Forums / In game politics / Era of Bill: Mantrax Wars 2

Era of Bill: Mantrax Wars 2
10:19:37 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


13:05:22 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Pirate Lewatha


8/18/2008 9:00:23 AM
Bling, you may not have noticed but I died 2 times already this era. You think the armies I can create atm. (5K adventurer armies?) could actually do something useful.?. From the point when the whole naum traitor thing was solved, I did never dis preds anymore, so what're you trying to say?


3rd time lucky for us...maybe you'll get the hint

13:14:55 Aug 18th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

okay, this'll probably be my last post in the forums about this era in mantrax.


I made a lot of enemies this era, it's not my reputation to have a lot of enemies. So I'm going to try and make those enemies understand why I made some choices, why I acted in some ways. In other words : I'm going to write down how this era was for me, out of my perspective, to try and make you understand why some things have played out the way they are now.


I'll start at the creation of Retribution, I created Retribution because there wasn't a single kingdom that played the game like the way I wanted to, the way I saw as honourable and fair. Thanks to a bit of suport from Dark Lord Osiris, who has always been a friend to me, I soonly gathered about 20 people who were intrested in joining my kingdom. So when the new era started, I created Retribution. Soonly the first members started joining but I quickly saw that not everyone who said they'd join, would actually join. Leaving us at about 14 members instead of the 20 members I aimed for. We might aswell try to make the best of this era, I thought, maybe we'll need an extra NAP but that's something to worry about later.

Soon we came OOP , and The Gladiator, a dacian, had settled an armory next to our core after he had sent a NAP offer which we had ignored. Getting ready for a "probably" easy OOP war I made a few troops, and invested more in economy than I should have, which goes for a lot of the retribution members at that time. Soon it apeared only 3-4 members had decent OOP armies, so we were off for a rough start when the gladiator managed to capture a few mines and started mass gaia training.

While all of this was happening, I had received multiple requests of a NAP with elements. Though they were very far away from us at the time. So I posted the NAP offer in the forums and most Retributionists didn't like Elements so no NAP was made.

In our south, we saw RoC, who we had intended to war, grow exponentially. We were in dire need of help so we requested a NAP/MAP with them and it was accepted. Thanks to that, Gladiator was driven out of our core, back to the north, where he was deleted by preds.

During this whole conflict with dacians, a member of Retribution, whom I shall not name, had left the kingdom and joined a potential enemy, trio, after leaving a 5 minute head-warning. I saw this as an insult to my kingdom and I , got mad at him, which I maybe should or shouldn't have. It certainly made it so that we didn't want to have any relations with trio.

After the war with Dacians was over, we saw ourself surrounded by enemy forces, Predators was to our north, Elements to our south, and trio to our east. Quickly the decision was made to CF Predators until elements and trio would be dead.

We saw Elements had settled armouries to our north west which held 3 HoH armies, we managed to eliminate those and take out the armouries and everything else to our west, which made our west and north, safe.

At that time, RoC was in all out war with trio and were losing the war, they had trio merges prepping on the blockers which would lead directly to their and also, our core. I asked Predators for help by telling them that if we and RoC died, They would certainly be the next. So, Predators, came slowly to our help. Which I was grateful for.

After a while, Elements also started attacking RoC's southern blockers. We, who were still recovering from the blow dacians had dealt to us OOP were forced to take one of the blockers in the trio front, because RoC would not be able to hold out for long, having to defend 4 blockers.

It was about this time, that the whole Penguin affair started, Osiris caught the sent that Penguin/water had been multiing so he reported it to Zeta. I, who personally liked Penguin, tried warning him that Osiris would try get him deleted. In that same conversation, I talked about how we thought that Penguin's Nazzies were fed.

Penguin was deleted for multiing by Zeta and elements went mad about it. Earth said he'd quit and my own conversation to try and warn penguin was used against Osiris who was accused of deleting penuin for feeding. (Which he had aperantly not done) This is when I got really mad at elements. Who did they think they were?! I tried helping them and they use it against my own kingdom?! I got mad, names were called, a massive flame thread was made.

By that time some guy called naum isakovich eisington (or something like that) who was a member of RoC, had backstabbed us and taken the biggest mine of Retribution at the time, a 90K-er owned by Gargoyle. He threatened to burn it if we tried something so we were powerless.

