Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era 47

Mantrax Era 47
19:05:42 Jun 21st 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

from some of our point of view...we didn't really like bashing on small alliances and once we realised ANAL was so small and on the death ropes we backed off. we then realised that positionally we just couldn't have them there and since we had a no NAP policy in the new MYTH then they had to join or die...they discussed it with us , openly admitting they were waiting to see if BOW would get near to decide who to join which was pretty lame. i mean there is no drama in being killed off and going to another happened to freedom fighters who were very decent players. ANAL felt they ,simply, they should farm all era an be left alone....if that wasn't in the middle of our cities there may have been some chance for that perhaps...but farmed up cities(with armies) untouched all era...come on, who is going to allow that so near their cities.

They chose to join and i never saw a single army from DKD afterwards with only Ben contributing anything, and it was appreciated. If someone had offered us the deal DKD tried with glads/bow- we would certainly react in the same manner and full props to glad and bow for doing the right thing.

19:34:16 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"Isn't that the path any leader would take?"  Absolutely not.

19:38:31 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

I was there first damn it! Now I know what a Native American feels like. :( Damn whitey's kicking me off my land. :P Also, most of my armies were up north away from all the fighting (back then anyway). I only had one army down there, but at the time I had a deal with BoW that we wouldn't attack each other, so that's why you didn't see me doing anything. :P May I just say that this whole thing is stupid. If Glads and BoW had just politly turned down my offer insted of turning it into a big thing them I would still be in MYTH and we wouldn't be arguing about it. :P 


What do you suggest then Arthur?

20:17:10 Jun 21st 10 - Sir Roheran The Inactive:

as Shakespeare once wrote... Much ado about nothing..

20:35:01 Jun 21st 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

except we read your offer to glad and bow saying how when they got close you would change sides to them. 

21:01:50 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

Of course I said that. What sounds better to you. 1: "I'll switch sides and help you fight." 2. "I'll switch sides and do nothing to help you, just don't attack me."

22:43:36 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Ben:

Well this is how I see it...I got owned in the OOP attacks by lords and skulls...who both very graciously provided us with NAPs and even allowed us to continue to build in the area.  Being a pesimist, I chose to relocate furthur south..unfortunately BoW moved in near me shortly after but agreed to a cease fire.. So about the time I begin to rebuild a Lords member violated our NAP and took two of the remaining cities in the north killing the last real army there.  Although, they tried to rectify the problem I built other cities to make up for the loss. Although DKD was eventually able to get there to return one of the two cities back.  BoW decided to ignore our cease fire and take another city. though this was only a minor inconvenience as it was resolved quickly.  Then MYTH formed and its first move was to take the city just liberated from LORDS stating there no NAP policy.  So I began to stregthen my defenses and grow my resources, using magic to defend till forces arrived I had no hope of defending against so we accepted 'occupation by MYTH'  I defended our front and even captured other cities in addition to destroying some armies.. finally glads came and pushed back the invaders and ANAL was liberated. 

With that being said.. I hold no grudge against Glads as there was no guarentee they would not fact Sir Ophiucus actually stated he was by his prep army name.  MYTH stated origionally that we were on there way to BoW and could not leave us behind there lines..however was forcing us to join or die..they stopped all advancement leaving us to defend and when asked for help was told that I should stop farming and use my army..which I already had and although it was decent size, it was barely able to defend.  I swore no loyalty to MYTH nor did I act in any manner to undermine them.  BoW has capitalized on glads success..good for them to strike that effectively and if not for the cowardly actions of their member earlier I probably would even think them an honorable KD as well. Im not saying they are not, just that actions have left doubt.  Death to all must come, and I accept that.. My congrats to Glads..Although I had the armys i made crucial errors at a key moment of your invasion which allowed BoW to capitalize and essentially render them useless..

