sent big armies all over the place at Foundation. That is betrayal and utter failure as a kd member and a player.

03:01:38 Feb 21st 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

Failure of someone in your eyes perhaps. but you didnt like me from day 1. so i expect nothing less but contempt from you. the past is the past you can get over it or have a future hernia its your choice.. 3 words breath, breath, and breath

03:08:56 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

I didn't like you when I first met you because of your huge head and the way you talked. You admitted that you had problems the era after and apologized for them, I forgave you and moved on. I never had a problem with you from then on until you left and I realized why you hadn't been contributing anything to defend our core. I never felt comtempt for you until the day you betrayed us.

03:15:31 Feb 21st 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

lol well lets forget the past and welcome the future we are currently allies and i have no intention of breaking any ties, now this huge head that you talk of i like to think i have a very medium sized head i just have big balls... once again i have no intention of breaking any ties and if i have to i will work on your trust which obviously i have non of at this moment. i will go towards the way of Honor "_"

04:50:18 Feb 21st 09 - Endless Delight:

@ Mr. Alexandr Mykolayiv

  I am aware this is a combat based game, so why are the world of Starta’s two most powerful countries at a Non-aggression pact with each other?

IF we tell you then we have to kill you ;)

05:44:18 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Justin:

lol already are so you might as well tell him

05:55:03 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Koss:


07:21:38 Feb 21st 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

How dare you use Guild wars in a Heaven sucks debate.

02:56:29 Feb 22nd 09 - Mr. Sepelchure Grail:

Necromancer Knighed


2/20/2009 1:05:18 PMwell that was a miscommunication IoK thought they could take back my cities when we were at war. for something that Duccarlho said he was trying to make peace and i believe IoK asked if you could take the cities back, Duccarlho said something on the lines of we will think about it.. Duccarlho never said anything to me about giving those cities back and he didnt have my consent so yes i took back the city "Your Face" and BoW finished IoK off of Starta

i hope you have a prosperous era on Valhalla

As to why i didnt move my division for 3 days because my college dorm lost power last weekend.

Thats a lie. He said he would think about it then the next day on chat said we could take it and he wuold message you.

and we are on valhalla AND starta..Epic fail.

09:51:28 Feb 22nd 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

lol im done arguing with you until you have the facts dont talk..

12:14:40 Feb 22nd 09 - Mr. Sepelchure Grail:

i have the facts. im sitting right next to kathandarion in school lol. epic fail.and im LOOKING at the message that your viceroy sent him.

im not calling you a traitor. just saying that sir ducaralho shouldnt promise us one thing then dont tell anyone else bout it.

12:24:18 Feb 22nd 09 - Sir Penguin:

lol so many retards

23:28:07 Mar 9th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

Yay heaven!

I love this kingdom.

23:55:08 Mar 9th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

<3 Heaven

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