Great was our disbelief when we saw that , 2 hours later, he was accepted to join Predators, and Bling Bob (whom I had never liked) tried telling us that we couldn't move against him since that'd be a break of the CF. Politely at first, I tried explaining him the situation. He told us that Predators would decide wether they would kick him or not. After three hours, he was kicked, when we BTed to the mine to reclaim it, everything had already been burnt. My personal anger at Bling Bob got even greater by this, because I held him responsable, if we had been able to BT immediately, he might not have been able to wreck the entire city.

Little after that, Elements broke through the RoC blockers in the south and soonly, more than half of RoC's core was conquered by elements and soonly after, Trio also broke through and joined the city-taking frenzy.

The whole of retribution was really mad at Predators at the time, a vote was held wether we would try to NAP Elements and kill predators,  or stay CF'd to preds and fight elements and trio.

Unanimously everyone in retribution decided that we wanted to see predators dead, no mather what. So I went to Plutonium and Earth, and asked them for a possible NAP against predators between our 2 kingdoms. Earth told me that Plutonium would get back at me within 24h. but he didn't. I felt desillusioned, Elements had used the spare time we gave them to think about the NAP offer, to kill RoC so they'd be totally ready for us. Soonly we fell as we were no match for Elements at the time.

We regrouped behind predator lines, a few people were still quite alive because they already had a few production cities safe there. I was one of the few that had to restart and start all over behind predator lines.

After I had settled my first cities and was starting to get back up and running again, I got this message from DMB :

2 things
1) any troops ready for war againest trio or elements ?
2) bob has left preds and is planing to attack you and 1 of preds members


and this is where we are now....

13:34:09 Aug 18th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I also invite everyone that doesn't agree to my version of what I think are facts to write their own.

14:12:09 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

I disagree but couldnt be *beep*d

14:12:16 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol btw i already knew about the pm you sent to elements, i even got a copy.

btw srry bob,  lew is a friend on vu so i wanted to warn her

14:14:14 Aug 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Lew, as i have stated before, nothing against you.


But there are certain members, well a certain member of RET that is lazy beyond belief, only worrying about his own endscore.

14:34:59 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

np problems mars...u know me...never hide my intentions

15:00:27 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Leoric VI The Mega Farmer:

"During this whole conflict with dacians, a member of Retribution, whom I shall not name, had left the kingdom and joined a potential enemy, trio, after leaving a 5 minute head-warning. I saw this as an insult to my kingdom and I , got mad at him, which I maybe should or shouldn't have. It certainly made it so that we didn't want to have any relations with trio."

Mind I ask who this is? Just to confirm if what you saying is true or false?

15:15:24 Aug 18th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

He can tell you that yourself if he wants to.

15:43:42 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Gravity:

himself? or yourself?

16:26:33 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

It is pretty obvious who it is......and "himself" Grav -_-

19:40:58 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

bling you are quite possibly the worst diplomat i have ever spoken too :) and trio are welcome to anyone who is not loyal and RoC are welcome to karac

20:01:42 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Well dont think it is going to be for next era also -_- most likely an end of the era thing.....Karac is surrounded by us and in order to help more effectively, joining us seemed the best option....not that I asked him O_o

20:09:14 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Os...u can suck my scrotum

20:09:32 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

kd hoping during era is never the best option

20:10:38 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

bling for you even to dare to tell us what we can and cant do and threatning us with the "awesome" undefeatable preds about a player we are fighting just goes to show my opinion is correct

20:12:38 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/18/2008 7:10:38 PM
bling for you even to dare to tell us what we can and cant do and threatning us with the "awesome" undefeatable preds about a player we are fighting just goes to show my opinion is correct


*Bling reaches for a dictionary and thesaurus to try figure out WTF Os i going on about

20:24:19 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/18/2008 3:09:32 PM
kd hoping during era is never the best option
Yeah ik...but these are trying times...

20:55:45 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/18/2008 8:09:32 PM
kd hoping during era is never the best option

I would write it in another way than Charley.

Karac and Sprout have REALLY done some improvements in the deep south(east).

I do NOT consider their choice to join us (ROC) as treasons against their kingdom - nor as kingdomhoppers generally, because our kingdoms actually have supported each other since the start of this era (ok, PREDs came in a little later, but still).

I hope to show the result of our coporation soon.

20:56:08 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Jones:

After skimming through Lewatha's post a few things jumped out which are sketchy.

1. Trio accepted a member that left without warning.

If we did such a thing, it was only because this person was a former member of Trio that didn't realize that Trio would be around this era, and after finding out about our revival, wanted to join us.