I hope I didnt come off as some whiny newb, as that was not my intention.  Although I am a newb, I dont mind a honorable defeat.  And if nothing else, through all the dishonor of the era, in the end my destroyers at least were honorable.  My Salute

22:53:39 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

Well spoken... err... typed. lol.

23:01:22 Jun 21st 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

Ben it is plain and swear loyalty when you join a are more than welcome to leave it at the end of the era but once you join you should stay loyal...or refuse to join and fight, maybe get killed but then you restart on another world like others have done. it is why you can't rejoin a kingdom you have already left too, but you both circumvented that be remaking ANAL.

The actual member who took your cities breaking the NAP isnt even a member of myth but of lords/vu police and there was no way we would let him join after that.

23:36:58 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Uncreative Silence:

DKD an Ben, when you guys joined, you and Myths armies (Wolfgore) easy access to our core from another direction. Thats when our core completely fell apart, and fortunately for us when Glads armies showed up.

What was frustrating, at least for me was when we later found out that you guys were going to leave Myth after we pushed them back. Even though you personally didn't attack us, you gave Myths armies easy access to our core, then said you were going leave Myth once they were weakened. I wasn't frustrated by the fact you joined. I was frustrated by you joining, then saying you were going to leave once they were weak, in other words cowardice.

I dont know if any agreement that was made, at least there was no post in our forums that made it clear we had an agreement with you. And by joining a kingdom we were at war with meant you declared war on us. Leaving that kingdom mid era, during the war does not mean you automatically get a peace with us.

well thats all i've got to say, feel free to say what you will and call me whatever you want.

Silence OUT

23:43:21 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Wow die kill die, very low. You could have just died and just join Bow or Glads but no you just do this. Tsk tsk tsk dude

23:45:32 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Ben:

I agree Palpatine, I joined ANAL for the era. Maybe I havent been around long enough to know the unspoken rules as it was not my intention to cheat or such.  I did inform MYTH prior to leaving and even waited 5 hours for any reponse.  And sorry if I didnt feel like a full member of the kingdom as I was not treated as such. But as you say if a member joins a kindom for the era, then that KD has the responsibility to that training and defense.. I learned more from Mr. path and Mr. The born loser last era as they chased our kingdom around the whole of starta ..lmao..

I can appreciate a KD not being able to defend all its members but when a call goes out for aide a proper reponse should be given of what aide is available or if none is and also contact those with troops and help them be deployed or used. Instead we get a posting stating' well, stop them. ben has a HoH city tell him to stop farming and use them.'

Had I known that by joining MYTH i was signing up for good I would have opted for death. As death would of been more entertaining and informative.  As individual members, MYTH is great and given different circumstances and if i had more experience maybe could of been a good KD for me.  Just a bad era I guess..<shrug>  I meant it when I wished you guys the best of luck.

23:54:08 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Ben:

Silence, My only problem with BoW was the cease fire that was violated b4 MYTH formed..As for MYTH armies having free access, It was once and it was the same time we were forced to join by the same armies.  Perhaps I could of warned you that I was opening my gates to an overwhelming army, but we didnt have a NAP only a cease fire. All previous armies entering my core were always dealt with although a few teleports were not as benificial as other.

00:04:21 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Ben:

Oh and for the record, I believed reforming ANAL was the honorable thing to do. As it left the option for NAPs and such but did not guarantee them. Joining BoW or Glads would of been dishonorable as I would of been joining the current powerhouse and would not even of considered doing such (just as you would of refused). However, any KD that has a join or die manifesto should not be surprised when uprisings and such occur when the opportunities arise.  Consider us france ..ok well maybe poland cause i think most of my armies had pitchforks..we were conquered not allied.

I did not feel I was doing anything wrong.  though  I am a newb and if the overall consenses is that I should of chose death then next time I will.