2. Ret. took control of a blocker from ROC to hold off Trio.

This never happened. Trio captured the blocker in question immediately and then camped there for about at least a week, since most of our attacking armies were at our merge (we only had 1 main merge). Efforts were made by ROC and you Lew, to take the city, but they all failed. We couldn't send more troops to the city since Preds were building cities above our core and moving hundreds of thousands of troops to these cities, so that they could take our core and crush all resistance. During this waiting, Gargoyle built a city nearby and waited until we left it before attempting to take it. When he did finally take it, the city was empty, our original core was in ruins, and ROC was being destroyed by Elements.

21:12:46 Aug 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

kd hopping during an era is never the best option, but leaving all of your troops sitting in you towns worrying about endscore, income, whatever, is really NEVER the best option.


I talked to you, and lewatha about it. You told me you had no idea what is going on, so, butt out. Lewatha told me everything, and posted that everything should head south. NO ONE moved, except kilroy, who, through all of this, still has all of my utmost respect.

I found myself in a bad situation, so, i removed myself from that situation.

My troops are better served with a kd that will actually fight.

*again, no disrespect to kilroy, i appreciate all you did for me, and that you were actually moving to help.

21:14:42 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

and I left Karac alone because he did do something. I would have attacked even if he had kd hopped t avoid the "ret" attack....whether he was ROC or RET, had he done nothing through the course he would have met his maker too...but as said...he did bother to do something and was spared the attack.

21:28:47 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

mcmax etc ITS MANTRAX. anyone who cares more about the score then the kd will be removed by me. anyone who kd hops to fight a failed war will have his entrance vetod by me. stay to help the kd or dont stay at all. people have chosen.


"I talked to you, and lewatha about it. You told me you had no idea what is going on, so, butt out"


and err yeah what do you expect me to do? come back from 2 weeks holiday with a dead account unable to see the map and suddenly know what to tell you :) yeah thats much worse then telling you to talk to the leader

21:29:16 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Bling Bob.

In Denmark we have some, called "usefull *beep*s". Those are people, that support political or religious regimes (regimes probably would execute them, their supporters, before anyone else if they (the regimes) got the power) just because they (the useful *beep*s) want to show their anger against the kingdom, they actually have joined or been "borned" into from the start.

I say, use your cultural force (writing) to fight against those, who you consider lazy, selfish, egoes etc. etc.................. BUT use your gaming force aginst those, who really are our enemies this age. Elements. Musketeers. And if you stumble over a Dacii, then..... Sh.t happens.

21:30:29 Aug 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Stay to help a kingdom who refuses to help itself? Its like sitting in a burning room so that the house doesnt have to be alone in its last hour.


21:32:20 Aug 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Osi, i do not blame anyone in Ret. I think it is a problem that needs to be addressed, but is not any ONE persons fault.

As i stated, my armies were getting slaughtered cause i was fighting alone, with no one to merge into. End of story.

21:32:55 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

karac then dont say *beep* like this "this is nothing against you, i had a great time this era, and loved your leadership. If you will have me back next era, great, if not, ill survive. But i just need to help in this fight."

you dont intend to stick with the kingdom in hard times only when things are good so seriously dont even bother with the im sorry i like you really dont dislike me crap

21:35:22 Aug 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Bull*beep* osi. I have said *beep* about this for a week straight, i stayed during the original hard times, we are not IN HARD TIMES NOW YOU *beep*, things are going good, and yet, everyone still refuses to move troops, wow, great vet strategies.


21:35:27 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/18/2008 9:28:47 PM
mcmax etc ITS MANTRAX. anyone who cares more about the score then the kd will be removed by me. anyone who kd hops to fight a failed war will have his entrance vetod by me. stay to help the kd or dont stay at all. people have chosen.

That I think is not within the limit of your power. Or it shouldn't be.

21:36:21 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

yeah great vet stregies by a selfish newb. well RoC does seem like a kd you will fit into.

21:37:17 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

what do you think my power is or should be mcmax?

21:38:06 Aug 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Selfish newb, wow, great try. Takes a lot of thought for that. But im ok, i know i can play, so, please shove off in that try.

And yes, apparently RoC will fit, they have active leadership, and what is that other thing....... oh yeah, THEY ARE ACTUALLY FIGHTING!!!

21:41:18 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

i didnt call you the selfish newb.  :) and if your desire is to stay on mantrax fighting good luck with that.