00:17:49 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Ben:

Lol..just noticed that i'm starting (well continuing to) babble and repeat myself...ooops :-P


01:05:55 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Arkan IV:


01:15:30 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

18:04:21 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Ben:

Oh and for the record, I believed reforming ANAL was the honorable thing to do. As it left the option for NAPs and such but did not guarantee them. Joining BoW or Glads would of been dishonorable as I would of been joining the current powerhouse and would not even of considered doing such (just as you would of refused). However, any KD that has a join or die manifesto should not be surprised when uprisings and such occur when the opportunities arise.  Consider us france ..ok well maybe poland cause i think most of my armies had pitchforks..we were conquered not allied.

I did not feel I was doing anything wrong.  though  I am a newb and if the overall consenses is that I should of chose death then next time I will.

I am refering to when we attacked you right after OOP. You could have joined BoW or Glads.

01:33:17 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Shit happens
Life Sucks
Unlucky stuff
Trust is easily lost

We're all SLUTs

01:44:37 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Ben:

sigh..if only we could be wh*r* least we would get paid :-D

01:47:47 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Ben:

Sorry Liu, I understood you..and yes that was an option..

I was just explaining the recent decision I opted for..

01:50:21 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

So who will win Mantrax?

01:52:52 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Ben:

Thanks arkan....Italy...that was just cruel.

02:33:17 Jun 22nd 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Gladiators 17 Mr. Gladiatorul 100
MYTH 31 Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill 52
Brotherhood of the Wolf 13 Duke Drakos 30
Predators 4 Sir Darkmarsbar 7
VU Police 4 King Burninglegion The Doombringer 4
Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate 2 Mr. Die Kill Die 4
Undercover 2 Mr. Serpico 1

02:34:54 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

They may have the land of Mantrax but they have not completely won the war. There are some that still draw breathe.

02:46:39 Jun 22nd 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

No we will not completely kill off Myth but we will still be the winners of Mantrax

03:32:43 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

I never said you didnt win.

04:10:31 Jun 22nd 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

Liu sorry that part wasnt for you it was for Venomz, I was answering both Q in one sentence cause im lazy : p

04:56:56 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana | Valhalla

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

For Gabrielle
owned by Mr. Heimdall

Erys Back
owned by Sir Erythnul The Gladiator

owned by Mr. Survivor

owned by Mr. Gladiatorul

owned by Mr. Jesus Chrysler

owned by Sir Roheran The Inactive

owned by Princess Aisha

owned by Sir Ophiucus

owned by Mr. Survivor

owned by Mr. Branca

Kills Armory
owned by Mr. Killurace

City Defence
owned by Mr. Elf

Center Bull
owned by Emperor Palpatine

owned by Mr. Roderian

owned by Mr. Ignis Calibus

owned by Mr. Acidic

Ereth Armory II
owned by Mr. Gladiatorul

owned by Sir Darkmarsbar

Elf Yum
owned by Mr. Roderian

owned by Sir Teirdel

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

With Mr. Gladiatorul as leader.

With Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill as leader.

Brotherhood of the Wolf
With Duke Drakos as leader.

With Sir Darkmarsbar as leader.

VU Police
With King Burninglegion The Doombringer as leader.

Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate
With Mr. Die Kill Die as leader.

With Mr. Serpico as leader.

With Mr. Donovan Daniels as leader.

Bear Machines
With Mr. Bear Banger as leader.

With Mr. Plokoon as leader.

Mr. Gladiatorul
Member of: Gladiators.

Mr. Survivor
Member of: Gladiators.

Princess Aisha
Member of: Gladiators.

Sir Ophiucus
Member of: Gladiators.

Mr. Heimdall
Member of: Gladiators.

Mr. Ignis Calibus
Member of: Gladiators.

Sir Erythnul The Gladiator
Member of: Gladiators.

Lady Cao The Bloodletter
Member of: Gladiators.

Sir Roheran The Inactive
Member of: Gladiators.

Mr. Jesus Chrysler
Member of: MYTH.

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Gladiatorul has won 138 battles, captured 104 cities and killed a total of 2166015 men and women.
  2. Sir Ophiucus has won 79 battles, captured 76 cities and killed a total of 839749 men and women.
  3. Mr. Ignis Calibus has won 57 battles, captured 61 cities and killed a total of 359764 men and women.
  4. Duke Drakos has won 21 battles, captured 58 cities and killed a total of 65651 men and women.
  5. Mr. Wolfgore Skullsplitter has won 54 battles, captured 57 cities and killed a total of 202226 men and women.
  6. Khaos Lord Irule has won 34 battles, captured 50 cities and killed a total of 270959 men and women.
  7. Mr. Millman XVII has won 31 battles, captured 49 cities and killed a total of 145396 men and women.
  8. Princess Aisha has won 56 battles, captured 44 cities and killed a total of 1086367 men and women.
  9. Mr. Survivor has won 35 battles, captured 41 cities and killed a total of 877388 men and women.
  10. Sir Hartonius of Olympus has won 46 battles, captured 34 cities and killed a total of 918265 men and women.

I love this highscore, lol.  top 9 powerful rulers are Glad.  All but 1 or 2 armies are Glad.  Top three fearsome are Glad.  They did well this era.  And well put Silence.

07:13:35 Jun 22nd 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

yes Glad have done really well-we are trying to hold out as best we can. i hope to at least be considered slightly annoying to them.

08:32:20 Jun 22nd 10 - Sir Roheran The Inactive:

Palp, annoying isn't the word  ;)

On a serious note, its been fun. thank you

09:30:27 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

Just because you join a Kingdom doesn't mean you make a comitment to them, especially when that kingdom has a join or die policy. :P Sure, I tryed to make deals with people to secure my safty. You say dying doesn't matter, but when you've got a good setup and like, 20 sci lvls, then dying and having to start again is a pain. That's why I always do what I can before accepting death. Even if it burns a few bridges. :P Which I am sorry for. But the truth is me (and Ben) never attacked anyone who didn't attack us. Even after we remade ANALwe didn't attack MYTH, when we were in MYTH we didn't attack Glads and only attacked BoW when they attacked us. I'm a diplomat, I prefer peace than war. If it were up to me we would all get along, have NAPs and farm and build cities all era. lol. Now, I know that a lot of you don't like me and I can understand that. But I did what I thourght was best to survive. Also, there seems to me a mix up about me leaving MYTH to reform ANAL. I didn't, I was kicked from MYTH then Drakos tattle tailed on me for trying to make a deal with BoW. If he had of just send back a message saying "No, we don't want to make a deal." then I would have stayed in MYTH. After I was kicked it was past the last 10 days of the era so I couldn't join another kingdom. So I got Ben to leave and help me remake ANAL as it was the only option left to do, other than die kingdomless. :P I didn't want to betray anyone, I just didn't want to die, and I saw that MYTH was going to be killed so I desided to try my luck making a deal with Glads and BoW. I offered to help then fight MYTH, because like I said before, what's better option 1 or option 2. :P Although I had no intentions of actually fighting, like I said, I'm a diplomat. I only fight then I have to. :P However, as you all know, my plans failed and I was kicked, and thus did the only thing I could. Although I still havn't attacked MYTH at all. So, I'm sorry MYTH for what happened, although I wasn't loyal to MYTH, I didn't want to see them destroyed either. :-/ Lastly, I just want to say that MYTH could have won if they had of went after Glads right away and not attacked ANAL, LORDS, Preds, espcially BoW, and all the other Kingdoms I can't remember. I said that from the start. They should of had a MYTH vs Glad war and left the rest of us alone. But oh well, things are the way they are. Congratz Glads, and to a lesser extent BoW. And good first era MYTH. Maybe you'll do better without a No NAPs policy and a Join or Die policy. lol. And congratz Preds for doing pretty much shit all (not that we can tak. :P) And good luck next era VU Police. And um... where the hell is Undercover anyway? lol.