21:41:39 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

hey yeah hes kinda right i've seen more armies from roc than ret matter of fact i havent seen anything more than a scout from ret

21:42:59 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/18/2008 9:37:17 PM

what do you think my power is or should be mcmax?

If you want a more specific answer, you have to tell more about how the quoted part of your message should be understood.

21:44:10 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

it should be understood that i will kick useless and selfish players and reject those who apply that wont help the kd.


21:45:43 Aug 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

My desire is not to stay on Mantrax, i alredy  said i would apply to Ret next era, and if im not accepted, i have more than one home on Fantasia.

21:51:02 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/18/2008 9:44:10 PM

it should be understood that i will kick useless and selfish players and reject those who apply that wont help the kd.

Within the kingdom you are vice at.... Right?

If so, then........ *beep*jections (geee, if the spellchecker hits again.....).

21:51:52 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:



and next word




And kill that spellchecker!!!!

21:52:59 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Mcmax - Shut up, Osi is only Vice becayse he decided to give Lew a chance of running a good kingdom
And B because he went on holiday for 2 weeks mid era

Osi - Will I be accepted next era >_> , I ony left because I can only be active every 3 days :(

22:02:51 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Gravity:

Sir Charley Statler


8/18/2008 9:26:33 AM
It is pretty obvious who it is......and "himself" Grav -_-

wtf does this have ANYTHING to do with me?

22:05:00 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Mr. Jackdaniels


8/18/2008 9:41:39 PM
hey yeah hes kinda right i've seen more armies from roc than ret matter of fact i havent seen anything more than a scout from ret

Ret had half the members and before we were overrun
We had more Troops and HoH armies than RoC

Get your facts straight?

22:19:48 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Chi:

Gravity calm down . LOL he was answering you.  He said he meant "himself" in the previous post.

22:22:52 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Gravity:

oh I was just pickin on Lew, and her confusion on her clarification.. heh...
no biggie, I was just going, "WTF?"

22:23:24 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Gravity...accept it...its either all your fault or all mine...we can flip a coin later to decide...or take shifts

22:29:08 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

That's the spirit!

and lol Grav I COULD name the person but I dont think it is necessary....

22:38:07 Aug 18th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

holy crap.... wasn't checking this thread for 4 hours and I see this...

Osiris, I think it'd be better to stop posting here now.

Karac, I can't command as long as you're not in retribution, but I would like you to do the same.

This is one big misunderstanding and it can easily be solved in PM, not when the whole of VU is watching.

23:22:16 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

Lewatha, I feel bad for you. Seems like this era brought alot of *beep* for you, I hope your next one will be better. Just wanted to correct one thing:

"So I went to Plutonium and Earth, and asked them for a possible NAP against predators between our 2 kingdoms. Earth told me that Plutonium would get back at me within 24h. but he didn't. I felt desillusioned, Elements had used the spare time we gave them to think about the NAP offer, to kill RoC so they'd be totally ready for us."

This is untrue.

I got your offer on the morning saturday the 26th and replied that we would consider it, I then posted it up in our forums, as you already knew we vote on all our relations. Later that day I went to a sleepover poolparty. When I got home on the sunday I had gotten several msgs, one from Earth:

Mr. Earth [*beep*] (7/26/2008 6:31:00 PM) GOOD BAD
18:30:19 Lewatha: I'll be awaiting aughs response than. but if we don't get one by sunday 12 o'clock at noon we'll see it as a no. We can't afford to be waiting too long.
18:30:26 { Rob }: ok
18:30:34 { Rob }: so be it, I'll let him know

And one from you:

Pirate Lewatha [RET] (7/27/2008 11:39:35 AM) GOOD BAD

I am saddened by your attempt to try and buy yourself time to kill the RoC remains.

We are hereby offcially retaliating against you.


  1. Did Earth really tell you I would reply withing 24h, or did you told him I should do it or else?.
  2. You didnt even wait untill 12 am, atleast not gameclock 12 am, before sending me a message like that. Just a comment, thats not the tone to use if you want to make friends instead of enemies.
  3. What would we have to gain from that deal in the first place? You know our style, we like taking on the map and dislike making NAPs and as it is now clear for everyone: we had nothing to loose for not accepting the NAP. Only reason we where even considering it is becouse we like you. And we where actually considering it.

You would have gotten answer sooner though, but: hot topless chicks > VU diplomacy.


Anyway, again, GL next era!

23:41:57 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol u should of deleted his name

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