10:02:55 Jun 22nd 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

Bloody hell, I really couldnt be bothered to read all that crap, get over it, you lose just die already. At least Ben is sensible and not a massive whinger. I did read up till this though

Also, there seems to me a mix up about me leaving MYTH to reform ANAL. I didn't, I was kicked from MYTH then Drakos tattle tailed on me for trying to make a deal with BoW.

You are just a liar, you said you left and now you are just trying to make excuses and lies to try and redeem any honour or respect you have left. And if they did kick you good on em, you are a coward and will die as one

This is what you sent to me

Mr. Die Kill Die (6/21/2010 1:29:54 AM) GOOD BAD
Pleeeease don't attack us??? We ditched MYTH to help you guys. :(
You (6/21/2010 7:57:03 AM)
I have orders to kill the traitors
You (6/21/2010 11:27:31 AM)
and well done with freezing me now you have wasted your mus and Darkentel and Exodus will now kill you
Mr. Die Kill Die (6/21/2010 7:54:50 PM) GOOD BAD
We are not trators. We joined MYTH so we wouldn't get killed. And we Un-joined MYTH because I had hoped that we could you you in beating them. We were trying to *beep*ing HELP YOU!
You (6/21/2010 10:17:43 PM)
Well they are the wrds of our leader, if you wanted to join our fight how about messaging Gladiatorul and telling him your intentions.

Instead you are either outcasts or as a last resort, as you have done leave Myth and hope that you are not killed. You act like refugees and some times they aren’t accepted, like you are, in other words you were trying to get out of dying so now you die as traitors
Mr. Die Kill Die (6/22/2010 12:29:49 AM) GOOD BAD
I had been talking to Heimdall before I left MYTH and told him of our intentions to help you. Yet you attack us regardless. We only joined MYTH because we would have been killed if we didn't. Ever since we joined them we had been waiting for Glads and BoW to fight back to allow us to un-join them. And now that has happened but still you attack us. We held back attacking BoW when they were weak and we could have killed them. I thought that if BoW and Glads beat MYTH then I could ditch MYTH and help you. That's why I didn't help MYTH attack BoW. But now the same people I supported are attacking us. Why? Because Heimdall, Drakos and Fionn are friends, and after I left MYTH Fionn marked me as a traitor and (most likley) told Glads and BoW to kill me. Which is stupid of Glads and BoW for actually doing it when I could have helped them fight MYTH. He's just doing it so we fight each other and MYTH has less armies to deal with. Which is actually pretty smart of him, getting his enemies to fight eachother.
You (6/22/2010 7:54:03 AM)
Well Heim is currently not our leader so you should have talked to Gladiatorul as i got my orders from him not Heim
Mr. Die Kill Die (6/22/2010 8:05:29 AM) GOOD BAD
I know, but Glads info says that Heim is in charge of diplomacy so I contacted him. :P It don't really matter a hell of a lot anymore anyway. :P


I would have had more respect if you tried to fight back, Ben did try and now he dies with honour while you die as a traitor, a whiner, a liar and most of all a coward a little girl. So f...k you

10:23:52 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

Yep, peachy.

I guess you missed the part where I said I would always to what I can before accepting death, even if it burns a few bridges. There's no way I could have beat your army, the only option left was to try and get you to leave us alone, it didn't work, but I had to try. :P Also, yes, I lyed to you. I'm a lier, I'm a diplomat, that's what we do. :P But I'm not a traitor, I never whined about anything and I'm not a coward, I just did what I had to do to survive. Usually I have more troops and more member in my Kingdom, this era it was just the two of us and thus was a hard era. We had no chance against the bigger Kingdoms. Also, if you want me dead so bad come and kill me. :P If I still have troops left by the time you get up ther then I'll show you how much I can fight back. >:-|

10:29:53 Jun 22nd 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

you run out of mages soon to keep us frozen and then youll die

11:02:30 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill:


Can we put an End to the whining Please Its absolute carp.

Ill explain what actually happened.

Start of Era- Skulls Naped BOW and Glads this was my option I have 100% respect to both leaders of those kingdoms so thats the reason for the nap.

We had no NAP with Legions or Anal or SS.
About 2 weeks into the Era I got talking with Teirdel and Theo about creating a Kingdom for Next Era It wasnt to Rule Mantrax it was aimed at gelling towards Next Era,
NAPS that had currently been Held by Skulls/lords/SS had to be put to rest as there would be no point in NAPING every kingdom.

Towards ANAL,
Anal were given a join or die Policy as there where within the Borders of all 3 kingdoms-Skulls -lords-SS so this was the only real possible option to offer,
Anal joined when they seen us advancing on BOW (DKD) you have to admit it was basically to save your Bacon.
I kicked DKD from Myth as I got tipped he was plotting against the kingdom by a good friend in Bow.
Anal did nothing to help till it was too late anyways Ben was the only one contributing.
Towards Cowardice I thanks Bow and Glads for being Honest and upfront when I messaged them we had members leaking Information on our kingdom.

Message From Duke Drakos


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Duke Drakos (6/17/2010 5:28:25 PM) GOOD BAD
I respect you, so i am warning you, you have a couple of members that are trying to betray you/MYTH to save their butts.
Mr. Die Kill Die (6/16/2010 2:48:29 PM)
So you're making your push now huh? Tell you what, if you guys and Glads can make it to my cities up North, then I'll ditch MYTH and help you out. But if you want mine and Bens help, you have to not attack us. We won't attack you ether. Anyway, concider it, I have a few cities up there and armies too, it would be pritty useful for you for me to switch sides and attack MYTH when they have their armies out defending...
<<<< That was a msg I recv'd, I did not respond as I do not play that way.
You (6/17/2010 8:18:53 PM)
Thanks Mate

God Knows what else was passed along we also had Cleo in our kingdom in which BL was using her account to get Info.

11:04:04 Jun 22nd 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

never in this game have i ever heard someone write some epic posts about their own cowardice.

DKD it is a war fight not farm all era....if you stayed ANAL and fought us you would have been killed early off and restarted on a more suitable world that was just opening up. you join us with the intention of leaving us later when our enemies are close and will help our enemies....i mean WTF??? this is the very definition of treachery.

i am pretty certain fionn had no such deal with glads or bow to have them war you, i am quite sure people this era and forever more will see that tag or ingame name and remember such treachery and hunt you out of their own accord. if the sides were reversed i would certainly hunt you out even more than my enemy for such bad gamesmanship.

11:09:11 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill:

To All,

I want to give a big Thank you to Bow and Glads for this Era being so much Fun altho you have nearly taken all my cities I have Chuck Norris in Reserve to kick butt,:)

You have made this Era very entertaining and It has been a pleasure to war against 2 such good kingdoms. I hold my hat off to you guys.

May I ask both your plans for Next Era so as to avoid you lol joking.

As I have said Its been a pleasure.

Former leader of Skulls and good Friend to Glads and Bow,

11:12:25 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill:

Palpy I made No Deals with Them but did ask BOW to kick there butts for the Treachery.


Message From Duke Drakos

Prolific Wolves

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You (6/17/2010 8:30:05 PM)
altough we will continue warring each other this Era I would appreciate if you could kill of the traitor aswell.
Duke Drakos (6/18/2010 1:26:13 AM) GOOD BAD
Of course, I told you guys about it, of course I am going to attack him. BoW plays with Honor, always have, and always will.
Anyone who has been around for any length of time will tell you that......

11:20:26 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Just to make a correction of Ophi's words:

Heimy is one of our leaders, currently in charge with our diplomacy. And you Die, talked to the right person, indeed.

What Ophi didn't know is that we had a discussion on our Council Forums and then we passed the decision to all Glads.

11:23:00 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Skull - thanks; that was a good move indeed to merge all KDs in one larger and stronger; good luck in the future;

12:13:38 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

Palptine, I never expected MYTH to lose. :P And as I said, I told BoW and Glads I'd help them fight MYTH, but I never intended on doing so. Everyone may think I'm a coward, but if I had more troops and member in my Kingdom then I would fight. But unfortunatly I didn't and thus had to resort to other methods to survive. Believe me, I'm not happy about it, it was just nesasery. And I probly wouldn't be alive now if I didn't.

And yeah, I was plotting, but I was plotting to save myself, not to bring MYTH down. If I really wanted to do that I coulda just kicked all the members. :P And I never did any spying on MYTH for anyone. I would been happy if MYTH had won. Then I wouldn't have had to try and make a deal with Glads and BoW. :P In the end, I was just trying to cover all my bases, and it backfired. I admit that. And I'm sorry. Don't let this era be the one to remember me by, it was a hard era for me and I had to do things I wouldn't normaly do.

12:48:12 Jun 22nd 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

not angry over a game....good luck playing your style of game in the just isn't a style i support and some others feel the same way..but i guess the game would be less colourful without such antics.

13:05:30 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

DKD, these were my exact words: "However, we do not approve of measures such as the one you propose. You picked sides at one point in this conflict and now you will have to stand by it." 

I can't really see how they could be misinterpreted as "if you leave Myth we won't attack you". However, I understand your situation, and respect your honesty as well as your willingness to admit your mistake. 

13:25:20 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

It isn't my usual 'style'. :P As I said, usually I have more support and would stand more of a chance fighting, this era I didn't have that support and had to adopt a more underhanded stratagy if I were to survive.

Heimdall, you never said you 'would' attack me either. Saying you don't approve of something isn't the same as a clear and concise 'no'. But I guess you did, and I got that you didn't support it. :P It was really only BoW who didn't get back to me at all and insted told MYTH and got me kicked, if they had just done the same as you then I wouldn't be in this mess. :P But thank you for understanding my position.

17:39:35 Jun 22nd 10 - Lady Cao The Bloodletter:

hey all,

MYTH are cool.  ANAL are just inexperienced.  BOW have become legendary.


Lady CAO

18:08:38 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Venomz:


19:13:17 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"To All,

I want to give a big Thank you to Bow and Glads for this Era being so much Fun altho you have nearly taken all my cities I have Chuck Norris in Reserve to kick butt,:)

You have made this Era very entertaining and It has been a pleasure to war against 2 such good kingdoms. I hold my hat off to you guys.

May I ask both your plans for Next Era so as to avoid you lol joking.

As I have said Its been a pleasure.

Former leader of Skulls and good Friend to Glads and Bow,"

I agree, this era has been an interesting one.  I knew from the start of the war that it would be fairly even, and it turned out to be so.  We did a lot of fighting in our own core, and we could not have survived if it wasn't for Glad.  But for a kingdom your size and so new, I believe MYTH played really well.  I enjoy playing with good kingdoms, either against me or with me.  That's why I enjoyed this era so much where I had an amazing kingdom with me and an amazing kingdom against me.  Congrats to both your kingdoms, may you do well in the future!  And Glad you guys better be on Fant next era!

00:10:36 Jun 23rd 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Yeah this was probably my challenging era ever. Good job Glads and BoW. Good fighting to all who fought on the battlefield. ^_^

01:48:44 Jun 23rd 10 - Mr. Ben:

Ahhhhh..That was refreshing...Nothing like a good A** whooping to get the gold flowing again ;-p

02:08:35 Jun 23rd 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

Roheran, you stole my food! subject my cities to your tyrannical rule is one thing....but to steal the food from peasants..that is low man....oh and killing my second army because i screwed up on tic....well that IS i am going to call glads thieving,murdering,annoying little people!(except for the trolls who i bow before lest they eat even me)

so there!

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